
时间:2017-04-17 01:09:17

标签: .net sockets tcp udp





    public static string GetIP4Address()
        //Retrieve all ip addresses associated with this computer (like when you invoke "ipconfig" in cmd)
        IPAddress[] hostIpAddresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses(Dns.GetHostName());

        //We want to look through all of the IP addresses and search for the IPv4 address and return it
        foreach (IPAddress ip in hostIpAddresses)
            if (ip.AddressFamily.Equals(AddressFamily.InterNetwork))
                return ip.ToString();

        //If it does not exist, we can assume we are offline and to return the localhost address
        return Constants.LOCAL_IP;

UDP ReceivePacket任务:

private async Task<Tuple<Packet, IPEndPoint>> ReceivePacket(UdpClient con)
      byte[] data;
      UdpReceiveResult result = await con.ReceiveAsync();
      data = result.Buffer;
      Packet packet = Packet.Deserialize(data);
      return new Tuple<Packet, IPEndPoint>(packet, result.RemoteEndPoint);


private async Task HandShake()
        // We look for a server up to MAX_RETRY times.
        int retryCounter = 0;
        UdpClient broadcast = new UdpClient();

        // Here is why we need UPD to accomplish this task. Because we need to broadcast
        // over the network asking for a server
        IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Broadcast, Constants.CONNECTION_PORT);

        // We need to send a SYN packet letting know to the server (If exists) that we are asking
        // for a handshake. We serialize the packet
        Packet synPacket = new Packet();
        synPacket.Flags = PacketFlag.SYN;
        byte[] rawSYNPacket = Packet.Serialize(synPacket);

            // Sending our "BROADCAST"
            broadcast.Send(rawSYNPacket, rawSYNPacket.Length, endPoint);
            txtMessagesBox.Text += $"Waiting a server #{retryCounter}\n";

            // We wait for a response on a separate thread.
            // The receive method is a blocking operation so we wrote an extension method to
            // create an asynchronous method with a timeout.
            var packetTuple = await ReceivePacket(broadcast).WithTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(SEARCH_SERVER_TIMEOUT));

            // If no packet is received we try it one more time up to MAX_RETRY times
            if (packetTuple == null)
            // If we receive an ACK packet then a server exists and we need to configure the application as client
            else if (packetTuple.Item1.Flags == PacketFlag.ACK)
        while (retryCounter < MAX_RETRY);

        // If no response then the application must be configured as a server
        txtMessagesBox.Text += "Ok, I'll be the server\n";


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