在PHP中将IPv6 cidr拆分为/ 64块

时间:2017-04-24 19:20:21

标签: php ipv6 cidr

我希望创建一个脚本,将ipv6范围或cidr作为输入,并吐出一个/ 64块列表(或每个/ 64块中的第一个IP)。

我有一个功能可以为IPv4 IP做类似的事情,但我缺乏理解为ipv6重新使用它。

Function BreakTo30($CIDR)
    $CIDR = explode("/", $CIDR); // this breaks the CIDR block into octlets and /notation
    $octet = ip2long($CIDR[0]); //turn the first 3 octets into a long for calculating later
    $NumberOf30s = pow(2,(30-$CIDR[1]))-1; //calculate the number of /30s in the CIDR block
    $OutputArray = array();
    for ($i=-4; $i<4 * $NumberOf30s; $OutputArray[] = (long2ip($octet + ($i += 4)))); //fancy math to output each /30
    return $OutputArray; //returns an array of ranges



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)



$cidr ="2001:adb8:85a3:1111:1111:8a2e:3270:7334/120";
$all = listIPv6InBlock($cidr);

echo "CIDR is $cidr<br/>\r\n";
echo "Count is ". count($all)."<br/>\r\n";


function listIPv6InBlock($CIDR)
    $CIDR = explode("/", $CIDR); // this breaks the CIDR block into octlets and /notation
    $octet = ip2long_v6($CIDR[0]); //turn the first 3 octets into a long for calculating later
    $NumberOfIPs = pow(2,(128-$CIDR[1]))-1; //calculate the number of /30s in the CIDR block
    $OutputArray = array();
    for ($i=0; $i< $NumberOfIPs; $i++){
        $OutputArray[] = long2ip_v6(bcadd($octet,"$i"));
    return $OutputArray; //returns an array of ranges

function printAddresses($arr){
    foreach($arr as $ip){
        echo "$ip <br/>\r\n";       

 *The following two functions are credited to (https://stackoverflow.com/users/67332/glavi%C4%87) 
 * who gave this answer :https://stackoverflow.com/a/19497446/896244
function ip2long_v6($ip) {
    $ip_n = inet_pton($ip);
    $bin = '';
    for ($bit = strlen($ip_n) - 1; $bit >= 0; $bit--) {
        $bin = sprintf('%08b', ord($ip_n[$bit])) . $bin;

    if (function_exists('gmp_init')) {
        return gmp_strval(gmp_init($bin, 2), 10);
    } elseif (function_exists('bcadd')) {
        $dec = '0';
        for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($bin); $i++) {
            $dec = bcmul($dec, '2', 0);
            $dec = bcadd($dec, $bin[$i], 0);
        return $dec;
    } else {
        trigger_error('GMP or BCMATH extension not installed!', E_USER_ERROR);

function long2ip_v6($dec) {
    if (function_exists('gmp_init')) {
        $bin = gmp_strval(gmp_init($dec, 10), 2);
    } elseif (function_exists('bcadd')) {
        $bin = '';
        do {
            $bin = bcmod($dec, '2') . $bin;
            $dec = bcdiv($dec, '2', 0);
        } while (bccomp($dec, '0'));
    } else {
        trigger_error('GMP or BCMATH extension not installed!', E_USER_ERROR);

    $bin = str_pad($bin, 128, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $ip = array();
    for ($bit = 0; $bit <= 7; $bit++) {
        $bin_part = substr($bin, $bit * 16, 16);
        $ip[] = dechex(bindec($bin_part));
    $ip = implode(':', $ip);
    return inet_ntop(inet_pton($ip));





为什么我们使用GMP / BCMATH?答案是某些点的大小数将被转换为浮点数,这将导致数字失去精度,这对于这种计算是不利的。


感谢 Glavić 发布此answer有关如何将IPv6转换为小数的信息,反之亦然

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我再看一遍,接受的答案并不完全是我想要的,因为它列出/ 128块,而不是/ 64。 listIPv6InBlock需要更改为:

function listIPv6InBlock($CIDR)
    $CIDR = explode("/", $CIDR); // this breaks the CIDR block into octlets and /notation
    $octet = ip2long_v6($CIDR[0]); 
    $NumberOfIPs = pow(2,(64-$CIDR[1])); //calculate the number of /64s in the CIDR block
    $OutputArray = array();
    $a = gmp_init($octet);
    $b = gmp_init('18446744073709551616'); // long /64

    for ($i=0; $i< $NumberOfIPs; $i++){
        $c = gmp_mul($b,$i);
        $d = gmp_add($a,$c);

        $OutputArray[] = long2ip_v6(gmp_strval($d));
    return $OutputArray; //returns an array of ranges