
时间:2017-05-10 16:48:12

标签: swift algorithm binary-tree


   / \
  5   9
 / \
1   6

我尝试使用For LoopsIf Statements使用一些代码来安排此操作,但它没有奏效。 我的代码是:

import UIKit

//Variable "node" used only to arrange it in output.
var node = "0"
var space = " "
var linkLeft = "/"
var linkRight = "\\"
var str = "Hello, playground"

var height = 6
var width = height * 2 + 1


for h in 1...height {
    for w in 1...width {
        switch h {
        case 1:
            if(w == width/2 + h) {
                print(node, terminator: "")
            } else {
                print(space, terminator: "")

            if (w == width) {
        case 2:
            //print(linkLeft, terminator: "")
            if(w == width/3 + h) {
                print(linkLeft, terminator: "")
            } else if(w == width/3 + h + 4) {
                print(linkRight, terminator: "")
            } else {
                print(space, terminator: "")

            if (w == width) {
        case 3:
            if(w == width/5 + h) {
                print(node, terminator: "")
            } else if(w == width/h + h){
                print(node, terminator: "")
            } else {
                print(space, terminator: "")

            if (w == width) {

我尝试使用两个For Loops一个用于高度,另一个用于宽度。但是如果节点数量发生变化,它就无法工作。目前我只是尝试安排links/\),nodes和空格的地方,因此它无效。 有可能这样做吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)



class TreeNode
   var value : Int
   var left  : TreeNode? = nil
   var right : TreeNode? = nil

   init(_ rootValue:Int)
   { value = rootValue }

   func addValue( _ newValue:Int) -> TreeNode
      if newValue == value // exclude duplicate entries
      { return self }
      else if newValue < value
         if let newNode = left?.addValue(newValue)
         { return newNode }
         left = TreeNode(newValue)
         return left!
         if let newNode = right?.addValue(newValue)
         { return newNode }
         right = TreeNode(newValue)
         return right!



public func treeString<T>(_ node:T, reversed:Bool=false, isTop:Bool=true, using nodeInfo:(T)->(String,T?,T?)) -> String
   // node value string and sub nodes
   let (stringValue, leftNode, rightNode) = nodeInfo(node)

   let stringValueWidth  = stringValue.count

   // recurse to sub nodes to obtain line blocks on left and right
   let leftTextBlock     = leftNode  == nil ? []
                         : treeString(leftNode!,reversed:reversed,isTop:false,using:nodeInfo)

   let rightTextBlock    = rightNode == nil ? []
                         : treeString(rightNode!,reversed:reversed,isTop:false,using:nodeInfo)

   // count common and maximum number of sub node lines
   let commonLines       = min(leftTextBlock.count,rightTextBlock.count)
   let subLevelLines     = max(rightTextBlock.count,leftTextBlock.count)

   // extend lines on shallower side to get same number of lines on both sides
   let leftSubLines      = leftTextBlock  
                         + Array(repeating:"", count: subLevelLines-leftTextBlock.count)
   let rightSubLines     = rightTextBlock 
                         + Array(repeating:"", count: subLevelLines-rightTextBlock.count)

   // compute location of value or link bar for all left and right sub nodes
   //   * left node's value ends at line's width
   //   * right node's value starts after initial spaces
   let leftLineWidths    = leftSubLines.map{$0.count}                             
   let rightLineIndents  = rightSubLines.map{$0.prefix{$0==" "}.count  } 

   // top line value locations, will be used to determine position of current node & link bars
   let firstLeftWidth    = leftLineWidths.first   ?? 0
   let firstRightIndent  = rightLineIndents.first ?? 0

   // width of sub node link under node value (i.e. with slashes if any)
   // aims to center link bars under the value if value is wide enough
   // ValueLine:    v     vv    vvvvvv   vvvvv
   // LinkLine:    / \   /  \    /  \     / \ 
   let linkSpacing       = min(stringValueWidth, 2 - stringValueWidth % 2)
   let leftLinkBar       = leftNode  == nil ? 0 : 1
   let rightLinkBar      = rightNode == nil ? 0 : 1
   let minLinkWidth      = leftLinkBar + linkSpacing + rightLinkBar
   let valueOffset       = (stringValueWidth - linkSpacing) / 2

   // find optimal position for right side top node
   //   * must allow room for link bars above and between left and right top nodes
   //   * must not overlap lower level nodes on any given line (allow gap of minSpacing)
   //   * can be offset to the left if lower subNodes of right node 
   //     have no overlap with subNodes of left node                                                                                                                                 
   let minSpacing        = 2
   let rightNodePosition = zip(leftLineWidths,rightLineIndents[0..<commonLines])
                           .reduce(firstLeftWidth + minLinkWidth)
                           { max($0, $1.0 + minSpacing + firstRightIndent - $1.1) }

