Cypher / Neo4j:如何匹配与所有相关节点有关系的节点

时间:2017-04-18 15:01:39

标签: neo4j cypher



  MATCH (:User)-[:has_skill]->(:Skill)<-[:requires]-(o:Occupation)
  MATCH (o)
  WITH o, SIZE((o)-[:requires]->()) AS occupation_skill_count
  MATCH (o)-[:requires]->(:Skill)<-[hs:has_skill]-(u:User)
  WITH o, u, occupation_skill_count, count(hs) AS user_skill_count
  WHERE occupation_skill_count = user_skill_count
  WITH o.title as occupation_title, count(u) as users_count
  RETURN occupation_title, users_count



  1. 匹配通过技能连接到用户的所有职业。
  2. 计算所有这些职业所需技能的数量。
  3. 通过技能匹配与这些职业相关的所有用户,其中用户对该职业的技能数量等于职业所需的所有技能数量。
  4. 这似乎适用于暂存环境,其中记录要少得多。然而,由于数据太多,它只会超时。有没有更好的方法来写这个?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


由于您正在为所有职业执行此操作,因此它是批处理的理想选择。但是,由于批处理将无法返回计数(它用于写入操作),我们可以使用它将计数写入:占用节点,这样我们就可以在计算完这些数字后快速查询这些数字。 。此时,如果您想保留计算出的属性(可能包含计算时间的时间戳),或者只是报告它们并立即删除属性,则取决于您。

您需要APOC Procedures才能执行批处理操作。 apoc.periodic.iterate()将是您选择的程序(您可以将batchSize调整为最适合您的方法)。我会在线添加评论。

CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
 // iterate in batches for all :Occupations
 "MATCH (o:Occupation) RETURN o",
 // for each occupation, get all skills in ascending order of skilled users
 "MATCH (o)-[:requires]->(s:Skill)
 WITH o, s, size((s)<-[:has_skill]-()) as skilledUserCount
 WHERE skilledUserCount <> 0
 ORDER BY skilledUserCount ASC
 WITH o, collect(s) as skills
 WITH o, head(skills) as first, tail(skills) as skills
 // get users with all the required skills
 // because of ordering, we start with the smallest set of skilled users
 MATCH (first)<-[:has_skill]-(u)
 WHERE ALL(skill in skills WHERE (skill)<-[:has_skill]-(u))
 // now set this count of users with all skills to the occupation
 WITH o, count(u) as skilledUsers
 SET o.skilledUsers = skilledUsers
 // uncomment next line to keep a timestamp of when this was last updated
 // SET o.skilledUsersUpdated = timestamp()
 {batchSize:1000, parallel:true, iterateList:true}) YIELD batches, total
 RETURN batches, total


MATCH (o:Occupation)
RETURN o.title as occupation_title, o.skilledUsers as users_count