是否可以在Fortran IF语句中使用向量参数而不是标量参数

时间:2017-06-13 04:49:19

标签: fortran fortran90




program main

!               Define variables

real, dimension(10,3)         :: r                              ! 10 atoms     each with x,y,z coordinates
real, dimension(3)            :: rij                            ! x,y,z vector of difference between two atoms
real                          :: Box_Length                     ! length of simulation box
real                          :: time, timer_start, timer_end   
integer                       :: timer

!                   Begin Program body
Box_Length = 1.0    ! based on a box of length = 1 since coords are randomly generated between 0 and 1

! Generate random atom coordinates

r = 0.0

!         Begin algorithm

call cpu_time(timer_start)

do timer = 1,30000

do i = 1,size(r)

    do j = 1, size(r)

        if(i == j) cycle

        rij(:) = abs(r(i,:) - r(j,:))

        ! Apply mirror image convention
        if(rij(1) > Box_Length - rij(1) ) rij(1) = rij(1) - Box_Length 
        if(rij(2) > Box_Length - rij(2) ) rij(2) = rij(2) - Box_Length 
        if(rij(3) > Box_Length - rij(3) ) rij(3) = rij(3) - Box_Length

        !   Question: Can I make it into a single if statement i.e.                    *
        !                                                                              *
        ! if(rij(:) > Box_Length(:) - rij(:) ) rij(:) = rij(:) - Box_Length(:)         *
        !                                                                              *
        ! Where Box_Length is now a vector and only the coordinate that triggers      *
        ! the if statement is modified. Meaning that if { rij(2) >  Box_Length - rij(2) } *
        ! only rij(2) is modified, not all three.                                      *
        ! I have tried making Box_Length a vector, but that failed.                    *

        ! insert rest of algorithm

    enddo ! j-loop

enddo  ! i loop

enddo   ! timer loop

call cpu_time(timer_end)

time = timer_end - timer_start

print*, 'Time taken was: ', time

end program main


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

"if(rij(:) > Box_Length(:) - rij(:) ) rij(:) = rij(:) - Box_Length(:)"


where (rij > Box_Length - rij) rij = rij - Box_Length

并不是说它不会比显式DO循环更快,它只是一种更短的写入方式。它甚至可以使它变慢,因为可能会使用临时数组,或者编译器可能很难对其进行矢量化 - 在SIMD矢量化意义上。

我建议不要使用“矢量化”这个词来谈论Fortran中的速记数组符号。在Fortran中,矢量化通常意味着使用SIMD CPU指令。编译器调用该向量化。你的矢量化概念来自Python但没有在Fortran中使用,并且误导了其他读者。

