localizable.strings !!!! Bundle(path) not yet loaded

时间:2017-04-10 03:28:48

标签: ios swift localization

when I'm doing localizable, Bundle just not yet loaded,path should be right, coz when i print(fm.fileExists(atPath: path!)), it returns me true

Here's func initUserLanguage()

string = string.replacingOccurrences(of: "-CN", with: "")
                   .replacingOccurrences(of: "-US", with: "")
                   .replacingOccurrences(of: "-SG", with: "")

    var path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: string, ofType: "lproj")
    print("path 1 = \(String(describing: path))")
    if path == nil {
        def.set("en", forKey: UserLanguage)
        path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "en", ofType: "lproj")
        print("path 2 = \(String(describing: path))")
    bundle = Bundle(path: path!)
    let fm = FileManager()
    print(fm.fileExists(atPath: path!))

Here's the log

// ==== 1-1 - haven't change system language(Chinese), path exist,the Bundle(path)just not yet loaded string -> zh-Hans-SG

#####UserLanguage! -> zh-Hans-SG = zh-Hans-SG

LanguageHelper - is guest LanguageHelper - loadData_Language - zh-Hans //when system language is Chinese, i send to server that i need Chinese API path 1 = Optional("/var/containers/Bundle/Application/0142208A-EC53-46C1-B6D8-276A5C5D87F7/DiningButlerSG.app/zh-Hans.lproj") bundle = Optional(NSBundle (not yet loaded)) true

// ==== 1-2 - after change system language(Chinese to English), path exist,the Bundle(path)just not yet loaded string -> zh-Hans-SG

#####UserLanguage! -> zh-Hans-SG = en-SG

LanguageHelper - is guest LanguageHelper - loadData_Language - en //when system language is English, i send to server that i need English API path 1 = Optional("/var/containers/Bundle/Application/F185F1E3-0F34-4208-8D8A-F9362978BD9C/DiningButlerSG.app/en.lproj") bundle = Optional(NSBundle (not yet loaded)) true

// ==== 2 - after change system language(English to Japanese), path not exist,the Bundle(path)also not yet loaded string -> en-SG

#####UserLanguage! -> en-SG = ja-SG

LanguageHelper - is guest LanguageHelper - loadData_Language - en ////when system language is Japanese(anyothers), i send to server that i need English API path 1 = nil path 2 = Optional("/var/containers/Bundle/Application/DDFACBDA-7AFA-4DD6-828E-E69F56B624BE/DiningButlerSG.app/en.lproj") bundle = Optional(NSBundle (not yet loaded)) true

However, the Localizable.strings and storyboard can work when switch system language between Chinese and English (but from log, actually path also not yet loaded)

i deleted and removed localizable file before, I'm afraid the path may messed so i clear all and recreate the localizable.strings again, is something wrong because of this?

this is the folder

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