我遇到类似于背包问题的问题,更具体地说是multidimentional variation。
我已经成功地在C ++中实现了原始的背包算法,而没有注意这些类别。
我的主要问题是我不仅有一个最大的,例如5个食物类型的物体,但也是最小的,因为我需要完全 5个食物类型的物体。
我在使用C ++,但老实说甚至伪代码也没关系,我只需要算法。
显然,如果可能的话,我也需要快速multidimensional variation。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
确切地知道每个类别中可以选择多少项是一个很大的限制因素。考虑最简单的情况,即有一个类别。您可以选择恰好N个对象来最大化成本和[v_i x_i]的值[w_i x_i]< W,其中x_i等于0或1(遵循维基百科的表示法)。新约束是sum [x_i] = N.此约束可以通过在动态编程中添加另一个维度来包含在问题中,但是显式检查解决方案是否有效并且具有所需元素的数量。
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
using uint = unsigned int;
template <typename T>
struct item {
T value;
uint weight;
template <typename T>
T knapSack(uint W, const std::vector< item<T> >& items) {
std::map< std::pair<uint, uint>, T> cache;
std::function<T(uint, uint)> recursion;
recursion = [&] (uint n, uint w) {
if (n == 0)
return 0;
auto it = cache.find(std::make_pair(n,w));
if (it != cache.end())
return it->second;
T _v = items[n-1].value;
uint _w = items[n-1].weight;
T nextv;
if (_w <= w)
nextv = std::max(_v + recursion(n-1,w-_w),recursion(n-1,w));
nextv = recursion(n-1,w);
return nextv;
return recursion(items.size(),W);
我的实现(使用递归lambda函数)强调可读性优于最优性。选择索引为&lt; N和权重之和&lt; W是索引&lt;的对象的选择。 N-1和权重之和&lt; W或N-1处的对象以及索引<1的对象。 N-1和权重之和&lt; W - w [N-1]。
我们可以继续添加一个新的限制来跟踪所选元素的数量。我们将通过注意每个递归步骤中新对象的选择比之前的对象多0或1个元素来实现这一点,就像它具有相同或更大的权重总和一样 - 即,选择索引为&lt; N和权重之和&lt; W是索引&lt;的K对象的选择。 N-1和权重之和&lt; W或N-1处的物体与指数<1的K-1物体一起。 N-1和权重之和&lt; W - w [N-1]。但是,我们也想跟踪违规行为 - 例如,我们找不到索引为&lt;当K> N时为N.在这种情况下,我们应该报告最大可能值为0,因为选择是不可能的,但我们应该将其标记为“无效”,以区别于递归的平凡基本情况。此外,任何试图将其用作子解决方案的链上方的任何解决方案也应标记为无效。因此,我们将返回类型从简单值更改为一对值和布尔值。作为基本案例的一部分,我们将所有K> N的条目标记为最大值为0但无效:
template <typename T>
std::pair<T,bool> knapSackConstrained(uint W, uint K, const std::vector< item<T> >& items) {
std::map< std::tuple<uint, uint, uint>, std::pair<T,bool> > cache;
std::function<std::pair<T, bool>(uint, uint, uint)> recursion;
recursion = [&] (uint n, uint w, uint k) {
if (k > n)
return std::make_pair(0,false);
if (n == 0 || k == 0)
return std::make_pair(0,true);
auto it = cache.find(std::make_tuple(n,w,k));
if (it != cache.end())
return it->second;
T _v = items[n-1].value;
uint _w = items[n-1].weight;
T nextv;
bool nextvalid = true;
if (_w <= w) {
auto take = recursion(n-1,w-_w,k-1);
auto reject = recursion(n-1,w,k);
if (take.second and reject.second) {
nextv = std::max(_v + take.first,reject.first);
} else if (take.second) {
nextv = _v + take.first;
} else if (reject.second) {
nextv = reject.first;
} else {
nextv = 0;
nextvalid = false;
} else {
std::tie(nextv,nextvalid) = recursion(n-1,w,k);
std::pair<T,bool> p = std::make_pair(nextv,nextvalid);
return p;
return recursion(items.size(),W,K);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::vector< item<int> > items = {{60,10},{10,6},{10,6}};
int j = 13;
std::cout << "Unconstrained: " << knapSack(j,items) << std::endl;
for (uint k = 1; k <= items.size(); ++k) {
auto p = knapSackConstrained(j,k,items);
std::cout << "K = " << k << ": " << p.first;
if (p.second)
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << ", no valid solution" << std::endl;
return 0;
Unconstrained: 60
K = 1: 60
K = 2: 20
K = 3: 0, no valid solution
以上只能部分解决您的问题,因为您有多个类别而不是一个类别。但是,我相信这可以扩展到多维而无需太多额外的工作。实际上,我怀疑以下代码是多维案例的正确策略,模数错误 - 它需要一些好的测试用例进行验证。单个参数K被替换为类别编号的向量,并且项结构被赋予类别字段。基本案例必须考虑每个可能的K> N案例(对于每个类别),此外必须扩展(i-1)st权重小于W的检查以检查至少有一个项目需要更多(i-1)st类别。
