
时间:2017-03-27 17:33:29

标签: javascript jquery ajax

这段代码运行得很好 - 但我的if和else语句都在执行,这是我以前从未见过的,无法理解的:

function submit(total_lines) {

  total_lines   = total_lines;
  completed_lines         = 0;   

  /* create one line at a time... */
  for (i=0;i<total_lines;i++) {    

    color      = $('#color_' + i).val();
    qty        = $('#qty_' + i).val();

    console.log("starting line " + completed_lines);        

    if ( color && qty ) {
        type: 'POST',                                                       
        url: '/submit_line.php',              
        data: { color:color, qty:qty },
          console.log("Line " + completed_lines + " was successfull");              
      }); //close ajax         
    } else {
       console.log("Line " + completed_lines + " was not successfull. color = " + color + " and qty = " + qty);          
       toastr.error("Color and quantity are both required fields.");

    toastr.success("All done! ..."); 
    $('#add_something_footer').html('<div class="footer_buttons_holder"><div onclick="close_swal()" class="footer_cancel_button">CLOSE</div></div>');     
  }, 5000);


对于i的每次迭代,submit_line.php正在执行,但我也在我的toastr.error语句中执行else行。这怎么可能 - colorqty都存在,所以if语句的主要部分正在执行..我不相信我的语法在任何地方都很糟糕,否则什么都不会执行...)。我很困惑......




Object {type: "info", iconClass: "toast-info", message: "Submitting quotes...", optionsOverride: undefined, title: undefined}
5VM7093:699 starting line 0
VM7093:712 Line 0 was not successfull. color = undefined and quantity = undefined
toastr_qt.js:227 Object {type: "error", iconClass: "toast-error", message: "Color and quantity are both required fields", optionsOverride: undefined, title: undefined}
VM7093:699 starting line 0
VM7093:712 Line 0 was not successfull. color = undefined and quantity = undefined
toastr_qt.js:227 Object {type: "error", iconClass: "toast-error", message: "Color and quantity are both required fields", optionsOverride: undefined, title: undefined}
VM7093:699 starting line 0
VM7093:712 Line 0 was not successfull. color = undefined and quantity = undefined
toastr_qt.js:227 Object {type: "error", iconClass: "toast-error", message: "Color and quantity are both required fields", optionsOverride: undefined, title: undefined}
VM7093:699 starting line 0
VM7093:712 Line 0 was not successfull. color = undefined and quantity = undefined
toastr_qt.js:227 Object {type: "error", iconClass: "toast-error", message: "Color and quantity are both required fields.", optionsOverride: undefined, title: undefined}
VM7093:699 starting line 0
VM7093:712 Line 0 was not successfull. color = undefined and quantity = undefined
toastr_qt.js:227 Object {type: "error", iconClass: "toast-error", message: "Color and quantity are both required fields.", optionsOverride: undefined, title: undefined}
VM7093:708 Line 1 was successfull
VM7093:708 Line 2 was successfull
VM7093:708 Line 3 was successfull
VM7093:708 Line 4 was successfull
toastr_qt.js:227 Object {type: "success", iconClass: "toast-success", message: "All done!", optionsOverride: undefined, title: undefined}

事实上,在我的控制台中 - 所有行都通过else语句FIRST,因为变量未定义,然后再次通过常规if语句,因为它们被定义是这样的事情令我困惑。如果我在undefined行的正上方定义变量,该变量如何为ajax

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