
时间:2017-04-10 12:58:41

标签: r modeling forecasting

我正在尝试使用另一个时间序列(X)作为预测器来预播时间序列数据(Y)。 X和Y是协整的。 Y是2012年1月至2016年10月的月度数据,X是2012年1月至2017年2月的。





# Cointegrated_series is a ZOO object, which contains two time series X and Y


# Obtain lag length
Lagl <- VARselect(Cointegrated_series)$selection[[1]]

#Conduct Eigen test
cointest <- ca.jo(Cointegrated_series,K=Lagl,type = "eigen", ecdet = "const", 
                    spec = "transitory")
vecm <- cajorls(cointest)

#Transform VECM to VAR
var <- vec2var(cointest)

我尝试以不同的方式使用predict功能:predict(var)predict(var, newdata = 50)predict(var, newdata = 1000) - 结果相同。



    # Cointegrated_series is a ZOO object, which contains 
#two time series X and Y from Jan 2012 to Oct 2016. Both X and Y are values.
    # newDat is a ZOO object, which contains two time series 
#X and Y from Nov 2016 to Feb 2017. X are values, Y are NAs.


    vecm <-VECM(Cointegrated_series, lag=2)

    predict(vecm,newdata = newDat, n.ahead=5)


                                                    Y             X
59                                                  NA            NA
60                                                  NA            NA
61                                                  NA            NA
62                                                  NA            NA
63                                                  NA            NA

例如,这是我在调用predict whithout newdata参数后得到的结果:

predict(vecm, n.ahead=5)

                                              Y             X
59                                            65.05233      64.78006
60                                            70.54545      73.87368
61                                            75.65266      72.06513
62                                            74.76065      62.97242
63                                            70.03992      55.81045


  1. 如何使用已知的X来预播Y,在R中使用VEC模型?
  2. 如何获得建模的Y(Y帽)值?
  3. 除此之外,我也找不到这些问题的答案:

    1. 如何在R中调用VECM的Akaike标准(AIC)?

    2. vars和urca包是否为VECM提供F和t统计信息?

    3. UPD 10.04.2017 我稍微编辑了这个问题。注意到,我的问题适用于“乱边”问题,将其称为“预测”是不正确的 - 它是“临近预报”。

      UPD 11.04.2017



      Dat <- dget(file = "https://getfile.dokpub.com/yandex/get/https://yadi.sk/d/VJpQ75Rz3GsDKN")
      NewDat <- dget(file = "https://getfile.dokpub.com/yandex/get/https://yadi.sk/d/T7qxxPUq3GsDLc")
      Lagl <- VARselect(Dat)$selection[[1]]
      #vars package
      cointest_e <- ca.jo(Dat,K=Lagl,type = "eigen", ecdet = "const", 
                          spec = "transitory")
      vecm <- cajorls(cointest_e)
      var <- vec2var(cointest_e)
      Predict1 <- predict(var)
      Predict2 <- predict(var, newdata = NewDat)
      Predict1$fcst$Y == Predict2$fcst$Y
      Predict1$fcst$X == Predict2$fcst$X
      #As we see, Predict1 and Predict2 are similar, so the information in NewDat
      #didn't came into account.
      vecm2 <-VECM(Dat, lag=3)
      predict(vecm2, newdata=NewDat)


      https://yadi.sk/d/VJpQ75Rz3GsDKN - 对于Dat

      https://yadi.sk/d/T7qxxPUq3GsDLc - 适用于NewDat


      Nowcasting 我的意思是当前月或上个月对当前可用数据的不可用数据的预测。以下是一些参考:




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



  • 长期关系:y和x的同期价值

  • VECM表示:(diff)y和x由(diff)滞后解释,以及前一周期的纠错项。


  1. 根据长期关系进行临近预报。所以你只需要运行标准的OLS,并从那里进行预测。

  2. 基于结构VECM进行临近预测,您可以在其中添加您知道的变量(X)的同期值。在R中,您将执行此程序包urca,但您需要检查predict函数是否允许您添加已知的X值。

  3. 关于长期关系方法,有趣的是,你可以根据VECM(没有已知的X)和已知X的LT获得X和Y的预测。这为你提供了一个有想法的方法模型的准确性(比较已知和预测的X),您可以用它来为Y创建预测平均方案?

