type integer_vector is array (natural range <>) of integer
signal sUnconsrainedIntA : integer_vector(0 to 1) := (others => 0);
-- does not work:
-- signal sConstrainedTestIntA : integer_vector(0 to 1) range 0 to 3 := (others => 0);
-- ** Error: filetest.vhd(65): Range constraints cannot be applied to array types.
-- ** Error: filetest.vhd(65): Range expression is type Integer; expecting type std.STANDARD.INTEGER_VECTOR
-- What you can do is:
type my_int_array is array (natural range <>) of integer range 0 to 3;
signal sConstrainedIntA : my_int_array(0 to 1) := (others => 0);
答案 0 :(得分:2)
VHDL 2008支持包通用参数。你可以尝试类似的东西:
package foo_pkg is
generic(l, h: integer);
subtype my_integer is integer range l to h;
type my_integer_vector is array(natural range <>) of my_integer;
end package foo_pkg;
package foo_pkg_m17_p39 is new work.foo_pkg
generic map(l => -17, h => 39);
package foo_pkg_p57_p134 is new work.foo_pkg
generic map(l => 57, h => 134);
entity foo is
port(iv1: work.foo_pkg_m17_p39.my_integer_vector(0 to 7);
iv2: work.foo_pkg_p57_p134.my_integer_vector(0 to 7)
end entity foo;