popdata <- structure(list(state_name = structure(c(3L, 8L, 17L, 10L, 20L,
7L, 14L, 5L, 15L, 11L, 19L, 9L, 4L, 12L, 18L, 1L, 6L, 2L, 16L,
13L), .Label = c("38075", "16061", "17123", "01029", "42057",
"48299", "19067", "37039", "22083", "21005", "47071", "16057",
"39039", "36017", "29201", "20057", "27035", "48427", "48061",
"39035"), class = "factor"), low = c(0.059837713753631, 0.12202164206081,
0.0787897528614793, 0.114032453341537, 0.148341308923047, 0.12706787216107,
0.12274383236656, 0.0748379645570958, 0.15221930873579, 0.183733602914917,
0.235290802271188, 0.164149979506739, 0.107250926481166, 0.11777709831118,
0.223030101604386, 0.0367333722034264, 0.0672672733525947, 0.0783039335836511,
0.211986216346096, 0.129363157696044), high = c(0.09668764742318,
0.158453141004957, 0.0952271927220508, 0.145718902550631, 0.153078926872484,
0.167159039955223, 0.146691963769807, 0.110326114620514, 0.177443038767736,
0.221222794006902, 0.243313847555343, 0.201423981526801, 0.14822761364434,
0.143842795549539, 0.242206666862943, 0.0963491004746789, 0.100396455887465,
0.152986449716942, 0.237907857617593, 0.155683357367624), pop.under6yrs = c(779,
1365, 4482, 1698, 87596, 1169, 3092, 990, 3295, 1737, 43427,
1623, 988, 2540, 7431, 228, 1039, 249, 3959, 2680), type = c("Empirical Bayes estimate",
"Measured rate", "Measured rate", "Measured rate", "Measured rate",
"Empirical Bayes estimate", "Measured rate", "Empirical Bayes estimate",
"Measured rate", "Empirical Bayes estimate", "Empirical Bayes estimate",
"Measured rate", "Measured rate", "Empirical Bayes estimate",
"Empirical Bayes estimate", "Measured rate", "Measured rate",
"Empirical Bayes estimate", "Empirical Bayes estimate", "Measured rate"
), rate = c(0.0772670083762154, 0.139880882476302, 0.0865854200764759,
0.129427522078593, 0.150707738634344, 0.146552623015333, 0.134513369024505,
0.0918203369486423, 0.164881354080928, 0.202157936735647, 0.239290959114104,
0.183181736988013, 0.12691131498471, 0.130537078580802, 0.232550431594941,
0.0558337214718211, 0.0819252242429744, 0.112969248262823, 0.224816181949421,
0.142364418366184)), .Names = c("state_name", "low", "high",
"pop.under6yrs", "type", "rate"), row.names = c(NA, -20L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))
popdata %>%
ggplot(aes(rate, state_name, color = type)) +
geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = low, xmax = high, color = pop.under6yrs)) +
geom_point(size = 1) +
xlim(0, NA) +
labs(x = "Rate of poverty",
y = NULL, title = "Measured Rates, Empirical Bayesian Estimates, and Credible Intervals")
答案 0 :(得分:1)
正如@ epi10所建议的那样,您试图将color
映射到两个不同的变量。 Shape 21
cols<-c("Empirical Bayes estimate"='red','Measured rate'='black')
popdata %>%
ggplot(aes(rate, state_name,fill=type)) +
geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = low, xmax = high, color = pop.under6yrs),size=1) +
geom_point(size = 3,shape=21) +
xlim(0, NA) +
labs(x = "Rate of poverty",
y = NULL, title = "Measured Rates, Empirical Bayesian Estimates, and Credible Intervals")+
scale_colour_gradient2(low='light blue',mid='blue',high='dark blue',midpoint=45000)