We made a schoolproject which included some .fxml files, but the program is running in netbeans, and it runs the .jar; But or scenes are not loaded in.
We thought the problem is because of a bad path to or .fxml files, but we don't know what it should be then.
Thanks in advance
Or start method
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
SceneController mainContainer = new SceneController();
//mainContainer.loadScreen(Main.screen1ID, Main.screen1File);
mainContainer.loadScreen(Main.screen2ID, Main.screen2File);
//mainContainer.loadScreen(Main.screen3ID, Main.screen3File);
//mainContainer.loadScreen(Main.screen4ID, Main.screen4File);
//mainContainer.loadScreen(Main.screen5ID, Main.screen5File);
mainContainer.loadScreen(Main.screen8ID, Main.screen8File); //intro
//mainContainer.loadScreen(Main.screen9ID, Main.screen9File);
//mainContainer.loadScreen(Main.screen11ID, Main.screen11File);
// mainContainer.loadScreen(Main.screen7ID, Main.screen7File);
mainContainer.setScreen(Main.screen8ID); //8
Group root = new Group();
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
Or loadScreen method
public boolean loadScreen(String name, String resource) {
try {
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource(resource));
Parent loadScreen = (Parent) loader.load();
_Scene sceneControler = ((_Scene) loader.getController());
addScreen(name, loadScreen);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
These are the scenes we are using
public static String screen1ID = "MainMenu";
public static String screen1File = "scenes/fxml/MainMenu.fxml";
public static String screen2ID = "Language";
public static String screen2File = "scenes/fxml/Language.fxml";
public static String screen3ID = "Settings";
public static String screen3File = "scenes/fxml/Settings.fxml";
public static String screen4ID = "Register";
public static String screen4File = "scenes/fxml/Register.fxml";
public static String screen5ID = "Credits";
public static String screen5File = "scenes/fxml/Credits.fxml";
public static String screen6ID = "SideDeck";
public static String screen6File = "scenes/fxml/SideDeck.fxml";
public static String screen7ID = "Game";
public static String screen7File = "scenes/fxml/Game.fxml";
public static String screen8ID = "Intro";
public static String screen8File = "scenes/fxml/Intro.fxml";
public static String screen9ID = "Shop";
public static String screen9File = "scenes/fxml/Shop.fxml";
public static String screen10ID = "Message";
public static String screen10File = "scenes/fxml/Message.fxml";
public static String screen11ID = "SelectPlayer";
public static String screen11File = "scenes/fxml/SelectPlayer.fxml";
public static String screen12ID = "LoadGame";
public static String screen12File = "scenes/fxml/LoadGame.fxml";
public static String screen13ID = "ShowPlayers";
public static String screen13File = "scenes/fxml/ShowPlayers.fxml";