
时间:2017-05-23 21:22:53

标签: loops math swift3

我编写了以下程序,用于计算函数counter返回的最大值(collatzSequence(value: Int))。但是,每当我通过函数countLongestCollatzSequence()运行它时,Xcode总是会崩溃。我该怎么做才能使这段代码更好(或运行)?


func collatzSequence(value: Int) -> Int {
    var currentNumber: Int = value
    var counter: Int = 0
    while (currentNumber != 1) {
        if currentNumber % 2 == 0 {
            currentNumber = currentNumber / 2
            counter = counter + 1
        else {
            currentNumber = (( currentNumber * 3 ) + 1 ) / 2
            counter = counter + 2
    return counter

func countLongestCollatzSequence() {
    var currentValue: Int = 0
    var largestValue: Int = 0
    for x in (50000...1000000).reversed() {
        currentValue = collatzSequence(value: x)
        if largestValue < currentValue {
            largestValue = currentValue



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


如果您将此代码放在一个独立的应用程序中,它运行得相当快。如果你将它作为发布版本运行(即打开优化),它运行得更快(我的MacBook Pro上0.3秒)。


Re Alexander的记忆方法,将在WWDC 2014视频Advanced Swift中讨论。

答案 1 :(得分:1)



首先,能够懒惰地生成序列非常重要,而不是总是被困在必须计算整个序列。考虑n = 8的情况。它产生序列[8, 4, 2, 1],其长度为4.假设我想立即计算n = 5的序列。我会得到[5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1],其长度为6.请注意,最后8个元素是相同的。事实证明,如果我一块一块地生成这个元素,我可以得到[5, 16,,到达8,然后我知道我可以停止扩展序列。相反,我只能返回到目前为止我所拥有的元素数量(2),以及n = 84)的序列大小。这允许我短路 浩瀚 大部分计算。


struct CollatzSequence: Sequence {
    let n: Int

    init(_ n: Int) { self.n = n }

    public func makeIterator() -> CollatzIterator {
        return CollatzIterator(n)

struct CollatzIterator: IteratorProtocol {
    var n: Int
    var done = false

    init(_ n: Int) { self.n = n }

    mutating func next() -> Int? {
        guard n > 1 else {
            guard !done else { return nil }
            done = true;
            return 1

        defer {
            n = (n % 2 == 0)
                ? n/2 // even case
                : 3*n + 1 // odd case

        return n

接下来,我制作了一个计算器来计算任何给定CollatzSequence的长度。重要的是,它在我称为memoizedCounts的字典中保留了输入及其大小的历史记录。此字典使用基本情况初始化,n = 1生成序列[1],其长度为1。

struct CollatzSequenceLengthCalculator {
    var memoizedCounts = [1: 1]

    var previousElements = [Int]() // shared instance to save cost of reallocation

    mutating func lengthOfSequence(startingAt n: Int) -> Int {
//      print("====== n: \(n)")
        if let existingCount = memoizedCounts[n] {
//          print("Cache hit: counts[\(n)] is \(existingCount)")
            return existingCount

        previousElements.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)

        for i in CollatzSequence(n) {
            guard let existingCount = memoizedCounts[i] else {
//              print("No existing count for \(i)")

//          print("Cache hit: counts[\(i)] is \(existingCount).")
//          print("Going back to fill in previous these cache misses: \(previousElements)")

            for (offset, element) in previousElements.reversed().enumerated() {
                let newCount = offset + existingCount + 1
//              print("\tSetting counts[\(element)] to \(newCount)")
                memoizedCounts[element] = newCount

            return existingCount + previousElements.count

        fatalError("This should never happen")


extension CollatzSequenceLengthCalculator {
    mutating func debug_lengthOfSequence(startingAt n: Int)
        -> (result: Int, numIterations: Int) {
//      print("====== n: \(n)")
        if let existingCount = memoizedCounts[n] { // redunant here to speed up common base case
//          print("Cache hit: counts[\(n)] is \(existingCount)")
            return (result: existingCount, numIterations: 0)

        previousElements.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)

        for i in CollatzSequence(n) {
            guard let existingCount = memoizedCounts[i] else {
//              print("No existing count for \(i)")

//          print("Cache hit: counts[\(i)] is \(existingCount).")
//          print("Going back to fill in previous these cache misses: \(previousElements)")

            for (offset, element) in previousElements.reversed().enumerated() {
                let newCount = offset + existingCount + 1
//              print("\tSetting counts[\(element)] to \(newCount)")
                memoizedCounts[element] = newCount

            return (result: existingCount + previousElements.count, numIterations: previousElements.count)

        fatalError("This should never happen")

let input = 1...10000
var debugCalc = CollatzSequenceLengthCalculator()
let debug: [(input: Int, result: Int, numIterations: Int)] = input.map {
    let (result, numIterations) = debugCalc.debug_lengthOfSequence(startingAt: $0)
    return (input: $0, result: result, numIterations: numIterations)

//debug.forEach{ print($0) }

print("Total unoptimized iterations: \( debug.map{ $0.result }.reduce(0, +))")
print("Total optimized iterations: \( debug.map{ $0.numIterations }.reduce(0, +))")

我发现在n中计算1...100_000_000的所有序列时,朴素算法必须计算18_023_493_583个序列元素,而我的优化算法只需要217_289_746。那是 98.8%的减少!