我无法理解the documentation for cv2.transform。有人会怜悯并解释(用Python)吗?
import numpy as np
import cv2
dx,dy = 400,400
centre = dx//2,dy//2
img = np.zeros((dy,dx),np.uint8)
# construct a long thin triangle with the apex at the centre of the image
polygon = np.array([(0,0),(100,10),(100,-10)],np.int32)
polygon += np.int32(centre)
# draw the filled-in polygon and then rotate the image
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(centre,20,1) # M.shape = (2, 3)
rotatedimage = cv2.warpAffine(img,M,img.shape)
# this is clumsy, I have to extend each vector,
# apply the matrix to each extended vector,
# and turn the list of transformed vectors into an numpy array
extendedpolygon = np.hstack([polygon,np.ones((3,1))])
rotatedpolygon = np.int32([M.dot(x) for x in extendedpolygon])
# both of these calls produce the same error
# OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (scn == m.cols || scn + 1 == m.cols) in transform, file /home/david/opencv/modules/core/src/matmul.cpp, line 1947
我怀疑它是短语“ src - 输入数组必须有与m.cols或m.cols-1一样多的通道(1到4)”,我正在挣扎。我认为polygon.T作为三个坐标,x和y部分作为单独的通道是合格的,但遗憾的是没有。
我知道C ++也有同样的问题,我想用Python回答。
答案 0 :(得分:4)
import numpy as np
import cv2
dx,dy = 400,400
centre = dx//2,dy//2
img = np.zeros((dy,dx),np.uint8)
# construct a long thin triangle with the apex at the centre of the image
polygon = np.array([(0,0),(100,10),(100,-10)],np.int32)
polygon += np.int32(centre)
# draw the filled-in polygon and then rotate the image
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(centre,20,1) # M.shape = (2, 3)
rotatedimage = cv2.warpAffine(img,M,img.shape)
# as an alternative, rotate the polygon first and then draw it
# these are alternative ways of coding the working example
# polygon.shape is 3,2
# magic that makes sense if one understands numpy arrays
poly1 = np.reshape(polygon,(3,1,2))
# slightly more accurate code that doesn't assumy the polygon is a triangle
poly2 = np.reshape(polygon,(polygon.shape[0],1,2))
# turn each point into an array of points
poly3 = np.array([[p] for p in polygon])
# use an array of array of points
poly4 = np.array([polygon])
# more magic
poly5 = np.reshape(polygon,(1,3,2))
for poly in (poly1,poly2,poly3,poly4,poly5):
newimg = np.zeros((dy,dx),np.uint8)
rotatedpolygon = cv2.transform(poly,M)
说实话,我不明白为什么cv2.fillConvexPoly()会接受前三个答案,但似乎很宽容,我仍然不明白这些答案是如何映射到文档的。< / p>