我写过有一个for循环,它会运行额外的代码if (sheetData[i] !== "")
function getSheetSectionDataTest(){
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Params"); // get sheet
var sheetData = sheet.getDataRange().getValues(); //get all sheet data
var sectionNames = normalizeHeaders(normalizeHeaders(sheet.getRange('A1:A').getValues()));
var sectionData = []; // main array to contain all section data
// create an array for each section
for(h = 0; h < sectionNames.length; h++) {
sectionData[sectionNames[h]] /*property name or key of choice*/
= [];
for (var i = 0; i < sheetData.length; i++){ //loop through each row in the spreadsheet
var sectionName = normalizeHeaders(sheetData[i]); //return normalized camelCase section name found in column A.
if (sheetData[i] !== ""){ // Test - stop at a cell that matches the criteria and return the data table.
var headerRow = normalizeHeaders(sheetData[i+1]); //define and normalize the table headers
for (var j = i+2; j < sheetData.length; j++) { //loop through each row in the data table.
if (sheetData[j][1] !== ""){ //if there are contents in the table keep looping.
var obj = {};
sectionData[sectionName[0]].push(obj); // Need to replace ranges with a dynamic variable that gives us the current sectionName value as an object?
for (var rowColumn = 0; rowColumn < headerRow.length; rowColumn++) { //loop through each column in the current row of the table.
else { //stop when an empty cell is reached
return sectionData; //when the data table loop runs into an empty cell stop loop and return the data