答案 1 :(得分:0)

首先,非常感谢@Matifou的出色软件包。 我的回复很晚,但是我也想找出相同的问题,但没有找到解决方案。因此,我实现了以下功能,希望对某些人有用:

#' @title Special predict method for VECM models
#' @description Predict method for VECM models given some known endogenus
#'  variables are known but one. It is just valid for one cointegration equation by the moment
#' @param object, an object of class ‘VECM’
#' @param new_data, a dataframe containing the forecast of all the endogenus variables
#'  but one, if there are exogenus variables, its forecast must be provided.
#' @param predicted_var, a string with the desired endogenus variable to be predicted.
#' @return A list with the predicted variable, predicted values and a dataframe with the
#' detailed values used for the construction of the forecast.
#' @examples
#' data(zeroyld)
#' # Fit a VECM with Johansen MLE estimator:
#' vecm.jo<-VECM(zeroyld, lag=2, estim="ML")
#' predict.vecm(vecm.jo, new_data = data.frame("long.run" = c(7:10)), predicted_var = "short.run")

predict.vecm <- function(object, new_data, predicted_var){
  if (inherits(object, "VECM")) {
    # Just valid for VECM models
    # Get endogenus and exogenus variables
    summary_vecm <- summary(object)
    model_vars <- colnames(object$model)
    endovars <- sub("Equation ", "", rownames(summary_vecm$bigcoefficients))
    if (!(predicted_var %in% endovars)) {
      stop("You must provide a valid endogenus variable.")
    exovars <- NULL
    if (object$exogen) {
      ind_endovars <-
        unlist(sapply(endovars, function(x) grep(x, model_vars), simplify = FALSE))
      exovars <- model_vars[-ind_endovars]
      exovars <- exovars[exovars != "ECT"]

    # First step: join new_data and (lags + 1) last values from the calibration data
    new_data <- data.frame(new_data)
    if (!all(colnames(new_data) %in% c(endovars, exovars))) {
      stop("new_data must have valid endogenus or exogenus column names.")
    # Endovars but the one desired to be predicted
    endovars2 <- endovars[endovars != predicted_var]
    # if (!all(colnames(new_data) %in% c(endovars2, exovars))) {
    #   stop("new_data must have valid endogenus (all but the one desired to predict) or exogenus column names.")
    # }
    new_data <- new_data[, c(endovars2, exovars), drop = FALSE]
    new_data <- cbind(NA, new_data)
    colnames(new_data) <- c(predicted_var, endovars2, exovars)
    # Previous values to obtain lag values and first differences (lags + 1)
    dt_tail <- data.frame(tail(object$model[, c(endovars, exovars), drop = FALSE], object$lag + 1))
    new_data <- rbind(dt_tail, new_data)

    # Second step: get long rung relationship forecast (ECT term)
    ect_vars <- rownames(object$model.specific$beta)
    if ("const" %in% ect_vars) {
      new_data$const <- 1
    ect_coeff <- object$model.specific$beta[, 1]
    new_data$ECT_0 <-
      apply(sweep(new_data[, ect_vars], MARGIN = 2, ect_coeff, `*`), MARGIN = 1, sum)
    # Get ECT-1 (Lag 1)
    new_data$ECT <- as.numeric(quantmod::Lag(new_data$ECT_0, 1))

    # Third step: get differences of the endogenus and exogenus variables provided in new_data
    diff_data <- apply(new_data[, c(endovars, exovars)], MARGIN = 2, diff)
    colnames(diff_data) <- paste0("DIFF_", c(endovars, exovars))
    diff_data <- rbind(NA, diff_data)
    new_data <- cbind(new_data, diff_data)

