
时间:2017-04-07 11:59:23

标签: java

我正在制作基于文本的冒险游戏。我试图让游戏根据他们对某些问题的回答为玩家选择一个“类”。 (例如,如果玩家选择偷偷摸摸或隐秘的倾斜答案,那么游戏将为他们分配适合此类人的“流氓”类。



public static int chooseSpec(Scanner in) {
    int war = 0; //counter for warrior class
    int rog = 0; //counter for rogue class
    int mag = 0; //counter for magic class
    int choice; //users choice, a number between 1 and 3.

    System.out.println("While out hunting, you come across a deer which has been badly mauled by a wolf. What do you do?" + "\n" +
                       "1. Draw your dagger and end it's suffering" + "\n" +
                       "2. Attempt to heal it with a herbal concoction, knowing it may not work." + "\n" +
                       "3. Leave it, and allow nature to take it's course.");
    choice = in.nextInt(); 

    switch (choice) {
        case 1: 
            war += 1;

        case 2:
            mag += 1;
        case 3:
            rog +=1;
    return choice;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




public ClassType chooseSpec(List<Question> questions, Scanner in) {

     List<ClassType> selectedAnswers = new ArrayList<>(questions.size());
      // iterate over all your questions
    for(Question question: questions) {
        // print question and all answers
        System.out.println(question.getQuestion() + "\n"
                + question.getAnswers().stream().map(Answer::getQuestion)

        int choice = in.nextInt();
        if(choice >= question.getAnswers().size()){
          // check if answer is within the scope
          throw IllegalArgumentException("There are only "+question.getAnswers() +" answers");
        // add selected answer type to global result list 

    return findMostPolularClass(selectedAnswers);

private ClassType findMostPolularClass(List<ClassType> selectedAnswers){
    // might be too fancy, but it will find most frequent answer
    Map<ClassType, Long> occurences = selectedAnswers.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(e -> e, Collectors.counting()));
    return occurences.entrySet().stream()


static class Question {

    private final String question;
    private final List<Answer> answers;

    public Question(String question, List<Answer> answers) {
        this.question = question;
        this.answers = answers;

    public String getQuestion() {
        return question;

    public List<Answer> getAnswers() {
        return answers;


class Answer {

    private final String question;
    private final ClassType classType;
    // static constructors, help to work with this model
    public static Answer mageAnswer(String question) {
        return new Answer(question, ClassType.MAGE);

    public static Answer wariorAnswer(String question) {
        return new Answer(question, ClassType.WARIOR);

    private Answer(String question, ClassType classType) {
        this.question = question;
        this.classType = classType;

    public ClassType getClassType() {
        return classType;

    public String getQuestion() {
        return question;


enum ClassType {

答案 1 :(得分:0)


答案 2 :(得分:0)


  • 战士
  • 盗贼
  • 法师


public enum Profession {

接下来,您要求玩家选择与{a Answer和2. Profession相关联的Token,即您从键盘上读取的输入:

public class Answer {

    public static Answer of(Profession profession, String token, String description) {
        return new Answer(description, profession, token);

    private final String description;
    private final Profession profession;
    private final String token;

    public Answer(String description, Profession profession, String token) {
        this.description = requireNonNull(description);
        this.profession = requireNonNull(profession);
        this.token = requireNonNull(token);

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    public Profession getProfession() {
        return this.profession;

    public String getToken() {
        return token;

    public boolean isMatch(String token) {
        return this.token.equals(token);


  • 将其呈现给玩家。
  • 检查从玩家获得的令牌是否与Answer相关联的令牌匹配。
  • 并以可读的形式构建Answer

AnswersQuestions的一部分,它不保持状态或动态创建。 Enumeration再一次代表他们:

public enum Question {

    MAULED_DEER("While out hunting, you come across a deer which has been badly mauled by a wolf. What do you do?",
        Answer.of(WARRIOR, "1", "Draw your dagger and end it's suffering."),
        Answer.of(ROGUE, "2", "Attempt to heal it with a herbal concoction, knowing it may not work."),
        Answer.of(MAGE, "3", "Leave it, and allow nature to take it's course.")),

    GAME_DEVELOPMENT("While playing games you decided to develop your very own. Which language do you choose?",
            Answer.of(MAGE, "a", "OOD with Java."),
            Answer.of(WARRIOR, "b", "OOD and FP using Scala."),
            Answer.of(ROGUE, "c", "Pure FP with Haskel."));

    private final String description;
    private final List<Answer> answers;

    Question(String description, Answer... answers) {
        this.description = description;
        this.answers = Arrays.asList(answers);

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    public List<Answer> getAnswers() {
        return answers;

    public Set<Answer> getMatches(String token) {
        return answers.stream()
                .filter(answer -> answer.isMatch(token))


  • 与他们的Answers一起呈现。
  • 应确定哪个Answers匹配给定的令牌(从播放器获得)。


public class Scores {

    private Map<Profession, AtomicInteger> scores = new HashMap<Profession, AtomicInteger>() {{
        for (Profession profession : Profession.values()) {
            put(profession, new AtomicInteger());

    private int max = 0;

    public void incrementIf(boolean isTrue, Profession profession) {
        if (isTrue) {
            int score = scores.get(profession).incrementAndGet();
            max = Math.max(max, score);

    public Set<Profession> getWinners() {
        return Arrays.stream(Profession.values())
                .filter(profession -> scores.get(profession).get() == max)


public class Inquiry {

    public Set<Profession> obtainChoice(Scanner scanner) {
        Scores scores = new Scores();
        for (Question question : Question.values()) {
            String token = ask(question, scanner);
            question.getAnswers().forEach(answer ->
                    scores.incrementIf(answer.isMatch(token), answer.getProfession()));
        return scores.getWinners();

    private String ask(Question question, Scanner scanner) {
        question.getAnswers().forEach(answer ->
                System.out.println(answer.getToken() + ") " + answer.getDescription()));
        do {
            String token = scanner.nextLine();
            for (Answer answer : question.getAnswers()) {
                if (token.equals(answer.getToken())) {
                    return token;
            System.out.println("Try again and select a valid answer please!");
        } while (true);


public class Game {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in)) {
            Set<Profession> choices = new Inquiry().obtainChoice(scanner);
            if (choices.size() == 1) {
                System.out.println("You are a true " + choices.iterator().next());
            } else {
                System.out.println("You havn't found your path yet and hence must choose between:");
                choices.forEach(profession -> System.out.println(" - " + profession));

