java - 用于计算比较的代码&算法无法正确输出的执行时间

时间:2017-05-07 03:23:32

标签: java sorting quicksort bubble-sort execution-time

在我的java作业中,我必须计算发生的比较次数,以及选择排序,插入排序,冒泡排序,快速排序和合并排序算法的总执行时间。下面的代码是一个驱动程序,用于测试运行算法的代码,同时计算执行时间和比较。在代码中,我使用值初始化列表并通过它们运行它。我得到的唯一输出是“Sorted Lists ...”,这只是第一行。其余部分没有运行,我迷路了。请帮忙。

public class SortingTest {

    //create 3 constant values
    static final int SIZE = 1000;//number of values in the lists
    static final int SORTED_ORDER = 0;//for sorted lists
    static final int RANDOM_ORDER = 1;//for unsorted lists

    //create the lists for each sorting algorithm
    static Integer[] selArr = new Integer[SIZE];
    static Integer[] insArr = new Integer[SIZE];
    static Integer[] bubArr = new Integer[SIZE];
    static Integer[] quiArr = new Integer[SIZE];
    static Integer[] merArr = new Integer[SIZE];

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //perform the sorting on sorted lists

        //perform the sorting on unsorted lists

        //perform the sorting on unsorted lists


    private static void performSorting(int order) {
        if(order == SORTED_ORDER)//display if the lists are in sorted order or not
            System.out.println("Sorted Lists...");
            System.out.println("Unsorted Lists...");

            //initialize the lists in sorted order

            //initialize the number of comparisons and total execution time

            //sort the lists

            //display the number of comparisons and total execution time

    //initializes the lists with the same values
    private static void initLists(int order) {
        int number;
        for(int i=0;i<SIZE;i++) {
            if(order == SORTED_ORDER)
                number = new Integer(i);
                number = new Integer((int)(Math.random()*SIZE));

            selArr[i] = number;
            insArr[i] = number;
            bubArr[i] = number;
            quiArr[i] = number;
            merArr[i] = number;

    /*initializes the number
    of comparisons and total execution time for each algorithm*/
    private static void initComparisonsAndExecutionTime() {
        Sorting.selectionSortComparisons = 0;
        Sorting.insertionSortComparisons = 0;
        Sorting.bubbleSortComparisons = 0;
        Sorting.quickSortComparisons = 0;
        Sorting.mergeSortComparisons = 0;
        Sorting.selectionSortExecutionTime = 0L;
        Sorting.insertionSortExecutionTime = 0L;
        Sorting.bubbleSortExecutionTime = 0L;
        Sorting.quickSortExecutionTime = 0L;
        Sorting.mergeSortExecutionTime = 0L;

    /*calls each sorting algorithm with the 
    corresponding lists to sort the values*/
    private static void sortLists() {

    /*displays the number of comparisons and total execution time
    for each algorithm*/
    private static void printComparisonsAndExecutionTime() {

        System.out.printf("%-15s%15s%15s\n", "SORTING METHOD",
                          "COMPARISONS", "EXEC.TIME(ns)");


        System.out.printf("%-15s%15d%15d\n", "Selection sort",

        System.out.printf("%-15s%15d%15d\n", "Insertion sort",

        System.out.printf("%-15s%15d%15d\n", "Bubble sort",

        System.out.printf("%-15s%15d%15d\n", "Quick sort",

        System.out.printf("%-15s%15d%15d\n", "Merge sort",



    public class Sorting 

public static int selectionSortComparisons = 0;
public static int insertionSortComparisons = 0;
public static int bubbleSortComparisons = 0;
public static int quickSortComparisons = 0;
public static int mergeSortComparisons = 0;
public static long selectionSortExecutionTime = 0L;
public static long insertionSortExecutionTime = 0L;
public static long bubbleSortExecutionTime = 0L;
public static long quickSortExecutionTime = 0L;
public static long mergeSortExecutionTime = 0L;

