var saveDataObject:SharedObject;
var currentScore:int;
init(); // this line goes directly beneath the variables
function init():void{ // call once to set everything up
saveDataObject = SharedObject.getLocal("test"); // give the save data a location
currentScore = 0; //start with 0 score
startBTN.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addScore); // clicking on +1
endBTN.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, subtractScore); // clicking on Save
function addScore(e:MouseEvent):void{
currentScore += 1; // add 1 to the score
updateScoreText(); // update the textfield
function subtractScore(e:MouseEvent):void{
currentScore -= 1; // add 1 to the score
updateScoreText(); // update the textfield
function saveData(e:MouseEvent):void{
saveDataObject.data.savedScore = currentScore; // set the saved score to the current score
trace("Data Saved!");
saveDataObject.flush(); // immediately save to the local drive
trace(saveDataObject.size); // this will show the size of the save file, in bytes
function loadData():void{
currentScore = saveDataObject.data.savedScore; // set the current
score to the saved score
trace("Data Loaded!");
//return currentScore;
function updateScoreText():void
txtScore.text = "Score: " + String(currentScore); // set the text property of the txtScore
if(saveDataObject.data.savedScore == null){ // checks if there is save data
trace("No saved data yet."); // if there isn't any data on the computer...
saveDataObject.data.savedScore = currentScore; // ...set the savedScore to 0
} else {
trace("Save data found."); // if we did find data...
loadData(); // ...load the data
//updateScoreText(); // finally, update the text field