
时间:2017-04-04 19:57:30

标签: excel excel-formula excel-2010 trading journal

我在excel工作簿中有一个这样的交易日志 -

|    |     A     |     B     |    C     |  D  |               E               |     F      |   G   |    H    |    I    |
|  1 | Date      | Stock/ETF | Price    | Qty | Buy/Sell/Deposit/Withdrawn/RH | Adjustment | Fees  | Total   | Balance |
|  2 | 9/1/2016  |           |          |     | Deposit                       |            |       | $100.00 | $100.00 |
|  3 | 9/29/2016 | MSTX      | $0.1006  | 900 | Buy                           |            |       | $90.54  | $9.46   |
|  4 | 9/30/2016 | MSTX      | $0.1016  | 900 | Sell                          |            | $0.11 | $91.44  | $100.79 |
|  5 | 9/30/2016 | BVX       | $4.9000  | 20  | Buy                           |            |       | $98.00  | $2.79   |
|  6 | 10/3/2016 | AMRS      | $0.5921  | 4   | Buy                           |            |       | $2.37   | $0.42   |
|  7 | 10/3/2016 | BVX       | $5.3700  | 10  | Sell                          |            | $0.00 | $53.70  | $54.12  |
|  8 | 10/3/2016 | NTNX      | $40.1500 | 1   | Buy                           |            |       | $40.15  | $13.97  |
|  9 | 10/3/2016 | AMRS      | $0.5973  | 21  | Buy                           |            |       | $12.54  | $1.43   |
| 10 | 10/3/2016 | AMRS      | $0.5859  | 2   | Buy                           |            |       | $1.17   | $0.26   |
| 11 | 10/4/2016 | NTNX      | $40.2600 | 1   | Sell                          |            | $0.00 | $40.26  | $40.51  |
| 12 | 10/4/2016 | AMRS      | $0.5828  | 27  | Sell                          |            | $0.00 | $15.74  | $56.25  |
| 13 | 10/4/2016 | AUPH      | $3.4800  | 16  | Buy                           | -$0.08     |       | $55.60  | $0.65   |
| 14 | 10/6/2016 | AUPH      | $5.1500  | 16  | Sell                          |            | $0.00 | $82.40  | $83.04  |
| 15 | 10/6/2016 | BVX       | $5.2500  | 10  | Sell                          |            | $0.00 | $52.50  | $135.54 |

以下是公式 -

H3 =IF(((C3*D3)+F3)<>0,((C3*D3)+F3),"")

I3 =IF(E3="Buy",I2-H3,IF(E3="Sell",I2+H3-G3,IF(E3="Deposit",I2+H3,IF(E3="Withdrawn",I2-H3,IF(E3="Robin Hood",I2-G3,"")))))

G4 =IF(E4="Sell",(D4*C4*0.0000218)+(D4*0.000119),"")

日期,调整,股票/ ETF,价格,数量,买入/卖出/存款/撤回/ RH,调整列均为人工输入!

我试图在excel中实现这样的事情,其中​​每一行都指的是&#34; Sells&#34;在主表中计算利润/亏损,具体取决于当天销售的股票数量和销售价格。它也应该适用于部分销售,并且不会计入尚未售出的股票 -

|   |     A     |   B    |      C      |
| 1 | Date      | Ticker | Profit/Loss |
| 2 | 9/30/2016 | MSTX   | $0.90       |
| 3 | 10/3/2016 | BVX    | $4.70       |
| 4 | 10/4/2016 | NTNX   | $0.11       |
| 5 | 10/4/2016 | AMRS   | -$0.34      |
| 6 | 10/6/2016 | AUPH   | $26.80      |
| 7 | 10/6/2016 | BVX    | $3.50       |

我已经填充了A列和B列。现在我需要根据此PowerShell代码计算利润/损失(PL)列 -

$AllbuyTickers = @()
$AllsellTickers = @()

$AllsellTickers += $Current_Ticker

    if (closest similar ticker above current cell = "Buy")
        $AllBuyTickers += $This_Ticker
        $OutstandingShares = Sumof($AllbuyTickers.Qty) - Sumof($AllsellTickers.Qty)
        $AllSellTickers += $This_Ticker

    Find the next similar ticker above
until ($OutstandingShares >= 0)

if (OutstandingShares < 0)
        if (closest similar ticker above current cell = "Buy")
            AllBuyTickers += This Ticker
            OutstandingShares = Sumof(AllbuyTickers.Qty) - Sumof(AllsellTickers.Qty)
            AllSellTickers += This Ticker

        Find the next similar ticker above
    until (OutstandingShares = 0)

$AvgSellPrice = Sumof($AllsellTickers.Total) / Sumof($AllsellTickers.qty)
$AvgBuyPrice = Sumof($AllbuyTickers.Total) / Sumof($AllbuyTickers.qty)
$PL = ($AvgSellPrice - $AvgBuyPrice) * Sumof($AllsellTickers.qty)


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