
时间:2017-03-26 21:10:13

标签: excel-vba vba excel

@Variatus参考你一直在努力的宏观,对于星期五的制作,班次仍将在05:30开始,但在18:30结束,如果星期六制作,班次将从07:00开始,到14点结束: 00。我是否正确地认为我需要在开始和结束时间添加另一个名为Day 5 Nsh的Enum,然后在第6天再次添加相同的第6天Nsh。如果这是正确的,那么在子Setcompletion中我将如何调用它。是否需要引用宏中的任何其他位置?

Enum Nws                ' Worksheet navigation
NwsFirstDataRow = 2
NwsQty = 1          ' Columns (not necessarily contiguous):
NwsTime             ' time to produce one unit
NwsStart            ' date/time
NwsEnd              ' date/time
End Enum
Enum Nsh                ' Shift  (use 24h format)
NshStart = 530      ' read as 05:30 (on current day)
NshEnd = 2430       ' read as 00:30 (on next day)
End Enum

Sub SetCompletion(ws As Worksheet, R As Long)
' 25 Mar 2017

Dim Qty As Long
Dim ShiftQty As Long, DayQty As Long
Dim UnitTime As Double, StartTime As Double
Dim ComplDate As Double
Dim Days As Integer

With Rows(R)
    Qty = .Cells(NwsQty).Value
    UnitTime = .Cells(NwsTime).Value
    StartTime = .Cells(NwsStart).Value
    If Qty And (UnitTime > 0) And (StartTime > 0) Then
        ComplDate = (UnitTime * Qty) + StartTime
        ShiftQty = QtyTillShiftEnd(StartTime, UnitTime)

        If ShiftQty < Qty Then
            Qty = Qty - ShiftQty
            DayQty = DailyProduction(UnitTime)
            ComplDate = Int(StartTime) + 1 + NshToDays(NshStart) + Int(Qty / DayQty)
            ComplDate = ComplDate + UnitTime * (Qty Mod DayQty)
        End If

        .Cells(NwsEnd).Value = ComplDate
    End If
End With
End Sub

Private Function QtyTillShiftEnd(ByVal StartTime As Double, _
                              ByVal UnitTime As Double) As Double
' 20 Mar 2017

Dim ProdTime As Double

ProdTime = (Int(StartTime) + NshToDays(NshEnd) - StartTime)
QtyTillShiftEnd = (ProdTime + 0.0001) / UnitTime
End Function

Private Function DailyProduction(UnitTime As Double) As Integer
' 19 Mar 2017
DailyProduction = Int((NshToDays(NshEnd) - NshToDays(NshStart) + 0.000001) / UnitTime)
End Function

Private Function NshToDays(TimeCode As Nsh) As Double
' 19 Mar 2017

Dim H As Double, M As Double

H = Int(TimeCode / 100)
M = TimeCode Mod 100
NshToDays = (1 / 24 * H) + (1 / 24 / 60 * M)
End Function

Function AdjustedStartTime(ByVal StartTime As Double) As Double
' 19 Mar 2017
' return new StartTime or 0

Dim Fun As Double
Dim StartDate As Long
Dim ShiftStart As Double, ShiftEnd As Double

ShiftStart = NshToDays(NshStart)
ShiftEnd = NshToDays(NshEnd)
StartDate = Int(StartTime)
StartTime = StartTime - StartDate
Fun = StartTime

If ShiftEnd > 1 Then
    If StartTime < (ShiftStart - Int(ShiftStart)) Then
        If StartTime > (ShiftEnd - Int(ShiftEnd)) Then Fun = ShiftStart
    End If
    If (StartTime - Int(StartTime)) < ShiftStart Then
        Fun = ShiftStart
        If StartTime > ShiftEnd Then Fun = ShiftStart + 1
    End If
End If
AdjustedStartTime = Fun + StartDate
End Function

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

请在工作簿中设置命名范围,并将其命名为“SpecialDays”。我建议您创建一个专用工作表来存放它并使其可以在整个工作簿中访问。下图说明并解释。 Named Range "SpecialDays"

程序的逻辑如下: -

  • 标记为假日的任何一天都不会生产
  • 任何一天标有“半班”的短暂班次
  • 任何标记为“全班”的日子都会有完整的班次
  • 除非日期标记为特殊日期
  • ,否则周末将无法工作
  • 其他所有日子都会有一个完整的转变



' a named range of this name must exist:
' it must have 2 columns, first with a date, 2nd with a number as Nsh
Const SpecialDays As String = "SpecialDays"


现在,正如您已经建议的那样,Enum Nsh需要扩展。这里是。只需将现有的全部替换为new(意味着将声明形成为“End Enum”。

Enum Nsh                ' Shift
    ' 28 Mar 2017
    NshFullShift = 0
    NshStart = 530      ' read as 05:30 (on current day)
    NshEnd = 2430       ' read as 00:30 (on next day)
    NshHalfStart = 700  ' (use 24h format)
    NshHalfEnd = 1400
End Enum



