EMPTY 目前:3 previous:0< - 0因为它是空的 目前:3 previous:2< - previous是2,但应该是3,因为前一个当前是3 目前:3 上一篇:2
答案 0 :(得分:1)
为了追踪和更新汽车' Rect,这就是我要做的(python就像代码):
def getIndexOfCorrespondingTrackedCar(car) :
for i in range(0, len(tracked_cars)) :
if distance(car.center, tracked_cars[i].center) < THRESHOLD : // you will have to define a threshold according to your case. It has to be smaller than the speed of cars (in px/frame) though.
return(i) // we found the corresponding car in the tracked_cars list
return(-1) // we found no corresponding car, it must be a new car
tracked_cars = [] // list of tracked Rects
cars_current_frame = [] // list of Rects on the current frame
while(camera.open()) :
cars_current_frame = getCarsInFrame(frame) // here you want to use your detectMultiScale function
for ccf in cars_current_frame :
car_idx = getIndexOfCorrespondingTrackedCar(ccf) // get the index of the corresponding car in tracked_cars list
if car_idx is -1 : // No correspondance has been found, this is a new car
else :
tracked_cars[car_idx] = ccf // we update the position of the tracked car with its new position
deleteOutdatedCars(tracked_cars) // delete all the tracked cars that haven't been updated for a certain time (it most probably means that the car went off of the frame)