我有一组javascript代码,可以创建一个圆形对象,然后将其推送到画布上。有没有办法,如果用户点击其中一个圆圈,对象就会消失? 这是我的Javascript代码
// get a reference to the canvas and its context
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// set canvas to equal window size
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCanvas, false);
// newly spawned objects start at Y=25
var spawnLineY = 25;
// spawn a new object every 1500ms
var spawnRate = 1500;
// when was the last object spawned
var lastSpawn = -1;
// this array holds all spawned object
var objects = [];
// save the starting time (used to calc elapsed time)
var startTime = Date.now();
// start animating
function resizeCanvas() {
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
* Your drawings need to be inside this function otherwise they will
be reset when
* you resize the browser window and the canvas goes will be cleared.
function spawnRandomObject() {
// select a random type for this new object
var t;
// About Math.random()
// Math.random() generates a semi-random number
// between 0-1. So to randomly decide if the next object
// will be A or B, we say if the random# is 0-.49 we
// create A and if the random# is .50-1.00 we create B
var random;
random = Math.random();
if (random < 0.75 && random > .50) {
t = "red";
} else if (random > .75) {
t = "blue";
} else if (random < .50 && random > .25) {
t = "purple"
} else if (random < .25) {
t = "green"
// create the new object
var object = {
// set this objects type
type: t,
// set x randomly but at least 15px off the canvas edges
x: Math.random() * (canvas.width - 30) + 15,
// set y to start on the line where objects are spawned
y: spawnLineY,
downspeed: Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 5)/100,
radius: Math.floor((Math.random() * 175) + 5),
onclick : alert('blah'),
// add the new object to the objects[] array
// the code to make the circle disappear would go here
function animate() {
// get the elapsed time
var time = Date.now();
// see if its time to spawn a new object
if (time > (lastSpawn + spawnRate)) {
lastSpawn = time;
// request another animation frame
// clear the canvas so all objects can be
// redrawn in new positions
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// draw the line where new objects are spawned
ctx.moveTo(0, spawnLineY);
ctx.lineTo(canvas.width, spawnLineY);
// move each object down the canvas
for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
var object = objects[i];
object.y += object.downspeed;
ctx.arc(object.x, object.y, object.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
ctx.fillStyle = object.type;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
// assuming canvas is already defined and references an DOM canvas Element
const mouse = {x ;0,y :0, clicked : false};
function mouseClickEvent(event){
mouse.x = event.offsetX;
mouse.y = event.offsetY;
mouse.clicked = true;
// do what is needed
mouse.clicked = false; /// clear the clicked flag
// points is {x,y}
// circle is {x,y,r} where r is radius
// returns true if point touches circle
function isPointInCircle(point,circle){
var x = point.x - circle.x;
var y = point.y - circle.y;
return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) <= circle.r;
function isPointInCircle(point,circle){
return Math.hypot(point.x - circle.x, point.y - circle.y) <= circle.r;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
function checkColision()// if mouse collides with object
for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++)
// get the distance between mouse and object
var xRange = Math.abs(mouse.x - object[i].x);//abslute value so no negative numbers
var yRange = Math.abs(mouse.y - object[i].y);
object.splice(i, 1);//remove object
i--;//go back one iteration
答案 2 :(得分:0)
如果是圆圈,使用Pythagorean theorem进行距离计算可能会有所帮助,因为可以使用通用案例CanvasRenderingContext2D.isPointInPath。只需“绘制”事件处理程序中的路径,但不要填充它,检查鼠标指针是否在内部。