1 2 3 4
158.4567 165.7833 153.1233 140.8067
1 2 3 4
140.4833 149.9200 157.9233 161.2467
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
158.4567 165.7833 153.1233 140.8067 151.5633 155.2667 132.4667 128.4633
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
140.4833 149.9200 157.9233 161.2467 127.8667 144.3600 150.8467 152.5333
date value1 value2
2015.1 158.4567 151.5633
2015.2 165.7833 155.2667
2015.3 153.1233 132.4667
2015.4 140.8067 128.4633
2016.1 ... ...
2016.2 ... ...
2016.3 ... ...
2016.4 ... ...
修改 示例代码,用于创建我想在数据框中合并的两个值:
library(lubridate) # for date operations
# manual created dataframe
date <- sample(seq(as.Date('1999-01-01 00:00:00'), as.Date('2017-01-01 00:00:00'), by="day"), 500)
dataM = data.frame("first" = 1:500, "sec" = c(1:500), "date"=date)
dataM <- transform(dataM, date = ymd(dataM$date)) # date to lubridate date format
splitByYear = split(dataM, year(dataM$date))
splitByQuarter = sapply(splitByYear, function(y) split(y, quarter(y$date)))
a = sapply(splitByQuarter, function(x) sapply(x, function(y) max(y$date, na.rm = TRUE)))
b = sapply(splitByQuarter, function(x) sapply(x, function(y) min(y$sec, na.rm = TRUE)))
res = mapply(quarterPP, a,b)
quarterPP <- function(a, b){
value1 = a+b
value2 = b+1900
c(value1, value2) # this should be in a dataframe
答案 0 :(得分:1)
#create dummy data
x <- setNames(rnorm(4), 1:4)
y <- setNames(rnorm(4), 1:4)
z <- setNames(rnorm(4), 1:4)
w <- setNames(rnorm(4), 1:4)
l1 <- list(`2015` = append(x, y), `2016` = append(z, w))
# 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
#-0.0318981 -1.1241606 -0.1040653 -0.7819973 -0.8715601 -0.2287638 -0.9092943 -0.3757804
# 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
#-0.6034540 -1.1469930 0.6085236 1.2565788 -0.1020582 0.1383716 1.1358109 -0.2635427
l2 <- lapply(l1,function(i) {
ind <- max(as.numeric(names(i)));
data.frame(matrix(i, nrow = ind))
final_df <- dplyr::bind_rows(l2, .id = 'Year')
final_df$Year <- make.unique(final_df$Year)
# Year V1 V2
#1 2015 -0.0318981 -0.8715601
#2 2015.1 -1.1241606 -0.2287638
#3 2015.2 -0.1040653 -0.9092943
#4 2015.3 -0.7819973 -0.3757804
#5 2016 -0.6034540 -0.1020582
#6 2016.1 -1.1469930 0.1383716
#7 2016.2 0.6085236 1.1358109
#8 2016.3 1.2565788 -0.2635427
答案 1 :(得分:0)
l1 <- set_names(replicate(3, set_names(rnorm(4), 1:4), simplify = FALSE), 2015:2017)
l2 <- set_names(replicate(3, set_names(rnorm(4), 1:4), simplify = FALSE), 2015:2017)
lst(l1, l2) %>% # make a list, pulling names from objects
map_df(~map_df(.x, # for each sublist, iterate over it
~data_frame(val = .x, # making a data.frame of each subelement
quarter = as.integer(names(.x))),
.id = 'year'), # coercing the element to a data.frame with a column of names
.id = 'var') %>% # and coerce both elements to a data.frame with a column of names
spread(var, val) # finally, reshape to wide form
#> # A tibble: 12 × 4
#> year quarter l1 l2
#> * <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2015 1 1.99469634 0.49382018
#> 2 2015 2 0.71114251 -1.82822917
#> 3 2015 3 0.18540528 0.09147291
#> 4 2015 4 -0.28176501 0.67077922
#> 5 2016 1 0.10877555 -0.08107805
#> 6 2016 2 -1.08573747 1.26424109
#> 7 2016 3 -0.98548216 -0.70338819
#> 8 2016 4 0.01513086 -0.04057817
#> 9 2017 1 -0.25204590 -1.56616208
#> 10 2017 2 -1.46575030 0.24914817
#> 11 2017 3 -0.92245624 -0.34041599
#> 12 2017 4 0.03960243 0.41719084