
时间:2017-04-19 17:08:32

标签: java javafx


  • 我有一个USB设备,每1/3秒输出一次:

    00.000  00.000  00.000  00.000  00.000  00.000  00.000  00.000(Char 13)(Char 10)

它们是9个不同通道的温度值(它们不是零),最后是Char 13和Char 10(ASCII)。每个值都被2个空格分割。


  • 每1/3秒阅读一次
  • 使用2个空格(变量SPLIT = " +"
  • 拆分字符串
  • 将每个阅读内容存储到chx[]数组
  • 制作一个新的数组time[],以1/3秒为增量递增
  • 冲洗重复。




  • 我想在if循环中执行此操作,但是我似乎无法想出一种方法来说明这一点,它将是以下内容:

    if( /* HOW DO I CONVERT ALL 9 VALUES TO DOUBLES TO CHECK? */ <= finalTemp)
  • 我的推理有效吗? (每个通道的数组和时间数组?) 如果是这样的话,我想我会做一个for循环分裂,就像这样:

    String[] fullReadings = readData().split(SPLIT);  
    Double[] channel0 = null;  
    Double[] channel1 = null;  
    Double[] channel2 = null;  
    Double[] channel3 = null;  
    Double[] channel4 = null;  
    Double[] channel5 = null;  
    Double[] channel6 = null;  
    Double[] channel7 = null;  
    Double[] time = null;  
    for (int i=0; i<8 ; i++){
    fullReadings = readData().split(SPLIT);
    /* DO I JUST SAY */ channeli = Double.parseDouble(fullReadings[i]); //??


修改 谢谢你的帮助到目前为止 截至目前我已经添加了@James_D建议的类,我正在尝试他的方法,我有以下扫描程序代码,因为我无法像他建议的那样逐字地声明:

            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input));
                    Scanner inputScanner = new Scanner(input);
                    TemperatureParser parser = new TemperatureParser();
                        reading = parser.parse(inputScanner.next());
                    } while (testProgress == true);
        catch (Exception e)
                statusLabel.setText("Failed to read data. (" + e.toString() + ")");
                System.out.println("Failed to read data. (" + e.toString() + ")");


public List<TemperatureReading> readings = new ArrayList<>();
public TemperatureReading reading;



    private void doStopTest(ActionEvent event) {
        System.out.println("Stop Button pressed!");
        textLog.appendText("Test stopped by user! \n");
        statusLabel.setText("Stopped by User!");



public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent evt) {          
        if (evt.getEventType() == SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE)
            if (testProgress == false)
                BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input));

                    fullLine = reader.readLine();

                    textLog.appendText(fullLine + "\n");

            catch (Exception e)
                statusLabel.setText("@serialEvent.IF Failed to read data. (" + e.toString() + ")");
                System.out.println("@SerialEvent.IF Failed to read data. (" + e.toString() + ")");

                    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input));
                    TemperatureParser parser = new TemperatureParser();
                    reading = parser.parse(reader.readLine());
                    fullLine = reader.readLine();
                    textLog.appendText(fullLine + "\n");
                catch (Exception e)
                statusLabel.setText("@serialEvent.ELSE Failed to read data. (" + e.toString() + ")");
                System.out.println("@SerialEvent.ELSE Failed to read data. (" + e.toString() + ")");





private void doStopTest(ActionEvent event) {
    System.out.println("Stop Button pressed!");
    textLog.appendText("Test stopped by user! \n");
    statusLabel.setText("Stopped by User!");

    for (int t = 0; t < readings.size(); t++)
        System.out.println("Time: " + readings.get(t).getTimestamp() + " CH1: " + readings.get(t).getValue(0) + " CH2: " + readings.get(t).getValue(1) + " CH3: " + readings.get(t).getValue(2) + " CH4: " + readings.get(t).getValue(3) + " CH5: " + readings.get(t).getValue(4) + " CH6: " + readings.get(t).getValue(5) + " CH7: " + readings.get(t).getValue(6) + " CH8: " + readings.get(t).getValue(7) + " CH9: " + readings.get(t).getValue(8));