   // extend basic link bars (slashes) with underlines to reach left and right
   // top nodes.  
   //        vvvvv
   //       __/ \__
   //      L       R
   let linkExtraWidth    = max(0, rightNodePosition - firstLeftWidth - minLinkWidth )
   let rightLinkExtra    = linkExtraWidth / 2
   let leftLinkExtra     = linkExtraWidth - rightLinkExtra

   // build value line taking into account left indent and link bar extension (on left side)
   let valueIndent       = max(0, firstLeftWidth + leftLinkExtra + leftLinkBar - valueOffset)
   let valueLine         = String(repeating:" ", count:max(0,valueIndent)) 
                         + stringValue
   let slash             = reversed ? "\\" : "/"
   let backSlash         = reversed ? "/"  : "\\"
   let uLine             = reversed ? "¯"  : "_"
   // build left side of link line
   let leftLink          = leftNode == nil ? "" 
                         : String(repeating: " ", count:firstLeftWidth)
                         + String(repeating: uLine, count:leftLinkExtra)
                         + slash

   // build right side of link line (includes blank spaces under top node value) 
   let rightLinkOffset   = linkSpacing + valueOffset * (1 - leftLinkBar)                      
   let rightLink         = rightNode == nil ? ""
                         : String(repeating:  " ", count:rightLinkOffset)
                         + backSlash 
                         + String(repeating:  uLine, count:rightLinkExtra)

   // full link line (will be empty if there are no sub nodes)                                                                                                    
   let linkLine          = leftLink + rightLink

   // will need to offset left side lines if right side sub nodes extend beyond left margin
   // can happen if left subtree is shorter (in height) than right side subtree                                                
   let leftIndentWidth   = max(0,firstRightIndent - rightNodePosition) 
   let leftIndent        = String(repeating:" ", count:leftIndentWidth)
   let indentedLeftLines = leftSubLines.map{ $0.isEmpty ? $0 : (leftIndent + $0) }

   // compute distance between left and right sublines based on their value position
   // can be negative if leading spaces need to be removed from right side
   let mergeOffsets      = indentedLeftLines
                           .map{leftIndentWidth + rightNodePosition - firstRightIndent - $0 }
                           .map{ rightSubLines[$0].isEmpty ? 0  : $1 }

   // combine left and right lines using computed offsets
   //   * indented left sub lines
   //   * spaces between left and right lines
   //   * right sub line with extra leading blanks removed.
   let mergedSubLines    = zip(mergeOffsets.enumerated(),indentedLeftLines)
                           .map{ ( $0.0, $0.1, $1 + String(repeating:" ", count:max(0,$0.1)) ) }
                           .map{ $2 + String(rightSubLines[$0].dropFirst(max(0,-$1))) }

   // Assemble final result combining
   //  * node value string
   //  * link line (if any)
   //  * merged lines from left and right sub trees (if any)
   let treeLines = [leftIndent + valueLine]
                 + (linkLine.isEmpty ? [] : [leftIndent + linkLine])
                 + mergedSubLines

   return (reversed && isTop ? treeLines.reversed(): treeLines)


extension TreeNode
   var asString:String { return treeString(self){("\($0.value)",$0.left,$0.right)}  }       

var root = TreeNode(7)



//     7
//    / \
//   5   9
//  / \
// 1   6

root = TreeNode(80)



//              80
//          ___/  \___
//        50          90
//     __/  \__      /
//   10        60  85
//  /  \      /  \
// 5    30  55    70
//        \
//         35


//       12
//      /  \
//    10    50
//   /   __/  \__
//  5  30        90
//       \      /
//        35  70
//           /  \
//         60    85
//        /
//      55

//                12
//               /  \
//             10    30
//            /        \
//           5          90
//                     /
//                   85
//                  /
//                70
//               /
//             55
//            /
//          48
//         /
//       45
//      /
//    40
//   /
// 35




 extension Array
    func printHeapTree(reversed:Bool = false)
       let tree = treeString( 0, reversed:reversed )
          let left  = { $0 < self.count ? $0 : nil}($0 * 2 + 1)
          let right = { $0 < self.count ? $0 : nil}($0 * 2 + 2)
          return ( "\(self[$0])", left, right )

let values = [7,5,9,1,6]

//     7
//    / \
//   5   9
//  / \
// 1   6

let family = [ "Me","Paul","Rosa","Vincent","Jody","John","Kate"]

//                Me
//            ___/  \___
//        Paul          Rosa
//        /  \          /  \
// Vincent    Jody  John    Kate



// Vincent    Jody  John    Kate
//        \  /          \  /
//        Paul          Rosa
//            ¯¯¯\  /¯¯¯
//                Me


