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一些简单的实现。但您可能会阅读有关QuadTrees,R-trees和类似树的更多信息以进行空间数据搜索(请参阅QuadTree页面底部的链接), 因为这个想法的变化可能会帮助你建立更好的算法
一些示例代码,键入UNTESTED,递归地构建给定磁盘列表的四叉树,然后在到达点处递归地遍历树并对点进行分类。 树行走是O(log2(N))复杂度,最后是一个磁盘检查
def squared(x):
return x*x
class Disk(object):
def __init__(self, x, y, r):
self._x = x
self._y = y
self._r = r
def check(self, x, y):
return squared(x-self._x) + squared(y-self._y) <= squared(self._r)
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, llx, lly, urx, ury):
# nodes, in CCW
self._NE = None
self._NW = None
self._SW = None
self._SE = None
# corners
self._llx = llx
self._lly = lly
self._urx = urx
self._ury = ury
# dividers
self._dx = 0.5*(llx + urx)
self._dy = 0.5*(lly + ury)
# disk to check
self._disk = None
def is_leaf_node(self):
True if node has no children
if self._NE is None:
if self._NW is None:
if self._SW is None:
if self._SE is None:
return True
return False
def check_point(self, x, y):
True if not covered by circle
if self._disk is None:
return True
return not self._disk.check(x, y)
def check_node(node, disks):
return sublist of disks which affects the node
rc = []
for disk in disks:
if disk.check(node._llx, node._lly):
elif disk.check(node._llx, node._ury):
elif disk.check(node._urx, node._lly):
elif disk.check(node._urx, node._ury):
if len(rc) == 0:
return None
return rc
def build(node, disks):
subdisks = check_node(node, disks)
if subdisks is None: # empty type of leaf node
node._disk = None
return node
if len(subdisks) == 1: # simple circle leaf node
node._disk = subdisks
return node
node._NE = build(Node(self._dx, self._dy, self._urx, self._ury), disks)
node._NW = build(Node(self._llx, self._dy, self._dx, self._ury), disks)
node._SW = build(Node(self._llx, self._lly, self._dx, self._dy), disks)
node._SE = build(Node(self._dx, self._lly, self._urx, self._dy), disks)
return node
def check_point(node, x, y):
if node.is_leaf_node():
return node.check_point(x, y)
if x > node._dx: # SE of NE nodes
y > node._dy: # NE
return check_point(node._NE, x, y)
return check_point(node._SE, x, y)
# SW or NW
y > node._dy: # NW
return check_point(node._NW, x, y)
return check_point(node._SW, x, y)
# main
# in the (0,0):(1,1) square
root = build( Node(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), disks )
rc = check_point(root, x, y)