 * Sorts the specified array of integers using the selection
 * sort algorithm.
 * @param data the array to be sorted

public static <T extends Comparable<T>> 
    void selectionSort(T[] data)
    long startTime = System.nanoTime();//stores the beginning time of 
selection sort algorithm
    int min;
    T temp;

    for (int index = 0; index < data.length-1; index++)
        min = index;
        for (int scan = index+1; scan < data.length; scan++) {
            selectionSortComparisons++;//counts the number of 
comparisons in selection sort
            if (data[scan].compareTo(data[min])<0)
                min = scan;

        swap(data, min, index);
    long endTime = System.nanoTime();//stores the ending time of 
selection sort
    selectionSortExecutionTime = endTime - startTime;//computes total 
execution time of selection sort

 * Swaps to elements in an array. Used by various sorting algorithms.
 * @param data   the array in which the elements are swapped
 * @param index1 the index of the first element to be swapped
 * @param index2 the index of the second element to be swapped
private static <T extends Comparable<T>> 
    void swap(T[] data, int index1, int index2)
    T temp = data[index1];
    data[index1] = data[index2];
    data[index2] = temp;

 * Sorts the specified array of objects using an insertion
 * sort algorithm.
 * @param data the array to be sorted
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> 
    void insertionSort(T[] data)
    long startTime = System.nanoTime();//stores beginning time of 
insertion sort
    for (int index = 1; index < data.length; index++)
        T key = data[index];
        int position = index;

        // shift larger values to the right 
        while (position > 0 && data[position-1].compareTo(key) > 0)
            insertionSortComparisons++;//counts the number of 
comparisons in insertion sort
            data[position] = data[position-1];
        if (position > 0)
            insertionSortComparisons++;//counts the number of comparisons in insertion sort

        data[position] = key;
    long endTime = System.nanoTime();//stores ending time of insertion 
    selectionSortExecutionTime = endTime - startTime;//computes total execution time of selection sort

 * Sorts the specified array of objects using a bubble sort
 * algorithm.
 * @param data the array to be sorted
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> 
    void bubbleSort(T[] data)
    long startTime = System.nanoTime();//stores the beginning of bubble sort
    int position, scan;
    T temp;

    for (position =  data.length - 1; position >= 0; position--)
        for (scan = 0; scan <= position - 1; scan++)
            bubbleSortComparisons++;//counts the number of comparisons in bubble sort
            if (data[scan].compareTo(data[scan+1]) > 0)
                swap(data, scan, scan + 1);
    long endTime = System.nanoTime();//stores end of bubble sort
    selectionSortExecutionTime = endTime - startTime;//computes total execution time of bubble sort

 * Sorts the specified array of objects using the merge sort
 * algorithm.
 * @param data the array to be sorted
public static <T extends Comparable<T>>
    void mergeSort(T[] data)
    long startTime = System.nanoTime();//stores beginning of merge sort
    mergeSort(data, 0, data.length - 1);
    long endTime = System.nanoTime();//stores end of merge sort
    selectionSortExecutionTime = endTime - startTime;//computes total execution time of merge sort

 * Recursively sorts a range of objects in the specified array using the
 * merge sort algorithm.
 * @param data the array to be sorted
 * @param min  the index of the first element 
 * @param max  the index of the last element
private static <T extends Comparable<T>>
    void mergeSort(T[] data, int min, int max)
    if (min < max)
        int mid = (min + max) / 2;
        mergeSort(data, min, mid);
        mergeSort(data, mid+1, max);
        merge(data, min, mid, max);

 * Merges two sorted subarrays of the specified array.
 * @param data the array to be sorted
 * @param first the beginning index of the first subarray 
 * @param mid the ending index fo the first subarray
 * @param last the ending index of the second subarray
private static <T extends Comparable<T>>
    void merge(T[] data, int first, int mid, int last)
    T[] temp = (T[])(new Comparable[data.length]);

    int first1 = first, last1 = mid;  // endpoints of first subarray
    int first2 = mid+1, last2 = last;  // endpoints of second subarray
    int index = first1;  // next index open in temp array

    //  Copy smaller item from each subarray into temp until one
    //  of the subarrays is exhausted
    while (first1 <= last1 && first2 <= last2)
        mergeSortComparisons++;//count the number of comparisons in merge sort
        if (data[first1].compareTo(data[first2]) < 0)
            temp[index] = data[first1];
            temp[index] = data[first2];

    //  Copy remaining elements from first subarray, if any
    while (first1 <= last1)
        temp[index] = data[first1];

    //  Copy remaining elements from second subarray, if any
    while (first2 <= last2)
        temp[index] = data[first2];

