I have a question regarding the use of decorators. I am coding a class function that drive a motor stage. Here is a skeleton:
class Stage(object):
def get_position(self):
print("Getting Position")
return 0
def set_position_absolute(self, value):
print("Setting Position Absolute %f"%value)
def set_position_relative(self, value):
print("Setting Position Relative %f"%value)
def x(self):
return self.get_position()
def x(self,value):
The stage position (let's say x), can be:
What I would like to do, is to use the decorator in such a way that if I use something like:
stage.x += 10
the setter will use only the method set_position_relative(10), instead of calling both get_position() and set_position_absolute(10) (as it is the case now).