
时间:2019-01-23 22:58:35

标签: python python-3.x loops while-loop


编辑: 当我输入N或Y以外的字符时,程序将打印成绩。程序应再次询问用户期中成绩。

def again():
    print ("again")
    again = 0
    while again != "Y" or again != "N":
        again = input("Do you want to calculate the grade again? Please enter either Y or N. ")
    if again == "Y":


import sys
def main():
    #Get the name and # of assessments
    named = ("name")
    un = name(named)
    tp = 0
    s= 0
    assessments = 0
    while assessments <= 0:
        assessments = int(input("how many assessments have you completed?"))

    #Get the total of assessments including homework
    for x in range(1,assessments + 1):
        g = float(input("grade of assessment"))
        tp += g

    scoree = tp / assessments
    finalG= finals(scoree)

def scoring(score):

    if score >= 97:
        print("You have an A+ in the class!")
        print ("Your grade as a percentage is:", score, "%",sep="") #Print the percentage
    if score >= 93 and score <= 96.9:
        print("You have an A in the class!")
        print("Your grade as a percentage is:", score,"%",sep="")
    if score >= 90 and score <= 92.9:
        print("You have an A- in the class!")
        print("Your grade as a percentage is:", score,"%",sep="")
    if score >= 87 and score <= 89.9:
        print("You have an B+ in the class!")
        print("Your grade as a percentage is:", score,"%",sep="")
    if score >= 83 and score <= 86.9:
        print("You have an B in the class!")
        print("Your grade as a percentage is:", score,"%",sep="")
    if score >= 80 and score <= 82.9:
        print("You have an B= in the class!")
        print("Your grade as a percentage is:", score,"%",sep="")
    if score >= 77 and score <= 79.9:
        print("You have an C+ in the class!")
        print("Your grade as a percentage is:", score,"%",sep="")
    if score >= 73 and score <= 76.9:
        print("You have an C in the class!")
        print("Your grade as a percentage is:", score,"%",sep="")
    if score >= 70 and score <= 72.9:
        print("You have an C= in the class!")
        print("Your grade as a percentage is:", score,"%",sep="")
    if score >= 67 and score <= 69.9:
        print("You have an D+ in the class!")
        print("Your grade as a percentage is:", score,"%",sep="")
    if score >= 63 and score <= 66.9:
        print("You have an D in the class!")
        print("Your grade as a percentage is:", score,"%",sep="")
    elif score >= 60 and score <= 62.9:
        print("You have an D- in the class!")
        print("Your grade as a percentage is:", score,"%",sep="")
        print("You have an F")
        print("Your grade as a percentage is:", score,"%",sep="")

#ask for their name with "input"
def name(names):
    names = input("Could you please tell me what is your name?:")
    return names

    #Print the grade of the student with the name of the student in the same function
def p(p2):
    print("is your current average is",p2)

# asks if the use wants to run the program again?
def again():
    print ("again")
    again = 0
    while again != "Y" or again != "N":
        again = input("Do you want to calculate the grade again? Please enter either Y or N. ")
    if again == "Y":
#ask the user their final grades and adds it to the calculation
def finals(fgrade):
    mtg = 0
    ma = input("Did you take your midterm? Like before please enter either Y or N")
    if ma == "Y":
        while mtg <= 0:
            mtg = float(input("what is the midterm grade you got back?"))
        fgrade = mtg * .2 + fgrade *.8
    return fgrade

    if ma == "N":
        return fgrade

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

因为您使用的是or条件,否则循环将重复,除非again等于“ Y” 等于“ N”,这是不可能的。使用and条件应该可以解决问题:

def again():
    print ("again")
    again = 0
    while again != "Y" and again != "N": #Notice the "and" rather than the "or"
        again = input("Do you want to calculate the grade again? Please enter either Y or N. ")
    if again == "Y":

如果again不等于“ Y” again不等于“ N”,那么循环将退出。