我有一个vhdl代码,采用16位二进制转换为5 bcd(4位)如何连接每个bcd与显示器?

时间:2017-05-05 02:45:33

标签: vhdl

我有一个代码,采用16位二进制转换为5 bcd(4位) 如何将每个bcd与显示器连接? bcd 0必须连接到显示器0(七段显示),以便二进制数转换为十进制并在5个七段显示器上显示

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity binary_bcd is
    generic(N: positive := 16);
        clk, reset: in std_logic;
        binary_in: in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
        bcd0, bcd1, bcd2, bcd3, bcd4: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
end binary_bcd ;

architecture behaviour of binary_bcd is
    type states is (start, shift, done);
    signal state, state_next: states;

    signal binary, binary_next: std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
    signal bcds, bcds_reg, bcds_next: std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
    -- output register keep output constant during conversion
    signal bcds_out_reg, bcds_out_reg_next: std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
    -- need to keep track of shifts
    signal shift_counter, shift_counter_next: natural range 0 to N;

    process(clk, reset)
        if reset = '1' then
            binary <= (others => '0');
            bcds <= (others => '0');
            state <= start;
            bcds_out_reg <= (others => '0');
            shift_counter <= 0;
        elsif falling_edge(clk) then
            binary <= binary_next;
            bcds <= bcds_next;
            state <= state_next;
            bcds_out_reg <= bcds_out_reg_next;
            shift_counter <= shift_counter_next;
        end if;
    end process;

    process(state, binary, binary_in, bcds, bcds_reg, shift_counter)
        state_next <= state;
        bcds_next <= bcds;
        binary_next <= binary;
        shift_counter_next <= shift_counter;

        case state is
            when start =>
                state_next <= shift;
                binary_next <= binary_in;
                bcds_next <= (others => '0');
                shift_counter_next <= 0;
            when shift =>
                if shift_counter = N then
                    state_next <= done;
                    binary_next <= binary(N-2 downto 0) & 'L';
                    bcds_next <= bcds_reg(18 downto 0) & binary(N-1);
                    shift_counter_next <= shift_counter + 1;
                end if;
            when done =>
                state_next <= start;
        end case;
    end process;

    bcds_reg(19 downto 16) <= bcds(19 downto 16) + 3 when bcds(19 downto 16) > 4 else
                              bcds(19 downto 16);
    bcds_reg(15 downto 12) <= bcds(15 downto 12) + 3 when bcds(15 downto 12) > 4 else
                              bcds(15 downto 12);
    bcds_reg(11 downto 8) <= bcds(11 downto 8) + 3 when bcds(11 downto 8) > 4 else
                             bcds(11 downto 8);
    bcds_reg(7 downto 4) <= bcds(7 downto 4) + 3 when bcds(7 downto 4) > 4 else
                            bcds(7 downto 4);
    bcds_reg(3 downto 0) <= bcds(3 downto 0) + 3 when bcds(3 downto 0) > 4 else
                            bcds(3 downto 0);

    bcds_out_reg_next <= bcds when state = done else

    bcd4 <= bcds_out_reg(19 downto 16);
    bcd3 <= bcds_out_reg(15 downto 12);
    bcd2 <= bcds_out_reg(11 downto 8);
    bcd1 <= bcds_out_reg(7 downto 4);
    bcd0 <= bcds_out_reg(3 downto 0);

end behaviour;


USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;

ENTITY tb_bcd IS
END tb_bcd;

ARCHITECTURE behavior OF tb_bcd IS

    -- Component Declaration for the Unit Under Test (UUT)

    COMPONENT binary_bcd
         clk : IN  std_logic;
         reset : IN  std_logic;
         binary_in : IN  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
         bcd0 : OUT  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
         bcd1 : OUT  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
         bcd2 : OUT  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
         bcd3 : OUT  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
         bcd4 : OUT  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)

   signal clk : std_logic := '0';
   signal reset : std_logic := '0';
   signal binary_in : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0');

   signal bcd0 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
   signal bcd1 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
   signal bcd2 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
   signal bcd3 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
   signal bcd4 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

   -- Clock period definitions
   constant clk_period : time := 10 ns;


    -- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
   uut: binary_bcd PORT MAP (
          clk => clk,
          reset => reset,
          binary_in => binary_in,
          bcd0 => bcd0,
          bcd1 => bcd1,
          bcd2 => bcd2,
          bcd3 => bcd3,
          bcd4 => bcd4

   -- Clock process definitions
   clk_process :process
        clk <= '0';
        wait for clk_period/2;
        clk <= '1';
        wait for clk_period/2;
   end process;

   -- Stimulus process
   stim_proc: process
      -- hold reset state for 100 ns.
        reset <= '1';
      wait for 100 ns;
        reset <= '0';

        binary_in <= "0000000000001111";
      wait for 200 ns;

        binary_in <= "0000000001001111";
      wait for 200 ns;

        binary_in <= "0000000001111111";
      wait for 200 ns;

        binary_in <= "0000111101001111";
      wait for 2000 ns;

    end process;


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