发生异常的行是此Transform cameraTransform = player.transform;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
public class FireGun : MonoBehaviour
//used to hold the guns user is currently holding
public List Guns = new List();
//to acceess pickupbx
public PickupBx pbx;
//holds the current name weapon user is holding
private string weaponFireType;
//this will get the bullet prefab
public GameObject BulletPrefab;
public GameObject shotGunBulletPrefab;
//bullet position on player
public GameObject bulletPosition;
public GameObject shotgunBulletPosition;
//the player
public GameObject player;
//this is the bullet that will be instantiated in scene (rpg/machine gun)
public GameObject bulletInScene;
//this is for the shotgun bullet that will be instantiated
public GameObject ShotgunBulletInScene;
//used to make shooty shoot once every few seconds
private bool shootShottyOnce = false;
void Start()
pbx = GetComponent();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (GetComponent().flipX == true)
bulletPosition.transform.position = new Vector2(-92, 0);
else if (GetComponent().flipX == false)
bulletPosition.transform.position = new Vector2(92, 0);
AddObjectToList(pbx.guns, Guns);
//this method will loop through the gameobjects in pbxguns list (first parameter is the guns list in the pickupBx script), (myList is the list in this script)_
void AddObjectToList(List pbxGunsList, List myList)
//loop through all gaeobjects in the pbxGunsList list
foreach (GameObject go in pbxGunsList)
//if this list in this script doesn't contain the gameObjects from the other script
if (!myList.Contains(go))
//clear the list to make sure we don't get duplicates and have weapons in one 1 element
//add the gun to our list
//check weapon the player is holding
void checkWeaponType()
//loop through the guns and set the string to weapon player is currently holding
for (int i = 0; i < Guns.Count; i++)
if (Guns[i].name == "weapons_0(Clone)")
weaponFireType = "MachineGun";
else if (Guns[i].name == "weapons_1(Clone)")
weaponFireType = "Shotgun";
else if (Guns[i].name == "weapons_2(Clone)")
weaponFireType = "RPG";
//check if user pressed key and check that guns is not empty ( reason shotgun is inputed here is because the shotgun will shoot differently to the other guns
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftControl) && Guns.Count != 0 && weaponFireType != "Shotgun")
//make a new gameObject which will hold the bullet in the scene it will instantiate a bullet at the position of the bulletPosition empty gameObject.
bulletInScene = (GameObject)Instantiate(BulletPrefab, bulletPosition.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
//the transform of the player
Transform cameraTransform = player.transform;
//Makes the player the parent of the GameObject currentGun
bulletInScene.transform.SetParent(cameraTransform, false);
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftControl) && weaponFireType == "Shotgun")
ShotgunBulletInScene = (GameObject)Instantiate(shotGunBulletPrefab, shotgunBulletPosition.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
//the transform of the player
Transform cameraTransform = player.transform;
//Makes the player the parent of the GameObject currentGun
ShotgunBulletInScene.transform.SetParent(cameraTransform, false);
foreach (Transform t in transform)
if (bulletInScene != null)
if (t.name.Contains("Bullet1(Clone)"))
transform.Find("Bullet1(Clone)").transform.parent = null;
if (GetComponent().flipX == true && weaponFireType == "MachineGun")
bulletInScene.GetComponent().AddForce(Vector2.left * 7500);
if (GetComponent().flipX == false && weaponFireType == "MachineGun")
bulletInScene.GetComponent().AddForce(Vector2.right * 7500);
if (GetComponent().flipX == true && weaponFireType == "RPG")
bulletInScene.GetComponent().AddForce(Vector2.left * 4500);
if (GetComponent().flipX == false && weaponFireType == "RPG")
bulletInScene.GetComponent().AddForce(Vector2.right * 4500);
foreach (Transform t in transform)
if(ShotgunBulletInScene != null)
if (t.name.Contains("ShotgunBullet1(Clone)"))
Debug.Log("shotty test");
if (shootShottyOnce == false)
IEnumerator DestroyShottyBullet()
shootShottyOnce = true;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
shootShottyOnce = false;
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