
时间:2017-05-01 10:25:44

标签: javascript jquery canvas




function animate() {

            if (x > data.length - 1) {

            if (continueAnimation) {

            if (x++ < panAtX) {

                var temp = data[x];
                var final = constant-(temp);
                ctx.fillRect(x, final, 1, 1);
                ctx.lineTo(x, final);
            } else {

                ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
                                    ctx.beginPath();  // reset the path

                for (var xx = 0; xx < panAtX; xx++) {
                    var y = data[x - panAtX + xx];
                    var final = constant - (y);
                    ctx.fillRect(xx, final, 1, 1);
                    ctx.lineTo(xx, final);                        

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)







  displayBuffer.readFrom(dataSource, dataSpeed, samplesPerFrame)

displayBuffer是保存可显示数据的对象 dataSource是数据来源,具有readseek函数以及readPos您寻找位置dataSource.seek(0.01);向前移动0.01个数据样本然后读取数据dataSource.read();和线性插值返回。



// data reader reads from a data source
const dataReader = {
    readPos : 0,
    seek(amount){  // moves read pos forward or back
        if(this.data.length === 0){
            this.readPos = 0;
            return 0;
        this.readPos += amount;
        this.readPos = this.readPos < 0 ? 0 :this.readPos >= this.data.length ? this.data.length - 1 : this.readPos;
        return this.readPos;
    // this function reads the data at read pos. It is a linear interpolation of the
    // data and does nor repressent what the actual data may be at fractional read positions
        var fraction = this.readPos % 1;
        var whole = Math.floor(this.readPos);
        var v1 = this.data[Math.min(this.data.length-1,whole)];
        var v2 = this.data[Math.min(this.data.length-1,whole + 1)];
        return (v2 - v1) * fraction + v1;





    readTime : 0, // current seeked time
    seekTime(timeShift){  // Example is forward seek only
        if(this.timeStamps.length === 0){
            this.readPos = 0;
            return 0;
        this.readTime += timeShift; // set new seeked time
        var readPos = Math.floor(this.readPos);
        // move read pos forward until at correct sample 
        while(this.timeStamps[readPos] > this.readTime &&
                readPos++ < this.timeStamps.length);

        // Warning you could be past end of buffer
        // you will need to check and set seek time to the last
        // timestamp value and exit. Code below the following line
        // will crash if you dont vet here.
        //if(readPos === this.timeStamps.length)

        // now readPos points to the first timeStamp less than the needed
        // time position. The next read position should be a time ahead of the 
        // needed time
        var t1 = this.timeStamps[readPos]; // time befor seekTime
        var t2 = this.timeStamps[readPos+1]; // time after seekTime
        // warning divide by zero if data bad
        var fraction = (this.readTime-t1)/(t2-t1)); // get the sub sample fractional location for required time.
        this.readPos = readPos + fraction;
        return this.readPos;



dataDisplay的更改很简单。只需更改函数中的搜索调用即可 dataDisplay.readFrom(dataSource,speed,samples)dataSource.seekTime(speed / samples) speed现在代表时间而不是样本。 (或者我只是用seek()覆盖seekTime()函数,如果我有时间戳)这允许dataDisplay对象按原样处理timeStamped和常规间隔数据。



var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// the current data read speed
var dataSpeed = 1;
var samplesPerFrame = 1;
requestAnimationFrame(mainLoop);  // start animation when code has been parsed and executed

// data reader reads from a data source
const dataReader = {
    readPos : 0,
    seek(amount){  // moves read pos forward or back
        if(this.data.length === 0){
            this.readPos = 0;
            return 0;
        this.readPos += amount;
        this.readPos = this.readPos < 0 ? 0 :this.readPos >= this.data.length ? this.data.length - 1 : this.readPos;
        return this.readPos;
    // this function reads the data at read pos. It is a linear interpolation of the
    // data and does nor repressent what the actual data may be at fractional read positions
        var fraction = this.readPos % 1;
        var whole = Math.floor(this.readPos);
        var v1 = this.data[Math.min(this.data.length-1,whole)];
        var v2 = this.data[Math.min(this.data.length-1,whole + 1)];
        return (v2 - v1) * fraction + v1;

// Create a data source and add a dataReader to it
const dataSource = Object.assign({
        data : [],
// fill the data source with random data
for(let i = 0; i < 100000; i++ ){
    // because random data looks the same if sampled every 1000 or 1 unit I have added
    // two waves to the data that will show up when sampling at high rates
    var wave = Math.sin(i / 10000) * 0.5;
    wave += Math.sin(i / 1000) * 0.5;
    // high frequency data shift
    var smallWave = Math.sin(i / 100) * (canvas.height / 5);
    // get a gaussian distributed random value
    dataSource.data[i] = Math.floor(smallWave + ((wave + Math.random()+Math.random()+Math.random()+Math.random()+Math.random()) / 5) *  canvas.height);