    # Fourth step: get x lags of the endogenus and exogenus variables
    for (k in 1:object$lag) {
      iter <- myLag(new_data[, paste0("DIFF_", endovars)], k)
      colnames(iter) <- paste0("DIFF_", endovars, " -", k)
      new_data <- cbind(new_data, iter)

    # Fifth step: recursive calculatioon
    vecm_vars <- colnames(summary_vecm$bigcoefficients)
    if ("Intercept" %in% vecm_vars) {
      new_data$Intercept <- 1
    vecm_vars[!(vecm_vars %in% c("ECT", "Intercept"))] <-
      paste0("DIFF_", vecm_vars[!(vecm_vars %in% c("ECT", "Intercept"))])
    equation <- paste("Equation", predicted_var)
    equation_coeff <- summary_vecm$coefficients[equation, ]
    predicted_var2 <- paste0("DIFF_", predicted_var)
    for (k in (object$lag + 2):nrow(new_data)) {
      # Estimate y_diff
      new_data[k, predicted_var2] <-
        sum(sweep(new_data[k, vecm_vars], MARGIN = 2, equation_coeff, `*`))
      # Estimate y_diff lags
      for (j in 1:object$lag) {
        new_data[, paste0(predicted_var2, " -", j)] <-
          as.numeric(quantmod::Lag(new_data[, predicted_var2], j))
      # Estimate y
      new_data[k, predicted_var] <-
        new_data[(k - 1), predicted_var] + new_data[k, predicted_var2]
      # Estimate ECT
      new_data[k, "ECT_0"] <- sum(sweep(new_data[k, ect_vars], MARGIN = 2, ect_coeff, `*`))
      if (k < nrow(new_data)) {
        new_data[k + 1, "ECT"] <- new_data[k, "ECT_0"]
    predicted_values <- new_data[(object$lag + 2):nrow(new_data), predicted_var]
  } else {
    stop("You must provide a valid VECM model.")

      predicted_variable = predicted_var,
      predicted_values = predicted_values,
      data = new_data

# Lag function applied to dataframes
myLag <- function(data, lag) data.frame(unclass(data[c(rep(NA, lag), 1:(nrow(data)-`lag)),]))`

@Andrey Goloborodko,在您的示例中,您应申请:

NewDat <- NewDat[-1,] #Just new data is necessary to be provided
predict.vecm(vecm2, new_data=NewDat, predicted_var = "Y")
# $predicted_variable
# [1] "Y"
# $predicted_values
# [1] 65.05233 61.29563 59.45109
# $data
#                  Y   X       ECT_0         ECT     DIFF_Y DIFF_X  DIFF_Y -1 DIFF_X -1  DIFF_Y -2
# jul. 2016 92.40506 100 -29.0616718          NA         NA     NA         NA        NA         NA
# ago. 2016 94.03255  78  -0.7115037 -29.0616718   1.627486    -22         NA        NA         NA
# sep. 2016 78.84268  53  14.4653067  -0.7115037 -15.189873    -25   1.627486       -22         NA
# oct. 2016 67.99277  52   4.8300645  14.4653067 -10.849910     -1 -15.189873       -25   1.627486
# nov. 2016 65.05233  51   3.1042967   4.8300645  -2.940435     -1 -10.849910        -1 -15.189873
# dic. 2016 61.29563  50   0.5622618   3.1042967  -3.756702     -1  -2.940435        -1 -10.849910
# ene. 2017 59.45109  55  -7.3556104   0.5622618  -1.844535      5  -3.756702        -1  -2.940435
#           DIFF_X -2  DIFF_Y -3 DIFF_X -3 Intercept
# jul. 2016        NA         NA        NA         1
# ago. 2016        NA         NA        NA         1
# sep. 2016        NA         NA        NA         1
# oct. 2016       -22         NA        NA         1
# nov. 2016       -25   1.627486       -22         1
# dic. 2016        -1 -15.189873       -25         1
# ene. 2017        -1 -10.849910        -1         1