功能依赖和正常形式 - 数据库

时间:2017-03-27 12:54:09

标签: database functional-dependencies


1. On the relation scheme R(A, B, C, D, E, F) on which following 
functional dependencies are being applied:
F = {ABC →D, CE→B, E→C, BF→AC, E→F, F→E}. 
• Find (AB)+, (CD)+,(EF)+ 
• Find all candidate keys. 
• Find all function dependencies which cause this relation not to be at BCNF. 
(AB)+=AB | (CD)+=CD | (EF)+=EFCBAD

Find all candidate keys
(AB)+=AB     | (BF)+=BFECAD
(AC)+=AC     | (CE)+=CEBFAD
(BC)+=BC     | **(E)+=EFCBAD**
(BE)+=BECFAD | **(F)+=FECBAD**
Candidate keys are: E and F
Prime attributes are: E and F
Non-prime attributes are: A, B, C, D
Other Keys that functionally determines relation scheme R are not 
candidate keys because they don’t fulfill "minimality" rule!


2. On the relation scheme R = (A, B, C, D, E, F G, H) on which following 
functional dependencies are being applied:

F= {A →E, GH → C, DB → H, BG → A, C → D, G → H, H → B, AE → G} 
• Find (A)+ and (DBG)+ 
• Does G →B applies from fd F 
• Find all candidate keys. 
• In which normal form is following relations scheme? 
(AB)+=AB| (CD)+=CD | (EF)+=EFCBAD

Find all candidate keys:

**(A)+=AEGHBCD** | (B)+=B | (C)+=CD | (D)+=D | (E)+=E | (F)+=F | **(G)+=GHBCDAE** | 

Candidate keys are: A and G
Other Keys that functionally determines relation scheme R are not
candidate keys because they don’t fulfil minimality rule!
Prime elements are: A and G
Non prime elements are: B, C, D, E, H
1NF – yes
2NF – yes, because there are no partial key dependencies
3NF – no, because ABC ->D (functional dependency between 2 non-prime elements).
BCNF – no, because it is not in 3NF

问题: 1)我写的所有这些是对的吗?

2)在第1个问题中,有很多键由2个元素组成,但它们不是候选键,因为" minimal"规则不适用于他们。我是对的吗?





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