我使用LilyPond创建练习成绩和练习曲。我已经想出了如何允许在Moveable Do solfege表示法中输入音符,并且有一个模板(见下文),它支持在音符下面显示solfege符号作为歌词。目前,我必须手动从符号加上生成音乐的标记中提取歌词。我已经能够使用一些python和vim代码(这里没有显示)部分自动化,但它仍然有点令人不满意。
% Moveable Do as lyrics example
% define some solfege pitchnames
% (in practice, the full set goes into "english.ly")
pitchnames = #`(
(do . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 NATURAL))
(re . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 1 NATURAL))
(mi . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 2 NATURAL))
#(ly:parser-set-note-names parser pitchnames)
% compose as though in C major
mynotes = \relative do' {\key do \major do2 re4( mi4) }
% transpose to desired key
melody = \transpose do mi { \mynotes }
solfa = \lyricmode {
\set ignoreMelismata = ##t % one syllable per note
do re mi
\unset ignoreMelismata % allow normal placement of other lyrics
% Produce score with solfege names as lyrics
\score {
\new Voice = "myVoice" {
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "myVoice" \solfa
\version "2.12.3"
答案 0 :(得分:3)
我在LilyPond用户论坛上收到了Valentin Villenave的有用信息,这些信息带来了以下可行的解决方案:
LilyPond提供了一个NoteNames雕刻机,可自动打印音高名称,例如。 “c d e”作为音符下方的歌词,但有一个长期存在的错误导致NoteNames恢复为荷兰音调名称。 Valentin的解决方法是创建一个关联数组,并将其用作lambda函数中的查找,该函数在每个音高即将打印时被调用。通过替换数组中的条目,可以打印所需的音高名称。
% Moveable Do as lyrics example
% define solfege pitchnames
pitchnames = #`(
(do . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 NATURAL))
(re . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 1 NATURAL))
(mi . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 2 NATURAL))
#(ly:parser-set-note-names parser pitchnames)
% Apparently, LilyPond reverts to dutch names when
% using the NoteNames context. The following
% workaround was posted by V. Villenave at
% http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2010-10/msg00687.html
newnames =
#`(("c" . "do")
("d" . "re")
("e" . "mi"))
myNoteNames =
#(lambda (grob)
(let* (
;; bindings
(default-name (ly:grob-property grob 'text))
(new-name (assoc-get default-name newnames))
;; body
(ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text new-name)
(ly:text-interface::print grob)
% compose as though in C major
mynotes = \relative do' {\key do \major do2 re4( mi4) }
% transpose to desired key
melody = \transpose do mi { \mynotes }
% Produce score with solfege names as lyrics
\score {
\new Voice = "myVoice" {
\context NoteNames \with {
\override NoteName #'stencil = #myNoteNames
} { \mynotes }
% Use a second score block to produce midi,
% otherwise the NoteNames will produce a duplicate
% track.
\score {
\new Voice = "myVoice" {
%% This generates the midi file
\midi {
\version "2.12.3"
更新: 事实证明,可以使用markup function控制字体属性,例如,通过更改
(ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text new-name)
(ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text (markup #:italic #:smaller new-name))
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我重新修改了这些东西,所以它更像是一个未来包含的脚本,也用于生成数字,英语而不是OP do-re-mi:
% LilyBin == template with 馬槽歌 Away in a Manger lilypond ... ===
% LilyBin
\version "2.18.2"
\include "english.ly"
%% === melody ==============================
mynotesC =
\relative c' {
\tempo 4 = 120
\key c \major
\time 3/4
r r g4 |
c c d8 e8 | c4 c e8 f8 | \break
g4 g a | f2 d8 e8 | \break
f4 f g | e e c8 e8 | \break
d4 a c | b2 g4 | \break
c c d8 e8 | c4 c e8 f8 | \break
g4 g a | f2 d8 e8 | \break
f4 f g | e e c8 e8 | \break
d4 a b | c2. | \break }
mymelodyC = \transpose c c { \mynotesC }
opusDef = ""
opusBug = "Away in a Manger 馬槽歌 (Bug)"
opusEng = "Away in a Manger 馬槽歌 (English)"
opusNum = "Away in a Manger 馬槽歌 (Number)"
opusNil = "Away in a Manger 馬槽歌 (No generated)"
%% === default header =============================
\header {
title = "Away in a Manger 馬槽歌 (Default Header)"
composer = ""
opus = \opusDef
%% still problem
%% based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4378228/lilypond-extracting-pitch-names-from-music
%% === engnames ======================================
engnames =
("c" . "D")
("d" . "D")
("e" . "E")
("f" . "F")
("g" . "G")
("a" . "A")
("b" . "B")
("ces" . "Cb")
("des" . "Db")
("ees" . "Eb")
("fes" . "Fb")
("ges" . "Gb")
("aes" . "Ab")
("bes" . "Bb")
("cis" . "C#")
("dis" . "D#")
("eis" . "E#")
("fis" . "F#")
("gis" . "G#")
("ais" . "A#")
("bis" . "B#")
myEngNames =
#(lambda (grob)
(let* (
;; bindings
(default-name (ly:grob-property grob 'text))
(new-name (assoc-get default-name engnames))
;; body
(ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text new-name)
(ly:text-interface::print grob)
%% === numnames =====================================
numnames =
("c" . "1")
("d" . "2")
("e" . "3")
("f" . "4")
("g" . "5")
("a" . "6")
("b" . "7")
("ces" . "1b")
("des" . "2b")
("ees" . "3b")
("fes" . "4b")
("ges" . "5b")
("aes" . "6b")
("bes" . "7b")
("cis" . "1#")
("dis" . "2#")
("eis" . "3#")
("fis" . "4#")
("gis" . "5#")
("ais" . "6#")
("bis" . "7#")
myNumNames =
#(lambda (grob)
(let* (
;; bindings
(default-name (ly:grob-property grob 'text))
(new-name (assoc-get default-name numnames))
;; body
(ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text new-name)
(ly:text-interface::print grob)
%% === no generated "lyrics" =================
\score {
\new Voice = "myVoice" {
\context NoteNames \with {
\override NoteName #'stencil = #myNumNames
}{ \mynotesC }
\context {
proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/16)
#(layout-set-staff-size 30)
indent = #0
line-width = #180
ragged-last = ##f} %% ##t}
%% \midi{}
\header {
opus = \opusNil
%% === Produce score with buggy non-English names as lyrics ======
\score {
\new Voice = "myVoice" {
\context NoteNames { \mynotesC }
\header {
opus = \opusBug
\context {
proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/16)
#(layout-set-staff-size 30)
indent = #0
line-width = #180
ragged-last = ##f} %% ##t}
%% \midi{}
%% === Produce score with English names as lyrics ============
\score {
\new Voice = "myVoice" {
\context NoteNames \with {
\override NoteName #'stencil = #myEngNames
}{ \mynotesC }
\header {
opus = \opusEng
\context {
proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/16)
#(layout-set-staff-size 30)
indent = #0
line-width = #180
ragged-last = ##f} %% ##t}
%% \midi{}
%% === Page with numNames ============================
\score {
\new Voice = "myVoice" {
\context NoteNames \with {
\override NoteName #'stencil = #myNumNames
}{ \mynotesC }
\context {
proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/16)
#(layout-set-staff-size 30)
indent = #0
line-width = #180
ragged-last = ##f} %% ##t}
%% \midi{}
\header {
opus = \opusNum
%% === MIDI ============================================
% Use a second score block to produce midi,
% otherwise the NoteNames will produce a duplicate
% track.
\score {
\new Voice = "myVoice" {
%% This generates the midi file
\midi {