如何在三个.js中设置相机坐标对象?使用示例" webgl obj + mtl loader"

时间:2017-04-17 20:57:24

标签: three.js wavefront

我的.obj格式为3D model。但是,此3D模型的坐标不是(0,0,0)。这是无人机图像的3D渲染,因此坐标是实际的地理参考坐标。

我跟随Three.js中关于如何在webgl上加载带有mtl的obj的示例。我使用原始的HTML,除了我只是将CerroPelaoLow替换为boy02列出的obj,文件放在obj目录中。 Firefox正确显示模型,但位置是问题。



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// assuming following variables:
// object   -> your obj model (THREE.Mesh)
// camera   -> PerspectiveCamera
// controls -> I'm also using OrbitControls

// if boundingSphere isn't set yet

var sphere = object.geometry.boundingSphere.clone();
sphere.applyMatrix4( object.matrixWorld );

// vector from current center to camera position (shouldn't be zero in length)
var s = new THREE.Vector3().subVectors( camera.position, controls.center );

var h = sphere.radius / Math.tan( camera.fov / 2 * Math.PI / 180 );

var newPos = new THREE.Vector3().addVectors( sphere.center, s.setLength(h) );

camera.position.copy( newPos );
controls.center.copy( sphere.center );