testProgress is True
Exception in thread "Thread-4" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not on FX application thread; currentThread = Thread-4
@SerialEvent.ELSE Failed to read data. (java.io.IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes)
    at com.sun.javafx.tk.Toolkit.checkFxUserThread(Toolkit.java:236)
    at com.sun.javafx.tk.quantum.QuantumToolkit.checkFxUserThread(QuantumToolkit.java:423)
    at javafx.scene.Parent$2.onProposedChange(Parent.java:367)
    at com.sun.javafx.collections.VetoableListDecorator.setAll(VetoableListDecorator.java:113)
    at com.sun.javafx.collections.VetoableListDecorator.setAll(VetoableListDecorator.java:108)
    at com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.LabeledSkinBase.updateChildren(LabeledSkinBase.java:575)
    at com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.LabeledSkinBase.handleControlPropertyChanged(LabeledSkinBase.java:204)
    at com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.LabelSkin.handleControlPropertyChanged(LabelSkin.java:49)
    at com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.BehaviorSkinBase.lambda$registerChangeListener$61(BehaviorSkinBase.java:197)
    at com.sun.javafx.scene.control.MultiplePropertyChangeListenerHandler$1.changed(MultiplePropertyChangeListenerHandler.java:55)
    at javafx.beans.value.WeakChangeListener.changed(WeakChangeListener.java:89)
    at com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$SingleChange.fireValueChangedEvent(ExpressionHelper.java:182)
    at com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(ExpressionHelper.java:81)
    at javafx.beans.property.StringPropertyBase.fireValueChangedEvent(StringPropertyBase.java:103)
    at javafx.beans.property.StringPropertyBase.markInvalid(StringPropertyBase.java:110)
    at javafx.beans.property.StringPropertyBase.set(StringPropertyBase.java:144)
    at javafx.beans.property.StringPropertyBase.set(StringPropertyBase.java:49)
    at javafx.beans.property.StringProperty.setValue(StringProperty.java:65)
    at javafx.scene.control.Labeled.setText(Labeled.java:145)
    at at.qcresponsetime.FXMLDocumentController.serialEvent(FXMLDocumentController.java:583)
    at gnu.io.RXTXPort.sendEvent(RXTXPort.java:772)
    at gnu.io.RXTXPort.eventLoop(Native Method)
    at gnu.io.RXTXPort$MonitorThread.run(RXTXPort.java:1641)
@SerialEvent.ELSE Failed to read data. (java.io.IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes)
@SerialEvent.ELSE Failed to read data. (java.io.IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes)
@SerialEvent.ELSE Failed to read data. (java.io.IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes)
@SerialEvent.ELSE Failed to read data. (java.io.IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes)
@SerialEvent.ELSE Failed to read data. (java.io.IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes)
@SerialEvent.ELSE Failed to read data. (java.io.IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes)
@SerialEvent.ELSE Failed to read data. (java.io.IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes)
@SerialEvent.ELSE Failed to read data. (java.io.IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes)
@SerialEvent.ELSE Failed to read data. (java.io.IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes)
@SerialEvent.ELSE Failed to read data. (java.io.IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes)
@SerialEvent.ELSE Failed to read data. (java.io.IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes)
@SerialEvent.ELSE Failed to read data. (java.io.IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes)
@SerialEvent.ELSE Failed to read data. (java.io.IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes)
@SerialEvent.ELSE Failed to read data. (java.io.IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes)
Stop Button pressed!
[at.qcresponsetime.FXMLDocumentController$TemperatureReading@44c159a9, at.qcresponsetime.FXMLDocumentController$TemperatureReading@6fed877b, at.qcresponsetime.FXMLDocumentController$TemperatureReading@2529a9d6, at.qcresponsetime.FXMLDocumentController$TemperatureReading@efba5c8, at.qcresponsetime.FXMLDocumentController$TemperatureReading@4039a9af, at.qcresponsetime.FXMLDocumentController$TemperatureReading@43ec288c, at.qcresponsetime.FXMLDocumentController$TemperatureReading@2b635e3e, at.qcresponsetime.FXMLDocumentController$TemperatureReading@78e57b7f, at.qcresponsetime.FXMLDocumentController$TemperatureReading@751cc11d, at.qcresponsetime.FXMLDocumentController$TemperatureReading@57962f7a, at.qcresponsetime.FXMLDocumentController$TemperatureReading@66b51918, at.qcresponsetime.FXMLDocumentController$TemperatureReading@3558b832, at.qcresponsetime.FXMLDocumentController$TemperatureReading@26df83ad, at.qcresponsetime.FXMLDocumentController$TemperatureReading@40d485f3, at.qcresponsetime.FXMLDocumentController$TemperatureReading@ee72928]
testProgress is False
Time: 2017-04-20T15:28:19.118 CH1: 24.024 CH2: 23.961 CH3: 23.889 CH4: 24.163 CH5: 24.085 CH6: 24.107 CH7: 24.017 CH8: 24.042 CH9: 24.473
Time: 2017-04-20T15:28:19.428 CH1: 24.044 CH2: 23.989 CH3: 23.916 CH4: 24.188 CH5: 24.112 CH6: 24.144 CH7: 24.05 CH8: 24.07 CH9: 24.476
Time: 2017-04-20T15:28:19.764 CH1: 24.063 CH2: 24.016 CH3: 23.942 CH4: 24.214 CH5: 24.138 CH6: 24.179 CH7: 24.082 CH8: 24.097 CH9: 24.479
Time: 2017-04-20T15:28:20.099 CH1: 24.083 CH2: 24.043 CH3: 23.969 CH4: 24.24 CH5: 24.164 CH6: 24.215 CH7: 24.114 CH8: 24.123 CH9: 24.482
Time: 2017-04-20T15:28:20.418 CH1: 24.102 CH2: 24.043 CH3: 23.996 CH4: 24.24 CH5: 24.191 CH6: 24.215 CH7: 24.114 CH8: 24.151 CH9: 24.485
Time: 2017-04-20T15:28:20.753 CH1: 24.102 CH2: 24.043 CH3: 23.996 CH4: 24.24 CH5: 24.191 CH6: 24.215 CH7: 24.113 CH8: 24.151 CH9: 24.485
Time: 2017-04-20T15:28:21.088 CH1: 24.102 CH2: 24.043 CH3: 23.996 CH4: 24.241 CH5: 24.191 CH6: 24.215 CH7: 24.113 CH8: 24.151 CH9: 24.485
Time: 2017-04-20T15:28:21.408 CH1: 24.103 CH2: 24.043 CH3: 23.996 CH4: 24.241 CH5: 24.191 CH6: 24.215 CH7: 24.113 CH8: 24.151 CH9: 24.485
Time: 2017-04-20T15:28:21.743 CH1: 24.103 CH2: 24.043 CH3: 23.996 CH4: 24.242 CH5: 24.191 CH6: 24.215 CH7: 24.113 CH8: 24.152 CH9: 24.485
Time: 2017-04-20T15:28:22.062 CH1: 24.103 CH2: 24.044 CH3: 23.996 CH4: 24.242 CH5: 24.192 CH6: 24.216 CH7: 24.113 CH8: 24.152 CH9: 24.485
Time: 2017-04-20T15:28:22.398 CH1: 24.103 CH2: 24.044 CH3: 23.996 CH4: 24.243 CH5: 24.192 CH6: 24.216 CH7: 24.113 CH8: 24.152 CH9: 24.485
Time: 2017-04-20T15:28:22.733 CH1: 24.104 CH2: 24.043 CH3: 23.996 CH4: 24.243 CH5: 24.193 CH6: 24.216 CH7: 24.113 CH8: 24.152 CH9: 24.485
Time: 2017-04-20T15:28:23.052 CH1: 24.104 CH2: 24.044 CH3: 23.996 CH4: 24.244 CH5: 24.193 CH6: 24.216 CH7: 24.113 CH8: 24.152 CH9: 24.485
Time: 2017-04-20T15:28:23.387 CH1: 24.103 CH2: 24.043 CH3: 23.996 CH4: 24.244 CH5: 24.193 CH6: 24.216 CH7: 24.113 CH8: 24.152 CH9: 24.485
Time: 2017-04-20T15:28:23.723 CH1: 24.103 CH2: 24.043 CH3: 23.995 CH4: 24.244 CH5: 24.193 CH6: 24.216 CH7: 24.113 CH8: 24.152 CH9: 24.485


