
时间:2010-12-09 15:30:53

标签: c# performance struct non-nullable value-type



public struct NeverNull<T>
    where T: class, new()

    private NeverNull(T reference)
        _reference = reference;

    private T _reference;

    public T Reference
            if(_reference == null)
                _reference = new T();
            return _reference;
            _reference = value;

    public static implicit operator NeverNull<T>(T reference)
        return new NeverNull<T>(reference);

    public static implicit operator T(NeverNull<T> value)
        return value.Reference;

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)


NeverNull<Foo> wrapper1 = new NeverNull<Foo>();
NeverNull<Foo> wrapper2 = wrapper1;

Foo foo1 = wrapper1;
Foo foo2 = wrapper2;

这将创建 Foo的两个实例,因为在wrapper1创建实例之前复制了原始版本。

基本上,你正在处理一个可变结构 - 这几乎永远是一件好事。另外,我一般不热衷于隐式转换。

感觉就像你在这里试图获得看起来很神奇的代码......而且我一般都反对这种事情。 也许它对您的特定用例有意义,但我想不出我个人想要使用它的位置。

答案 1 :(得分:7)

正如Jon正确指出的那样,问题在于该类型的行为是意外,而不是。从性能角度来看,围绕引用的struct wrapper的开销应该非常低。


public struct NeverNull<T> where T: class 
    private NeverNull(T reference) : this()
        if (reference == null) throw new Exception(); // Choose the right exception
        this.Reference = reference; 

    public T Reference { get; private set; }

    public static implicit operator NeverNull<T>(T reference) 
        return new NeverNull<T>(reference); 

    public static implicit operator T(NeverNull<T> value) 
        return value.Reference; 



答案 2 :(得分:2)


MyStruct st;
foo.Bar(st); // st is copied

答案 3 :(得分:2)


MyStruct st; foo.Bar(ST); // st被复制


void Bar(MyStruct parameter){}



因此结构性能会受到影响,因为整个结构都会被复制,除非你使用ref / out关键字,如果你正在广泛地这样做,我认为你的代码需要查看。



答案 4 :(得分:2)



不同之处在于我的值类型不直接引用它所引用的对象;相反,它包含一个键和对代理的引用,这些代理使用键(TryGetValueFunc)执行查找或使用键执行创建。 (注意:我的原始实现让包装器持有对IDictionary对象的引用,但我将其更改为TryGetValueFunc委托只是为了使它更灵活一点,虽然这可能更令人困惑,而且我不是100%肯定这样做并没有打开某种瑕疵)。



public delegate bool TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue>(TKey key, out TValue value);

public struct KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>
    private bool _KeyHasBeenSet;
    private TKey _Key;
    private TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> _TryGetValue;
    private Func<TKey, TValue> _CreateValue;

    #region Constructors

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TKey key)
        _Key = key;
        _KeyHasBeenSet = true;
        _TryGetValue = null;
        _CreateValue = null;

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TKey key, TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> tryGetValue)
        _Key = key;
        _KeyHasBeenSet = true;
        _TryGetValue = tryGetValue;
        _CreateValue = null;

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TKey key, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue)
        _Key = key;
        _KeyHasBeenSet = true;
        _TryGetValue = null;
        _CreateValue = createValue;

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TKey key, TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> tryGetValue, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue)
        _Key = key;
        _KeyHasBeenSet = true;
        _TryGetValue = tryGetValue;
        _CreateValue = createValue;

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> tryGetValue)
        _Key = default(TKey);
        _KeyHasBeenSet = false;
        _TryGetValue = tryGetValue;
        _CreateValue = null;

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> tryGetValue, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue)
        _Key = default(TKey);
        _KeyHasBeenSet = false;
        _TryGetValue = tryGetValue;
        _CreateValue = createValue;

    public KeyedValueWrapper(Func<TKey, TValue> createValue)
        _Key = default(TKey);
        _KeyHasBeenSet = false;
        _TryGetValue = null;
        _CreateValue = createValue;


    #region "Change" methods

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TKey key)
        return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(key, _TryGetValue, _CreateValue);

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TKey key, TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> tryGetValue)
        return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(key, tryGetValue, _CreateValue);

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TKey key, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue)
        return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(key, _TryGetValue, createValue);

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TKey key, TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> tryGetValue, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue)
        return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(key, tryGetValue, createValue);

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> tryGetValue)
        return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(_Key, tryGetValue, _CreateValue);

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> tryGetValue, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue)
        return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(_Key, tryGetValue, createValue);

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(Func<TKey, TValue> createValue)
        return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(_Key, _TryGetValue, createValue);


    public TValue Value
            if (!_KeyHasBeenSet)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("A key must be specified.");

            if (_TryGetValue == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("A \"try get value\" delegate must be specified.");

            // try to find a value in the given dictionary using the given key
            TValue value;
            if (!_TryGetValue(_Key, out value))
                if (_CreateValue == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("A \"create value\" delegate must be specified.");

                // if not found, create a value
                value = _CreateValue(_Key);
            // then return that value
            return value;

class Foo
    public string ID { get; set; }

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, Foo>();

        Func<string, Foo> createValue = (key) =>
            var foo = new Foo { ID = key };
            dictionary.Add(key, foo);
            return foo;

        // this wrapper object is not useable, since no key has been specified for it yet
        var wrapper = new KeyedValueWrapper<string, Foo>(dictionary.TryGetValue, createValue);

        // create wrapper1 based on the wrapper object but changing the key to "ABC"
        var wrapper1 = wrapper.Change("ABC");
        var wrapper2 = wrapper1;

