(define/contract (foo func)
(-> (-> any/c ... any/c) #t)
这是尝试(并且失败)表达想法" foo采用处理器功能。我不关心处理器需要什么参数(这是调用者的工作),但处理器必须返回一个单一的结果。"
(foo identity)
; foo: contract violation
; expected: a procedure that accepts 0 non-keyword arguments and arbitrarily
; many more
; given: #<procedure:identity>
; identity accepts: 1 argument
; in: the 1st argument of
; (-> (-> any/c ... any/c) #t)
; contract from: (function foo)
; blaming: top-level
; (assuming the contract is correct)
; at: readline-input:8.18
; [,bt for context]
(define/contract (foo func)
(-> (-> any any/c) #t)
; readline-input:10:33: any: use of 'any' outside the range of an arrow
; contract
; in: any
; [,bt for context]