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


double[] extractSample(String sampleRow);

double maxTemperature(double[] sample);


答案 1 :(得分:0)



根据我从问题中理解的算法,算法。 注意:未检查语法并且有许多假设,例如readData()会严格阻止1/3秒,这可能不是真的。因此,时间戳需要谨慎。也许使用System.nanoTime()是首选。但是,以下答案与问题的语义完全匹配。

final double finalTemp = ...;

// 9 channels
double[] channels = new double[9];

long tick = 0;

boolean done = false;

// assume that final temp will be reached
while (!done) {

    // disregarding the Char(13), Char(10), so fullReadings contains temp in String format
    String[] fullReadings = readData().split(SPLIT); 

    // assume fullReadings.length == 9
    for (int i = 0; i < fullReadings.length; i++) {

        // assume the value can be parsed with no errors
        double temp = Double.parseDouble(reading);

        channels[i] = temp;

        if (temp >= finalTemp) {
            done = true;


System.out.printf("Time took: %.3f seconds\n", tick / 3.0);

for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) {
    System.out.printf("Channel %d has temp: %.3f\n", i, channels[i]);

答案 2 :(得分:0)



import java.time.LocalDateTime ;
import java.util.stream.DoubleStream ;

public class TemperatureReading {

    private final double[] values ;

    private final LocalDateTime timestamp ;

    public TemperatureReading(LocalDateTime timestamp, double... values) {
        this.timestamp = timestamp ;
        this.values = new double[values.length];
        System.arraycopy(values, 0, this.values, 0, values.length);

    public TemperatureReading(double... values) {
        this(LocalDateTime.now(), values);

    public double getValue(int channel) {
        return values[channel];

    public int getNumberOfChannels() {
        return values.length ;

    public LocalDateTime getTimestamp() {
        return timestamp ;

    public boolean noneExceed(double max) {
        return DoubleStream.of(values)
            .allMatch(v -> v <= max)



import java.util.stream.Stream ;

public class TemperatureReadingParser {

    public TemperatureReading parse(String text) {
        return new TemperatureReading(


List<TemperatureReading> readings = new ArrayList<>();

TemperatureReadingParser parser = new TemperatureReadingParser();
double max = ... ;
Scanner input = ... ;

TemperatureReading reading ;
do {
    reading = parser.parse(input.next());
} while (reading.noneExceed(max));



int channel = ... ;
double[] channelValues = readings.stream()
    .mapToDouble(reading -> reading.getValue(channel))
