在删除记录上获取错误"未定义的常量classid - asumed' classid'"
$query = "SELECT `add_class`.`class_id` AS classid,`add_class`.`class` AS class_title, COUNT(*) AS 'total' FROM `add_class` INNER JOIN `add_sec_class` ON (`add_class`.class_id = `add_sec_class`.class) GROUP BY `class_title` HAVING COUNT(*) >= 1";
$test = new MyPagina;
$test->sql = $query; // the (basic) sql statement (use the SQL whatever you like)
$test->rows_on_page = 50;
$result = $test->get_page_result(); // result set
$num_rows = $test->get_page_num_rows(); // number of records in result set
$nav_links = $test->navigation(" | ", "currentStyle"); // the navigation links (define a CSS class selector for the current link)
$nav_info = $test->page_info("to"); // information about the number of records on page ("to" is the text between the number)
$simple_nav_links = $test->back_forward_link(); // the navigation with only the back and forward links
$total_recs = $test->get_total_rows(); // the total number of records
//echo $errNo;
$rowCount = 1;
$listRows = $total_recs;
$counter = 1;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
<td height="22" align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="CheckBoxChild" id="CheckBoxChild" value="<?=$row[classid]?>" onclick="SelectChildCheckBox(this.form,'CheckBoxParent','CheckBoxChild');" /></td>
<td><?=$row['total'] ?></td>
<td><a href="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?id=<?=$row[classid].''.rebuild_qstring("id")?>">Edit</a></td>
<?php }?>
table1 name&#34; add_sec_class&#34; 列是:d_id,class,division,ddate,username,acadmic_year,status
table2 name&#34; add_class&#34; 列是:class_id,class,acadmic_year,status,display _order,fee
现在应该写什么而不是$ row [classid],我不确定查询中需要什么样的更改。