C ++ Meshes在它们不应该被动画时变得动画

时间:2010-12-06 00:17:21

标签: c++ winapi visual-c++ directx

我有两个网格。其中一个是动画的,另一个没有动画。当我渲染它们时,无生命网格的动画效果与动画网格动画的方式相同 所以,让动画网格向左移动而不是返回,我的无生命网格做同样的事情! 这是无生命网格的代码类 主要课程

class StaticMesh
    StaticMesh(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9* device);
    void Render(void);
    void Load(LPCWSTR fileName);
    void CleanUp(void);
    LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9* d3ddev;                      // the pointer to the device class
    LPD3DXMESH mesh;    // define the mesh pointer
    D3DMATERIAL9* material;    // define the material object
    DWORD numMaterials;    // stores the number of materials in the mesh
    LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9* texture;    // a pointer to a texture
    LPD3DXBUFFER bufMeshMaterial;

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "StaticMesh.h"

StaticMesh::StaticMesh(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9* device)


void StaticMesh::Render(void)
    LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 device=*d3ddev;
    for(DWORD i = 0; i < numMaterials; i++)    // loop through each subset
        device->SetMaterial(&material[i]);    // set the material for the subset
        device->SetTexture(0, texture[i]);    // ...then set the texture

        mesh->DrawSubset(i);    // draw the subset

void StaticMesh::Load(LPCWSTR fileName)
    LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 device=*d3ddev;

    D3DXLoadMeshFromX(fileName,    // load this file
                      D3DXMESH_SYSTEMMEM,    // load the mesh into system memory
                      device,    // the Direct3D Device
                      NULL,    // we aren't using adjacency
                      &bufMeshMaterial,    // put the materials here
                      NULL,    // we aren't using effect instances
                      &numMaterials,    // the number of materials in this model
                      &mesh);    // put the mesh here

    // retrieve the pointer to the buffer containing the material information
    D3DXMATERIAL* tempMaterials = (D3DXMATERIAL*)bufMeshMaterial->GetBufferPointer();

    // create a new material buffer and texture for each material in the mesh
    material = new D3DMATERIAL9[numMaterials];
    texture = new LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9[numMaterials];

    for(DWORD i = 0; i < numMaterials; i++)    // for each material...
         // Copy the material 
         material[i] = tempMaterials[i].MatD3D; 

         // Set the ambient color for the material (D3DX does not do this) 
         material[i].Ambient = material[i].Diffuse; 

         // Create the texture if it exists - it may not 
         texture[i] = NULL; 
         if (tempMaterials[i].pTextureFilename) 
             D3DXCreateTextureFromFileA(device, tempMaterials[i].pTextureFilename,&texture[i]);  

void StaticMesh::CleanUp(void)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

anination来自转换矩阵。 您可以将其直接传递给设备(如果使用固定功能)或着色器/效果。 在设置矩阵后绘制的所有网格都将经历相同的变换。 因此,如果您希望一个网格保持无生命,则必须在绘制网格之前更改变换。


SetTransform( world* view * projection );
SetTransform( identity * view * projection );