module MiniML
type Exp =
| C of Cst
| Id of Id
| Lam of Id * Exp
| App of Exp * Exp
| Let of Id * Exp * Exp
| Pair of Exp * Exp
| If of Exp * Exp * Exp
and Cst = I of int | B of bool | Unit | Nil
and Id = string;;
let op = ["+";
open MiniML
open FParsec
let ws = spaces
let operator : Parser<MiniML.Id,unit> = op |> List.map pstring |> choice
let keyword : Parser<string,unit> = ["false";"true";"let";"end";"in";"if";"then";"else";"lam"] |> List.map pstring |> choice
let fstId = asciiLetter <|> pchar '_'
let restId = fstId <|> digit <|> pchar '''
let betweenPar p = between (pchar '(' .>> ws) (pchar ')' .>> ws) p
let cstB = (stringReturn "true" (B true)) <|> (stringReturn "false" (B false))
let cstI = puint32 |>> (int >> I)
let cstU = stringReturn "()" Unit
let cstN = stringReturn "[]" Nil
let expC : Parser<Exp,unit> = cstB <|> cstI <|> cstU <|> cstN |>> C
let expIdStr = notFollowedByL keyword "Cannot use keyword as variable" >>.
notFollowedByL operator "Cannot use operator as variable" >>.
many1CharsTill2 fstId restId (notFollowedBy restId)
let expId : Parser<Exp,unit> = expIdStr |>> (MiniML.Exp.Id)
let exp, expRef = createParserForwardedToRef<Exp, unit>()
let expApp, expAppRef = createParserForwardedToRef<Exp, unit>()
let expLam : Parser<Exp,unit> = (pstring "lam" >>. ws >>. expIdStr .>> ws .>> pchar '.') .>> ws .>>. exp |>> Lam
let expLet = tuple3 (pstring "let" >>. ws >>. expIdStr .>> ws .>> pchar '=' .>> ws) (exp .>> ws .>> pstring "in" .>> ws) (exp .>> ws .>> pstring "end") |>> Let
let expIf = tuple3 (pstring "if" >>. ws >>. exp .>> ws) (pstring "then" >>. ws >>. exp .>> ws) (pstring "else" >>. ws >>. exp) |>> If
let closeEXP, closeEXPRef = createParserForwardedToRef<Exp, unit>()
let expBang = (pstring "!" >>% MiniML.Id "!") .>>. closeEXP |>> App
let buildList (el,ef) =
let rec go l = match l with
| (e::es) -> App(MiniML.Id "cons", Pair(e,go es))
| [] -> C Nil
go (el @ [ef])
let expList = between (pchar '[' .>> ws) (pchar ']') (many (exp .>>? (ws .>> pchar ';' .>> ws)) .>>. exp .>> ws
|>> buildList )
do closeEXPRef := choice [expC ; expId ; expBang ; betweenPar exp ; expList] .>> ws
do expAppRef := many1 closeEXP |>> (function (x::xs) -> List.fold (fun x y -> App(x,y)) x xs | [] -> failwith "Impossible")
let opOpp : InfixOperator<Exp,unit,unit> list =
InfixOperator("*", ws, 6, Associativity.Left, fun x y -> App(MiniML.Id "*",Pair(x,y)));
InfixOperator("/", ws, 6, Associativity.Left, fun x y -> App(MiniML.Id "/",Pair(x,y)));
InfixOperator("+", ws, 5, Associativity.Left, fun x y -> App(MiniML.Id "+",Pair(x,y)));
InfixOperator("-", ws, 5, Associativity.Left, fun x y -> App(MiniML.Id "-",Pair(x,y)));
InfixOperator("::", ws,4, Associativity.Right, fun x y -> App(MiniML.Id "cons",Pair(x,y)));
InfixOperator("=", ws, 3, Associativity.Left, fun x y -> App(MiniML.Id "=",Pair(x,y)));
InfixOperator("<", ws, 3, Associativity.Left, fun x y -> App(MiniML.Id "<",Pair(x,y)));
InfixOperator(">", ws, 3, Associativity.Left, fun x y -> App(MiniML.Id ">",Pair(x,y)));
InfixOperator("and", ws, 2, Associativity.Right, fun x y -> App(MiniML.Id "and",Pair(x,y)));
InfixOperator("or", ws, 1, Associativity.Right, fun x y -> App(MiniML.Id "or",Pair(x,y)));
InfixOperator(",", ws,0, Associativity.None, fun x y -> Pair(x,y) )
let opp = new OperatorPrecedenceParser<Exp,unit,unit>()
let expr = opp.ExpressionParser
let term = exp <|> betweenPar expr
opp.TermParser <- term
List.iter (fun x -> opp.AddOperator(x)) opOpp
do expRef := [expLam;expIf;expLet;expApp] |> choice |> (fun p -> p .>>. opt (expOp operator) |>> binOp )
let mainExp = expr .>> eof
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