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
using uint = unsigned int;
template <typename T>
struct item {
T value;
uint weight;
uint category;
template <typename T>
std::pair<T,bool> knapSack(uint W, const std::vector<uint>& K, const std::vector< item<T> >& items) {
std::map< std::tuple<uint, uint, std::vector<uint> >, std::pair<T,bool> > cache;
std::function<std::pair<T, bool>(uint, uint, std::vector<uint>)> recursion;
recursion = [&] (uint n, uint w, std::vector<uint> k) {
auto it = cache.find(std::make_tuple(n,w,k));
if (it != cache.end())
return it->second;
std::vector<uint> ccount(K.size(),0);
for (uint c = 0; c < K.size(); ++c) {
for (uint i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (items[i].category == c)
for (uint c = 0; c < k.size(); ++c) {
if (k[c] > ccount[c]) {
auto p = std::make_pair(0,false);
return p;
uint sumk = 0; for (const auto& _k : k) sumk += _k;
if (n == 0 || sumk == 0) {
auto p = std::make_pair(0,true);
return p;
T _v = items[n-1].value;
uint _w = items[n-1].weight;
uint _c = items[n-1].category;
T nextv;
bool nextvalid = true;
if (_w <= w and k[_c] > 0) {
std::vector<uint> subk = k;
auto take = recursion(n-1,w-_w,subk);
auto reject = recursion(n-1,w,k);
if (take.second and reject.second) {
nextv = std::max(_v + take.first,reject.first);
} else if (take.second) {
nextv = _v + take.first;
} else if (reject.second) {
nextv = reject.first;
} else {
nextv = 0;
nextvalid = false;
} else {
std::tie(nextv,nextvalid) = recursion(n-1,w,k);
std::pair<T,bool> p = std::make_pair(nextv,nextvalid);
return p;
return recursion(items.size(),W,K);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::vector< item<int> > items = {{60,10,0}, {100,20,1}, {120,30,0}, {140,35,1}, {145,40,0}, {180,45,1}, {160,50,1}, {170,55,0}};
int j = 145;
for (uint k1 = 0; k1 <= items.size(); ++k1) {
for (uint k2 = 0; k2 <= items.size(); ++k2) {
auto p = knapSack(j,std::vector<uint>({k1,k2}),items);
if (p.second)
std::cout << "K0 = " << k1 << ", K1 = " << k2 << ": " << p.first << std::endl;
return 0;
% OUTPUT (with comments) %
K0 = 0, K1 = 0: 0
K0 = 0, K1 = 1: 180 // e.g. {} from 0, {180} from 1
K0 = 0, K1 = 2: 340 // e.g. {} from 0, {160,180} from 1
K0 = 0, K1 = 3: 480 // e.g. {} from 0, {140,160,180} from 1
K0 = 1, K1 = 0: 170 // e.g. {170} from 0, {} from 1
K0 = 1, K1 = 1: 350 // e.g. {170} from 0, {180} from 1
K0 = 1, K1 = 2: 490 // e.g. {170} from 0, {140, 180} from 1
K0 = 1, K1 = 3: 565 // e.g. {145} from 0, {100, 140, 180} from 1
K0 = 2, K1 = 0: 315 // e.g. {145,170} from 0, {} from 1
K0 = 2, K1 = 1: 495 // e.g. {145,170} from 0, {180} from 1
K0 = 2, K1 = 2: 550 // e.g. {60,170} from 0, {140,180} from 1
K0 = 2, K1 = 3: 600 // e.g. {60,120} from 0, {100,140,180} from 1
K0 = 3, K1 = 0: 435 // e.g. {120,145,170} from 0, {} from 1
K0 = 3, K1 = 1: 535 // e.g. {120,145,170} from 0, {100} from 1
K0 = 3, K1 = 2: 605 // e.g. {60,120,145} from 0, {100,180} from 1
K0 = 4, K1 = 0: 495 // e.g. {60,120,145,170} from 0, {} from 1
如果您希望函数返回所选对象集,原则上这不是障碍 - 代码变得更加混乱。最容易理解的事情是简单地将std::set<std::size_t>
返回的对象元组中,并存储在缓存中,表示索引的集合。选择的对象。每次添加新对象时,都可以扩充此集合。结果代码涉及大量复制整数集,并且可能远非最佳 - 更好的解决方案可能涉及静态布尔向量,其条目打开和关闭。但是,它有效并且有意义,所以这里是:
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
using uint = unsigned int;
template <typename T>
struct item {
T value;
uint weight;
uint category;
template <typename T>
std::tuple<T,bool,std::set<size_t> > knapSack(uint W, std::vector<uint> K, const std::vector< item<T> >& items) {
std::map< std::tuple<uint, uint, std::vector<uint> >, std::tuple<T,bool,std::set<std::size_t> > > cache;
std::function<std::tuple<T,bool,std::set<std::size_t> >(uint, uint, std::vector<uint>&)> recursion;
recursion = [&] (uint n, uint w, std::vector<uint>& k) {
auto it = cache.find(std::make_tuple(n,w,k));
if (it != cache.end())
return it->second;
std::vector<uint> ccount(K.size(),0);
for (uint i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for (uint c = 0; c < k.size(); ++c) {
if (k[c] > ccount[c]) {
auto p = std::make_tuple(0,false,std::set<std::size_t>{});
return p;
uint sumk = 0; for (const auto& _k : k) sumk += _k;
if (n == 0 || sumk == 0) {
auto p = std::make_tuple(0,true,std::set<std::size_t>{});
return p;
T _v = items[n-1].value;
uint _w = items[n-1].weight;
uint _c = items[n-1].category;
T nextv;
bool nextvalid = true;
std::set<std::size_t> nextset;
if (_w <= w and k[_c] > 0) {
auto take = recursion(n-1,w-_w,k);
auto reject = recursion(n-1,w,k);
T a = _v + std::get<0>(take);
T b = std::get<0>(reject);
if (std::get<1>(take) and std::get<1>(reject)) {
nextv = std::max(a,b);
if (a > b) {
nextset = std::get<2>(take);
} else {
nextset = std::get<2>(reject);
} else if (std::get<1>(take)) {
nextv = a;
nextset = std::get<2>(take);
} else if (std::get<1>(reject)) {
nextv = b;
nextset = std::get<2>(reject);
} else {
nextv = 0;
nextvalid = false;
nextset = {};
} else {
std::tie(nextv,nextvalid,nextset) = recursion(n-1,w,k);
auto p = std::make_tuple(nextv,nextvalid,nextset);
return p;
return recursion(items.size(),W,K);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::vector< item<int> > items = {{60,10,0}, {100,20,1}, {120,30,0}, {140,35,1}, {145,40,0}, {180,45,1}, {160,50,1}, {170,55,0}};
int j = 145;
for (uint k1 = 0; k1 <= items.size(); ++k1) {
for (uint k2 = 0; k2 <= items.size(); ++k2) {
auto p = knapSack(j,std::vector<uint>({k1,k2}),items);
if (std::get<1>(p)) {
std::cout << "K0 = " << k1 << ", K1 = " << k2 << ": " << std::get<0>(p);
std::cout << "; contents are {";
for (const auto& index : std::get<2>(p))
std::cout << index << ", ";
std::cout << "}" << std::endl;
return 0;
的输出K0 = 0, K1 = 0: 0; contents are {}
K0 = 0, K1 = 1: 180; contents are {5, }
K0 = 0, K1 = 2: 340; contents are {5, 6, }
K0 = 0, K1 = 3: 480; contents are {3, 5, 6, }
K0 = 1, K1 = 0: 170; contents are {7, }
K0 = 1, K1 = 1: 350; contents are {5, 7, }
K0 = 1, K1 = 2: 490; contents are {3, 5, 7, }
K0 = 1, K1 = 3: 565; contents are {1, 3, 4, 5, }
K0 = 2, K1 = 0: 315; contents are {4, 7, }
K0 = 2, K1 = 1: 495; contents are {4, 5, 7, }
K0 = 2, K1 = 2: 550; contents are {0, 3, 5, 7, }
K0 = 2, K1 = 3: 600; contents are {0, 1, 2, 3, 5, }
K0 = 3, K1 = 0: 435; contents are {2, 4, 7, }
K0 = 3, K1 = 1: 535; contents are {1, 2, 4, 7, }
K0 = 3, K1 = 2: 605; contents are {0, 1, 2, 4, 5, }
K0 = 4, K1 = 0: 495; contents are {0, 2, 4, 7, }
答案 1 :(得分:0)
需要细分为较小的{KV1, KV2, ... KVn}
,项目category or classification
限制了您必须至少有一个[min, max]