// Data displayer used to display a data source  
const dataDisplay = {
    writePos : 0,
    width : 0,
    color : "black",
    lineWidth : 1,
    // this function sets the display width which limits the data buffer
    // when it is called all buffers are reset
        this.data.length = 0;
        this.width = width;
        this.writePos = 0;
        if(this.lastRead === undefined){
            this.lastRead = {};
        this.lastRead.mean = 0;
        this.lastRead.max = 0;
        this.lastRead.min = 0;
    // this draws the buffered data scrolling from left to right
        var data = this.data; // to save my self from writing this a zillion times
        const ch = canvas.height / 2;
        if(data.length > 0){  // only if there is something to draw
            ctx.lineWidth = this.lineWidth;
            ctx.strokeStyle = this.color;
            ctx.lineJoin = "round";
            if(data.length < this.width){  // when buffer is first filling draw from start
                ctx.moveTo(0, data[0])
                for(var i = 1; i < data.length; i++){
                    ctx.lineTo(i, data[i])
            }else{  // buffer is full and write position is chasing the tail end
                ctx.moveTo(0, data[this.writePos])
                for(var i = 1; i < data.length; i++){
                    ctx.lineTo(i, data[(this.writePos + i) % data.length]);
    // this reads data from a data source (that has dataReader functionality)
    // Speed is in data units, 
    // samples is number of samples per buffer write.
    //         samples is only usefull if speed > 1 and lets you see the
    //         mean, min, and max of the data over the speed unit
    //         If speed < 1 and sample > 1 the data is just a linear interpolation 
    //         so the lastRead statistics are meaningless (sort of)
    readFrom(dataSource,speed,samples){ // samples must be a whole positive number
        samples = Math.floor(samples);
        var value = 0;
        var dataRead;
        var min;
        var max;
        for(var i = 0; i < samples; i ++){  // read samples
            dataSource.seek(speed / samples);  // seek to next sample
            dataRead = dataSource.read();     // read the sample
            if(i === 0){
                min = dataRead;
                max = dataRead;
                min = Math.min(dataRead,min);
                max = Math.min(dataRead,max);
            value += dataRead;
        // write the samples data and statistics.
        this.lastRead.min = min;
        this.lastRead.max = max;
        this.lastRead.delta = value / samples - this.lastRead.mean;
        this.lastRead.mean = value / samples;
        this.data[this.writePos] = value / samples;
        this.writePos += 1;
        this.writePos %= this.width;
// display data buffer
var displayBuffer = Object.assign({ // this data is displayed at 1 pixel per frame
        data : [],                 // but data is written into it at a variable speed
    dataDisplay // add display functionality

// for control
const keys = {
    ArrowLeft : false,
    ArrowRight : false,
    ArrowUp : false,
    ArrowDown : false,
function keyEvent(event){
    if(keys[event.code] !== undefined){
        keys[event.code] = true;

function mainLoop(time){
    if(canvas.width !== displayBuffer.width){
    // rest is display UI and stuff like that
    ctx.font = "16px verdana";
    ctx.fillStyle = "black";
    //var dataValue =displayBuffer.lastRead.mean.toFixed(2);
    //var delta = displayBuffer.lastRead.delta.toFixed(4);
    var readPos = dataSource.readPos.toFixed(4);
    //if(displayBuffer.lastRead.delta > 0){ delta = "+" + delta }
    // ctx.fillText("Data : " + dataValue + " ( " +delta +" )" ,4,18);
    ctx.fillText("Speed : " + dataSpeed.toFixed(3) + ", Sample rate :" +samplesPerFrame + ", Read @ "+readPos ,0,0);
    if(samplesPerFrame === 1){
        ctx.fillText("Keyboard speed -left, +right Sample rate +up",0,0);
        ctx.fillText("Keyboard speed -left, +right Sample rate -down, +up",0,0);
        keys.ArrowLeft = false;
        if(dataSpeed > 1){
            dataSpeed -= 1;
            dataSpeed *= 1/1.2;
        keys.ArrowRight = false;
        if(dataSpeed >= 1){
            dataSpeed += 1;
            dataSpeed *= 1.2;
            if(dataSpeed > 1){ dataSpeed = 1 }
        keys.ArrowUp = false;
        samplesPerFrame += 1;
        keys.ArrowDown = false;
        samplesPerFrame -= 1;
        samplesPerFrame  = samplesPerFrame < 1 ? 1 : samplesPerFrame;

canvas {
   border : 2px black solid;
<canvas id=canvas width=512 height=200></canvas>
