
时间:2017-05-25 01:10:53

标签: c doubly-linked-list cs50

我正在根据CS50 Mooc的指令实现数据结构。我在运行程序时遇到了这个问题。

doubly-linked_list.c:71:22:运行时错误:成员访问类型为' dllnode'的空指针。 (又名' struct dllist') 分段错误


/* Doubly Linked List implementation */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

typedef struct dllist
    int number;
    struct dllist* prev;
    struct dllist* next;

The operations needed to work with linked lists
    1. Create a linked list when it doesn't already exist.
    2. Search though a list to find an element.
    3. Insert a new node into the list.
    4. Delete a single element from a linked list.
    5. Delete an entire linked list.

// initialize functions
dllnode *create(int value);
bool find(dllnode *head, int value);
dllnode *insert(dllnode *head, int value);
void delete(dllnode *target);
void destroy(dllnode* head);

dllnode *head_node1; // global variable - pointer to head node.

int main(void)
    // create the head which is just a pointer to a linked list that does not yet exsist
    head_node1 = NULL;

    // use linear search function
    bool isFound = find(head_node1, 5);
    printf("%s", isFound ? "true" : "false");

// defining function for creating a doubly-linked list
dllnode *create(int value)
    // dynamically allocate space for a new dllnode
    dllnode *newNode = malloc(sizeof(dllnode));
    // check to make sure we didn't run out of memory
    if (newNode == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n");
        return NULL;
    // initialize the node's value field
    newNode->number = value;
    // initialize the node's prev field
    newNode->prev = NULL;
    // initialize the node's next field
    newNode->next = NULL;
    // return a pointer to the newly created dllnode
    return newNode;

// defining a function to search though a linked list to find an element
bool find(dllnode *head, int value)
    // create a traversal pointer pointing to the list's head
    dllnode *trav_ptr = head;

    // execute until you reach the end of the list where trav_ptr == NULL
    while (trav_ptr->next != NULL)
        if (trav_ptr->number == value)
            return true;    
        // if not, set the tranversal pointer to the next pointer in the list and go back to prev step
            trav_ptr = trav_ptr->next;
    // if you've reached the end of list, report failure 
    return false;

// defining a function to insert a node into the linked list
dllnode *insert(dllnode *head, int value)
    // dynamically allocate space for a new dllnode
    dllnode *newNode = malloc(sizeof(dllnode));
    // check to make sure we didn't run out of memory
    if (newNode == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n");
        return NULL;
    // populate and insert the node at the beginning of the linked list
    newNode = create(value);
    newNode->next = head;
    // fix the prev pointer of the old head of the linked list
    head->prev = newNode;
    // return a pointer to the new head of the linked list
    head = newNode;
    return head;

// deleting a node from a linked list
void delete(dllnode *target)
    // three scenarios, deleting head, middle, or last element

    // if first element
    if (target->prev == NULL)
        // fix the prev pointer of the next element
        target->next->prev = NULL;
        // set head to point to new first element
        head_node1 = target->next;
        // free target
    // if last element
    else if (target->next == NULL)
        // fix the next pointer of the previous element
        target->prev->next = NULL;
        // free target
    // if middle element
        // fix the pointers of the surrounding nodes to "skip over" target
        target->prev->next = target->next;
        target->next->prev = target->prev;
        // free target

// delete an entire linked list
void destroy(dllnode* head)
    // if you have reached a null pointer, stop
    while (head != NULL)
        // delete the rest of the list
    // free the current node

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bool find(dllnode *head, int value)
    dllnode *trav_ptr = head;
    if (trav_ptr == NULL)
        return false;