只是为了检查它是否正在读取正确的$ this值并且它是。
if ($result = $stmt->execute())
echo "Success";
echo $this->domainname;
echo $this->date;
完整代码 -
class domain
protected $domainname;
protected $whois;
protected $dnsa;
protected $dnsmx;
protected $dnstxt;
protected $dnsns;
protected $blacklist;
protected $ping;
protected $tracert;
protected $nmap;
protected $ip;
protected $date;
private $servername = "localhost";
private $username = "";
private $password = "";
private $dbname = "domainhistory";
function __construct($domain)
echo $domain."Passed";
$this->date = $date1 = date("Y/m/d");
$this->domainname = $domain;
$this->ip = gethostbyname("$domain");
$this->whois = shell_exec("whois $domain | tr -d '\'\' ");
$this->ssl = shell_exec("curl --insecure -v https://$domain 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN { cert=0 } /^\* SSL connection/ { cert=1 } /^\*/ { if (cert) print }' | grep -v subject");
$this->dnsa = shell_exec("dig $domain A | grep A | grep -v ns | grep $domain | grep -v ';' ");
$this->dnsmx = shell_exec("dig $domain MX | grep MX | grep -v ns| grep $domain | grep -v ';' ");
$this->dnstxt = shell_exec("dig $domain TXT | grep TXT | grep -v ns | grep $domain | grep -v ';' ");
$this->dnsns = shell_exec("dig $domain NS | grep NS | grep -v A | grep $domain | grep -v ';' ");
$this->blacklist = shell_exec("curl -I -X GET api.moocher.io/badip/$ip | grep HTTP");
$this->ping = shell_exec("ping -c 3 $domain");
$this->tracert = shell_exec("traceroute -m 10 $domain");
$this->nmap = shell_exec("nmap -n $domain");
####This called when you request a value
function __get($name)
##Checks if the value is empty or not before returning.
return $this->$name;
### Function to store the object inside of the MYSQL Database
function storeData()
$servername = $this->servername;
$username = $this->username;
$password = $this->password;
$dbname = $this->dbname;
#Opens the MYSQL Connection
$conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
if (!$conn)
die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());
#Prepares the mySQL statement, (stops SQL injection)
$stmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO `history` (`domain`, `date`, `whois`, `dnsa`, `dnsmx`, `dnstxt`, `dnsns`, `blacklist`, `ping`, `tracert`, `nmap`, `sslinfo`)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
$stmt->bind_param('ssssssssssss', $this->domainame, $this->date, $this->whois, $this->dnsa, $this->dnsmx, $this->dnstxt, $this->dnsns, $this->blacklist, $this->ping, $this->tracert, $this->nmap, $this->sslinfo);
#Executes the prepared statement
if ($result = $stmt->execute())
echo "Success";
echo $this->domainname;
echo $this->date;
#closes the mysql connection
mod_fcgid:stderr:PHP警告:mysqli_stmt :: bind_param()错误的参数计数i -
然而,它没有错误的参数计数 - 我在MySQL中有一个列,它是一个唯一的ID,所以可能与此有关。