        Foo foo1 = wrapper1.Value;
        Foo foo2 = wrapper2.Value;

        Console.WriteLine("foo1 and foo2 are equal? {0}", object.ReferenceEquals(foo1, foo2));
        // Output: foo1 and foo2 are equal? True

        // create wrapper1 based on the wrapper object but changing the key to "BCD"
        var wrapper3 = wrapper.Change("BCD");
        var wrapper4 = wrapper3;

        Foo foo3 = wrapper3.Value;
        dictionary = new Dictionary<string, Foo>(); // throw a curve ball by reassigning the dictionary variable
        Foo foo4 = wrapper4.Value;

        Console.WriteLine("foo3 and foo4 are equal? {0}", object.ReferenceEquals(foo3, foo4));
        // Output: foo3 and foo4 are equal? True

        Console.WriteLine("foo1 and foo3 are equal? {0}", object.ReferenceEquals(foo1, foo3));
        // Output: foo1 and foo3 are equal? False

使用IDictionary<string, Foo>代替TryGetValueFunc<string, Foo>的替代实施。请注意我在使用代码中输入的反例:

public struct KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>
    private bool _KeyHasBeenSet;
    private TKey _Key;
    private IDictionary<TKey, TValue> _Dictionary;
    private Func<TKey, TValue> _CreateValue;

    #region Constructors

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TKey key)
        _Key = key;
        _KeyHasBeenSet = true;
        _Dictionary = null;
        _CreateValue = null;

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TKey key, IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary)
        _Key = key;
        _KeyHasBeenSet = true;
        _Dictionary = dictionary;
        _CreateValue = null;

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TKey key, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue)
        _Key = key;
        _KeyHasBeenSet = true;
        _Dictionary = null;
        _CreateValue = createValue;

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TKey key, IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue)
        _Key = key;
        _KeyHasBeenSet = true;
        _Dictionary = dictionary;
        _CreateValue = createValue;

    public KeyedValueWrapper(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary)
        _Key = default(TKey);
        _KeyHasBeenSet = false;
        _Dictionary = dictionary;
        _CreateValue = null;

    public KeyedValueWrapper(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue)
        _Key = default(TKey);
        _KeyHasBeenSet = false;
        _Dictionary = dictionary;
        _CreateValue = createValue;

    public KeyedValueWrapper(Func<TKey, TValue> createValue)
        _Key = default(TKey);
        _KeyHasBeenSet = false;
        _Dictionary = null;
        _CreateValue = createValue;


    #region "Change" methods

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TKey key)
        return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(key, _Dictionary, _CreateValue);

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TKey key, IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary)
        return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(key, dictionary, _CreateValue);

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TKey key, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue)
        return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(key, _Dictionary, createValue);

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TKey key, IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue)
        return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(key, dictionary, createValue);

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary)
        return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(_Key, dictionary, _CreateValue);

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue)
        return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(_Key, dictionary, createValue);

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(Func<TKey, TValue> createValue)
        return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(_Key, _Dictionary, createValue);


    public TValue Value
            if (!_KeyHasBeenSet)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("A key must be specified.");

            if (_Dictionary == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("A dictionary must be specified.");

            // try to find a value in the given dictionary using the given key
            TValue value;
            if (!_Dictionary.TryGetValue(_Key, out value))
                if (_CreateValue == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("A \"create value\" delegate must be specified.");

                // if not found, create a value and add it to the dictionary
                value = _CreateValue(_Key);
                _Dictionary.Add(_Key, value);
            // then return that value
            return value;

class Foo
    public string ID { get; set; }

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // this wrapper object is not useable, since no key has been specified for it yet
        var wrapper = new KeyedValueWrapper<string, Foo>(new Dictionary<string, Foo>(), (key) => new Foo { ID = key });

        // create wrapper1 based on the wrapper object but changing the key to "ABC"
        var wrapper1 = wrapper.Change("ABC");
        var wrapper2 = wrapper1;

        Foo foo1 = wrapper1.Value;
        Foo foo2 = wrapper2.Value;

        Console.WriteLine("foo1 and foo2 are equal? {0}", object.ReferenceEquals(foo1, foo2));
        // Output: foo1 and foo2 are equal? True

        // create wrapper1 based on the wrapper object but changing the key to "BCD"
        var wrapper3 = wrapper.Change("BCD");
        var wrapper4 = wrapper3;

        Foo foo3 = wrapper3.Value;
        Foo foo4 = wrapper4.Value;

        Console.WriteLine("foo3 and foo4 are equal? {0}", object.ReferenceEquals(foo3, foo4));
        // Output: foo3 and foo4 are equal? True

        Console.WriteLine("foo1 and foo3 are equal? {0}", object.ReferenceEquals(foo1, foo3));
        // Output: foo1 and foo3 are equal? False

        // Counter-example: manipulating the dictionary instance that was provided to the wrapper can disrupt expected behavior
        var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, Foo>();

        var wrapper5 = wrapper.Change("CDE", dictionary);
        var wrapper6 = wrapper5;

        Foo foo5 = wrapper5.Value;
        Foo foo6 = wrapper6.Value;

        // one might expect this to be true:
        Console.WriteLine("foo5 and foo6 are equal? {0}", object.ReferenceEquals(foo5, foo6));
        // Output: foo5 and foo6 are equal? False

答案 5 :(得分:1)


List<SomeStruct> MyList = CreateList();
MyList[0].Prop1 = 42;


SomeStruct myThing = MyList[0];
myThing.Prop1 = 42;
MyList[0] = myThing.Prop1;



var Contradiction = new NeverNull<object>(null);