    //  Copy merged data into original array
    for (index = first; index <= last; index++)
        data[index] = temp[index];


 * Sorts the specified array of objects using the quick sort algorithm.
 * @param data the array to be sorted
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> 
    void quickSort(T[] data)
    long startTime = System.nanoTime();//stores beginning of quick sort
    quickSort(data, 0, data.length - 1);
    long endTime = System.nanoTime();//stores end of quick sort
    selectionSortExecutionTime = endTime - startTime;//computes total execution time of quick sort

 * Recursively sorts a range of objects in the specified array using the
 * quick sort algorithm. 
 * @param data the array to be sorted
 * @param min  the minimum index in the range to be sorted
 * @param max  the maximum index in the range to be sorted
private static <T extends Comparable<T>> 
    void quickSort(T[] data, int min, int max)
    if (min < max)
        // create partitions
        int indexofpartition = partition(data, min, max);

        // sort the left partition (lower values)
        quickSort(data, min, indexofpartition - 1);

        // sort the right partition (higher values)
        quickSort(data, indexofpartition + 1, max);

 * Used by the quick sort algorithm to find the partition.
 * @param data the array to be sorted
 * @param min  the minimum index in the range to be sorted
 * @param max  the maximum index in the range to be sorted
private static <T extends Comparable<T>> 
    int partition(T[] data, int min, int max)
    T partitionelement;
    int left, right;
    int middle = (min + max) / 2;

    // use the middle data value as the partition element
    partitionelement = data[middle];
    // move it out of the way for now
    swap(data, middle, min);

    left = min;
    right = max;

    while (left < right)
        // search for an element that is > the partition element
        while (left < right && data[left].compareTo(partitionelement) <= 0)
            quickSortComparisons++;//counts the number of comparisons in quick sort

        // search for an element that is < the partition element
        while (data[right].compareTo(partitionelement) > 0)
            quickSortComparisons++;//counts the number of comparisons in quick sort

        quickSortComparisons++;//counts the number of comparisons in quick sort
        // swap the elements
        if (left < right)
            quickSortComparisons++;//counts the number of comparisons in quick sort
            swap(data, left, right);

    // move the partition element into place
    swap(data, min, right);

    return right;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



Sorted Lists...
Lists Initialized!
Comparisons and Exec time initialized!
Selection done!
Insertion done!
Bubble done!


Selection sort          499500        2726141
Insertion sort          243586              0
Bubble sort             499500              0
Quick sort                   0              0
Merge sort                8697              0


public static <T extends Comparable<T>> void mergeSort(T[] data) {
        long startTime = System.nanoTime();// stores
                            // beginning
                            // of
                            // merge
                            // sort
        mergeSort(data, 0, data.length - 1);
        long endTime = System.nanoTime();// stores
                            // end
                            // of
                            // merge
                            // sort
        /* Wrong variable */
        selectionSortExecutionTime = endTime - startTime;// computes
                                // total
                                // execution
                                // time
                                // of
                                // merge
                                // sort

我在快速排序方法中做了一些调试,发现了以下内容: while(left<right)内的while循环没有花括号,因此left++right--遗漏了,只有quickSortComparisons++在其中。这是固定代码,注释指出我所描述的内容:

private static <T extends Comparable<T>> int partition(T[] data,
        int min,
        int max) {
    T partitionelement;
    int left, right;
    int middle = (min + max) / 2;
    // use the middle data value as the
    // partition element
    partitionelement = data[middle];
    // move it out of the way for now
    swap(data, middle, min);
    left = min;
    right = max;
    while (left < right) {
        // search for an element that is >
        // the partition element
        while (left < right
                && data[left].compareTo(partitionelement) <= 0){
            // counts the number of comparisons in quick sort
            left++; // <--- this was not in the while loop
        quickSortComparisons++; // <--- I believe you should have this one too
        // search for an element that is <
        // the partition element
        while (data[right].compareTo(partitionelement) > 0){
            // counts the number of comparisons in quick sort
            right--; // <--- this wasn't in the while loop neither
        // counts the number of comparisons in quick sort
        // swap the elements
        if (left < right)
            quickSortComparisons++;// counts the number of comparisons in quick sort
        swap(data, left, right);
    // move the partition element into place
    swap(data, min, right);
    return right;