Sub SetCompletion(Ws As Worksheet, R As Long)
    ' 28 Mar 2017

    Dim Qty As Long, ShiftQty As Long
    Dim CommenceTime As Double, UnitTime As Double
    Dim ComplTime As Double

    With Rows(R)
        Qty = .Cells(NwsQty).Value
        UnitTime = .Cells(NwsTime).Value
        CommenceTime = .Cells(NwsStart).Value
        If Qty And (UnitTime > 0) And (CommenceTime > 0) Then
            ComplTime = CommenceTime + (UnitTime * Qty)
            Qty = Qty - QtyTillShiftEnd(CommenceTime, UnitTime)

            If Qty > 0 Then
                Do While Qty > 0
                    ComplTime = Int(ComplTime) + 1
                    ShiftQty = DailyProduction(ComplTime, UnitTime)
                    If Qty > ShiftQty Then
                        Qty = Qty - ShiftQty
                        ComplTime = ComplTime + StartTime(ShiftType(ComplTime)) + (Qty * UnitTime)
                        Exit Do
                    End If
            End If

            .Cells(NwsEnd).Value = ComplTime
        End If
    End With
End Sub


Private Function QtyTillShiftEnd(ByVal CommenceTime As Double, _
                                 ByVal UnitTime As Double) As Double
    ' 28 Mar 2017

    Dim ProdTime As Double
    Dim ShType As Nsh

    ShType = ShiftType(CommenceTime)
    ProdTime = Int(CommenceTime) + EndTime(ShType) - CommenceTime
    QtyTillShiftEnd = Int((ProdTime + 0.0001) / UnitTime)
End Function

Private Function DailyProduction(ShiftDay As Double, _
                                 UnitTime As Double) As Integer
    ' 28 Mar 2017

    Dim ShType As Nsh

    ShType = ShiftType(ShiftDay)
    DailyProduction = Int((EndTime(ShType) - StartTime(ShType) + 0.0001) / UnitTime)
End Function


Private Function NshToDays(ByVal TimeCode As Nsh) As Double
    ' 28 Mar 2017

    Dim H As Double, M As Double

    H = Int(TimeCode / 100)
    M = TimeCode Mod 100
    NshToDays = (1 / 24 * H) + (1 / 24 / 60 * M)
End Function


Function AdjustedStartTime(ByVal CommenceTime As Double) As Double
    ' 28 Mar 2017
    ' return new CommenceTime or 0

    Dim StartDate As Long
    Dim ShType As Nsh

    StartDate = Int(CommenceTime)
    ' if StartDate isn't a workday, then loop for a workday
        ShType = ShiftType(StartDate)
        If ShType <> NshNoShift Then Exit Do
        StartDate = StartDate + 1

    If StartDate < CommenceTime Then
        ' StartDate is a workday:
        If CommenceTime > (StartDate + EndTime(ShType)) Then
            StartDate = StartDate + 1
        End If
    End If

    If StartDate < CommenceTime Then
        CommenceTime = CommenceTime - StartDate
        CommenceTime = Application.Max(CommenceTime, StartTime(ShType))
        CommenceTime = StartTime(ShType)
    End If

    AdjustedStartTime = CommenceTime + StartDate
End Function


您可以在代码表的底部粘贴另外三个新程序(而不是具有偶数程序的程序)。 ShiftType是指特殊日期的函数,并确定每日班次的开始和结束时间(如果有的话)。

Private Function ShiftType(ByVal ShiftDate As Double) As Nsh
    ' 28 Mar 2017

    Dim Fun As Nsh
    Dim Rng As Range, Fnd As Range
    Dim Fmt As String

    ShiftDate = Int(ShiftDate)
    Set Rng = ThisWorkbook.Names(SpecialDays).RefersToRange.Columns(1)

    With Rng
        Fmt = .Cells(1).NumberFormat
        .NumberFormat = "General"
        Set Fnd = .Find(What:=ShiftDate, LookIn:=xlFormulas)
        .NumberFormat = Fmt
    End With

    If Fnd Is Nothing Then
        Fun = Application.Weekday(ShiftDate)
        If (Fun = vbSaturday) Or (Fun = vbSunday) Then
            Fun = NshNoShift
            Fun = NshFullShift
        End If
        Fun = CLng(Val(Fnd.Offset(0, 1).Value))
        Fun = Application.Min(Fun, NshNoShift)
        Fun = Application.Max(Fun, NshFullShift)
    End If
    ShiftType = Fun
End Function


Private Function StartTime(ShType As Nsh) As Double
    ' 28 Mar 2017
    On Error Resume Next
    StartTime = NshToDays(Array(NshStart, NshHalfStart, 0)(ShType))
End Function

Private Function EndTime(ShType As Nsh) As Double
    ' 28 Mar 2017
    On Error Resume Next
    EndTime = NshToDays(Array(NshEnd, NshHalfEnd, 0)(ShType))
End Function
