TITLE Two Integer Calculator (example.asm)
; This program accepts two positive integers and calculates a sum, product, and power from the integers
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc ; Using procedure calls ReadInt, WriteInt, and WriteString
ReadInt proto
WriteInt proto
WriteString proto
prompt BYTE "Enter a positive integer: ",0 ; Text to prompt user for a positive integer
sum BYTE "The sum is: ",0 ; Text preceeding the sum result
product BYTE 0dh, 0ah, "The product is: ",0 ; Text preceeding the product result
power BYTE 0dh, 0ah, "The power result is: ",0 ; Text preceeding the power value result
spacer BYTE 0dh,0ah, " ",0dh,0ah,0 ; Takes the place of procedure call Crlf to place space between program and wait message
integer DWORD ? ; The user-entered integer
main PROC
; Asks for and receives the first integer from the user, moves it to EBX
call GetInteger
mov ebx,eax
; Receives the second integer from the user and moves it into the 'integer' variable
call GetInteger
mov integer,eax
; Adds the values in the EAX and EBX registers together, then displays the sum
call AddNumbers
mov edx,OFFSET sum
call WriteString
call WriteInt
; Reloads the original user-entered integer to the EAX register, multiplies the EAX and EBX reigsters, then displays the product
mov eax,integer
call MultiplyNumbers
mov edx,OFFSET product
call WriteString
call WriteInt
; Reloads the original user-entered integer to the EAX register, then calculates the value stored in EAX to the power of the value in the EBX register
mov eax,integer
call CalculatePower
mov edx,OFFSET power
call WriteString
call WriteInt
; Inserts a line of separation between program and the wait message
mov edx,OFFSET spacer
call WriteString
main ENDP
GetInteger PROC
; Prompts the user to enter an integer, assuming that the
; user will enter valid, positive integers. Stores the
; user-entered integer in EAX
; Receives:
; Returns: EAX
mov edx, OFFSET prompt ; Prompts the user to enter an (assumed positive) integer
call WriteString ; Displays the string prompt to enter a positive integer
call ReadInt ; Stores the user-input integer in EAX
GetInteger ENDP ; End of UDP GetInteger
AddNumbers PROC
; Accepts two integers in EAX and EBX then adds the two
; integers together, storing the sum in EAX.
; Receives: EAX, EBX
; Returns: EAX
add eax,ebx ; adds the two integers together, sum is stored in EAX
AddNumbers ENDP
MultiplyNumbers PROC USES ecx
; Accepts two integers in EAX and EBX. Uses the AddNumbers
; procedure to multiply the two numbers, then stores the
; product in EAX.
; Receives: EAX, EBX
; Returns: EAX
mov ecx,eax
dec ecx
mov eax,ebx
call AddNumbers
loop multiply
MultiplyNumbers ENDP
CalculatePower PROC
; Accepts two integers in EAX and EBX, then uses the
; MultiplyNumbers procedure to calculate the integer in EAX
; to the power of the integer in EBX. The result is stored
; in the EAX register.
; Receives: EAX, EBX, ECX
; Returns: EAX
mov ecx,eax
dec ecx
mov eax,ebx
call MultiplyNumbers
loop exponent
CalculatePower ENDP
END main