
时间:2017-05-14 05:13:29

标签: verilog hdl modelsim

我在单独的文件中有以下模块。当我尝试运行我的RC_ADD_SUB_32模块时,我得到错误实例化' inst'失败。区域:/ RC_ADD_SUB_32_TB / obj / rc_gen_loop [0] / FULL_ADDER未找到设计单元。加载设计时出错。 实例化Full Adder在生成块中不起作用。我在rc_add_sub_32.v文件中实例化Full Adder时遇到问题。有什么想法吗?


module FULL_ADDER(S,CO,A,B, CI);
    output S,CO;
    input A,B, CI;

    wire HF_1_Y, HF_1_C, HF_2_C; //Half Adder 1 Y, Half Adder 1 C and Half Adder 2 C

    HALF_ADDER inst_01 (.A(A), .B(B), .Y(HF_1_Y), .C(HF_1_C));
    HALF_ADDER inst_02 (.A(HF_1_Y), .B(CI), .Y(S), .C(HF_2_C));
    or inst_03(CO, HF_2_C, HF_1_C);


module RC_ADD_SUB_32(Y, CO, A, B, SnA);
    // output list
    //output [63:0] Y;
    output [`DATA_INDEX_LIMIT:0] Y; //Our result
    output CO; 
    // input list
    //input [63:0] A;
    //input [63:0] B;
    input [`DATA_INDEX_LIMIT:0] A;
    input [`DATA_INDEX_LIMIT:0] B;

    input SnA;

    //full adder -> full adder connection
    wire [`DATA_INDEX_LIMIT:0] CO_TO_CI;

    genvar i;
        for(i=0; i<32; i=i+1)
        begin: rc_gen_loop
            Index 0: CI is SnA  CO -> CI[1]
            Index 31: CI is CO from index 30, CO is output CO,
            Index 1-30: CI is from previous CO, CO points to next CI
            xor xors(XOR_OUT[i], SnA, B[i]);
                FULL_ADDER inst(.S(Y[i]), .CO(CO_TO_CI[i]), .A(A[i]), .B(XOR_OUT[i]), .CI(SnA));
            else if(i==31) 
                FULL_ADDER inst(.S(Y[i]), .CO(CO), .A(A[i]), .B(XOR_OUT[i]), .CI(CO_TO_CI[i-1]));
            else if(i!=31 && i!=0) 
                FULL_ADDER inst(.S(Y[i]), .CO(CO_TO_CI[i]), .A(A[i]), .B(XOR_OUT[i]), .CI(CO_TO_CI[i-1]));


module RC_ADD_SUB_32_TB;
    reg [`DATA_INDEX_LIMIT:0] A;
    reg [`DATA_INDEX_LIMIT:0] B;
    reg SnA;

    wire [`DATA_INDEX_LIMIT:0] Y;
    wire CO;

    RC_ADD_SUB_32 obj(Y, CO, A, B, SnA);

        #5 A = 0; B= 0; SnA = 0;
        #5 A = 0; B= 0; SnA = 1;
        #5 A = 0; B= 1; SnA = 0;
        #5 A = 0; B= 1; SnA = 1;
        #5 A = 1; B= 0; SnA = 0;
        #5 A = 1; B= 0; SnA = 1;
        #5 A = 1; B= 1; SnA = 0;
        #5 A = 1; B= 1; SnA = 1;

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We also extend our services to individuals who are able to pay for </span></p> <p class="Basic-Paragraph ParaOverride-1"><span class="CharOverride-5">exceptional eyecare delivered with the ease and convenience of services like Uber </span></p> <p class="Basic-Paragraph ParaOverride-1"><span class="CharOverride-5">and Lyft. We will come to you and provide unprecedented levels of access to doctors. </span></p> <p class="Basic-Paragraph ParaOverride-1"><span class="CharOverride-5">Being a non-profit organization, money collected helps us increase awareness of health </span></p> <p class="Basic-Paragraph ParaOverride-1"><span class="CharOverride-5">and education and provide free services to those who otherwise cannot afford it. </span><span class="CharOverride-6"> </span></p> <p class="Basic-Paragraph ParaOverride-1"><span class="CharOverride-7">To schedule an exam, please select from the following:</span></p> </div> <div id="buttonsz"> <a href="http://www.willgrantvision.com" class="button">Go to WillGrant</a> <a href="http://www.willgrantvision.com" class="button1">Go to WillGrant</a> </div> <hr> <div id="header"> <p id="girl"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/ac4JwDA.png" alt="Bethan Rainforth a comedic dancer"> <p id="girl"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/FXF5Ysh.png" alt="Bethan Rainforth a comedic dancer"> </p> <p id="follow_us"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/ZU53otY.png" alt="Bethan Rainforth a comedic dancer"> </p> </div> </body> </html> 没有标签。因此,模拟器将其视为空白标签或换行并将FULL_ADDER作为标签名称。两者都是非法的。添加标签(首选)或摆脱结肠。



if(i!=31 && i!=0)


begin: gen_first
    FULL_ADDER inst(.S(Y[i]), .CO(CO_TO_CI[i]), .A(A[i]), .B(XOR_OUT[i]), .CI(SnA));
else if(i==31) 
begin: gen_last
    FULL_ADDER inst(.S(Y[i]), .CO(CO), .A(A[i]), .B(XOR_OUT[i]), .CI(CO_TO_CI[i-1]));
begin: gen_middle
    FULL_ADDER inst(.S(Y[i]), .CO(CO_TO_CI[i]), .A(A[i]), .B(XOR_OUT[i]), .CI(CO_TO_CI[i-1]));