
时间:2017-03-27 21:42:05

标签: python dictionary python-3.5



[{'id': 438, 'title': "Route from 'GetCallerDetail' to 'GreetingDefault'", 'tcs_cannot_route': "This edge cannot be routed: MenuPrompt/MenuPromptWC property 'Outputs' not found"}, 
{'id': 441,'title': "Route from 'DNISGreeting' to 'HOOCheck'", 'tcs_cannot_route': "This edge cannot be routed: MenuPrompt/MenuPromptWC property 'Outputs' not found"}, 
{'id': 440, 'title': "Route from 'GreetingDefault' to 'HOOCheck'", 'tcs_cannot_route': "This edge cannot be routed: MenuPrompt/MenuPromptWC property 'Outputs' not found"}, 
{'id': 436, 'title': "Route from 'Start' to 'GetCallerDetail'", 'pre_conditions': [], 'tc_steps': [{'expected': '', 'content': 'APN: 8552929487, HollyBrowser: , '}]}, 
{'id': 439, 'title': "Route from 'GetCallerDetail' to 'DNISGreeting'", 'tcs_cannot_route': "This edge cannot be routed: MenuPrompt/MenuPromptWC property 'Outputs' not found"}]

列出2 network_edges:

[{'to': 4891, 'id': 441, 'from': 4890}, {'to': 4888, 'id': 436, 'from': 4887}, {'to': 4889, 'id': 438, 'from': 4888}, {'to': 4891, 'id': 440, 'from': 4889}, {'to': 4890, 'id': 439, 'from': 4888}]


for d, n in zip(network_edges, data_keys):
    d['data'] = n


[{'from': 4890, 'id': 441, 'data': [{'title': "Route from 'GetCallerDetail' to 'GreetingDefault'", 'tcs_cannot_route': "This edge cannot be routed: MenuPrompt/MenuPromptWC property 'Outputs' not found"}], 'to': 4891}, 
{'from': 4887, 'id': 436, 'data': [{'title': "Route from 'DNISGreeting' to 'HOOCheck'", 'tcs_cannot_route': "This edge cannot be routed: MenuPrompt/MenuPromptWC property 'Outputs' not found"}], 'to': 4888}, 
{'from': 4888, 'id': 438, 'data': [{'title': "Route from 'GreetingDefault' to 'HOOCheck'", 'tcs_cannot_route': "This edge cannot be routed: MenuPrompt/MenuPromptWC property 'Outputs' not found"}], 'to': 4889}, 
{'from': 4889, 'id': 440, 'data': [{'title': "Route from 'Start' to 'GetCallerDetail'", 'tc_steps': [{'expected': '', 'content': 'APN: 8552929487, HollyBrowser: , '}], 'pre_conditions': []}], 'to': 4891}, 
{'from': 4888, 'id': 439, 'data': [{'title': "Route from 'GetCallerDetail' to 'DNISGreeting'", 'tcs_cannot_route': "This edge cannot be routed: MenuPrompt/MenuPromptWC property 'Outputs' not found"}], 'to': 4890}]


[{'from': 4890, 'id': 441, 'data': [{'title': "Route from 'DNISGreeting' to 'HOOCheck'", 'tcs_cannot_route': "This edge cannot be routed: MenuPrompt/MenuPromptWC property 'Outputs' not found"}], 'to': 4891}, 
{'from': 4887, 'id': 436, 'data': [{'title': "Route from 'Start' to 'GetCallerDetail'", 'tc_steps': [{'expected': '', 'content': 'APN: 8552929487, HollyBrowser: , '}], 'pre_conditions': []}], 'to': 4888}, 
{'from': 4888, 'id': 438, 'data': [{'title': "Route from 'GetCallerDetail' to 'GreetingDefault'", 'tcs_cannot_route': "This edge cannot be routed: MenuPrompt/MenuPromptWC property 'Outputs' not found"}], 'to': 4889}, 
{'from': 4889, 'id': 440, 'data': [{'title': "Route from 'GreetingDefault' to 'HOOCheck'", 'tcs_cannot_route': "This edge cannot be routed: MenuPrompt/MenuPromptWC property 'Outputs' not found"}], 'to': 4891}, 
{'from': 4888, 'id': 439, 'data': [{'title': "Route from 'GetCallerDetail' to 'DNISGreeting'", 'tcs_cannot_route': "This edge cannot be routed: MenuPrompt/MenuPromptWC property 'Outputs' not found"}], 'to': 4890}]


0 个答案:
