
时间:2017-03-22 16:44:48

标签: python pandas numpy where computational-geometry



from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle

rec1 = Rectangle((0,0), 100, 100)
rec2 = Rectangle((100,0), 100, 100)
x = np.random.poisson(100, size=200)
y = np.random.poisson(80, size=200)
xy = pd.DataFrame({"x" : x, "y" : y}).values
e1 = np.asarray(rec1.get_extents())
e2 = np.asarray(rec2.get_extents())
r1m1, r1m2 = np.min(e1), np.max(e1)
r2m1, r2m2 = np.min(e2), np.max(e2)
out = np.where(((xy >= r1m1) & (xy <= r1m2)).all(axis=1), 0, 
               np.where(((xy >= r2m1) & (xy <= r2m2)).all(axis=1), 1, np.nan))


rec1 = Rectangle((0,0), 100, 100)
rec2 = Rectangle((0,100), 100, 100)
rec3 = Rectangle((100,100), 100, 100)
x = np.random.poisson(100, size=200)
y = np.random.poisson(100, size=200)
xy = pd.DataFrame({"x" : x, "y" : y}).values
e1 = np.asarray(rec1.get_extents())
e2 = np.asarray(rec2.get_extents())
e3 = np.asarray(rec3.get_extents())
r1m1, r1m2 = np.min(e1), np.max(e1)
r2m1, r2m2 = np.min(e2), np.max(e2)
r3m1, r3m2 = np.min(e3), np.max(e3)
out = np.where(((xy >= r1m1) & (xy <= r1m2)).all(axis=1), 0, 
           np.where(((xy >= r2m1) & (xy <= r2m2)).all(axis=1), 1, 
           np.where(((xy >= r3m1) & (xy <= r3m2)).all(axis=1), 2, np.nan)))


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle

rec1 = Rectangle((0, 0), 100, 100)
rec1.contains_point((1, 1))
# True
rec1.contains_point((101, 101))
# False

答案 1 :(得分:2)

这是一个利用NumPy broadcasting -

# Store extents in a 3D array
e = np.dstack((e1,e2,e3))

# Get a valid mask for the X's and Y's and then the combined one
x_valid_mask = (xy[:,0] >= e[0,0,:,None]) & (xy[:,0] <= e[1,0,:,None])
y_valid_mask = (xy[:,1] >= e[0,1,:,None]) & (xy[:,1] <= e[1,1,:,None])
valid_mask = x_valid_mask & y_valid_mask

# Finally use argmax() to choose the rectangle each pt belongs. We can use
# argmax to choose the first matching one and that works here because
# we are guaranteed to have the recatnagles mutually exclusive
out = np.where(valid_mask.any(0), valid_mask.argmax(0), np.nan)

我们有一个示例运行来验证这里的事情 -


In [315]: rec1 = Rectangle((0,0), 100, 100)
     ...: rec2 = Rectangle((0,100), 100, 100)
     ...: rec3 = Rectangle((100,100), 100, 100)

In [316]: e1 = np.asarray(rec1.get_extents())
     ...: e2 = np.asarray(rec2.get_extents())
     ...: e3 = np.asarray(rec3.get_extents())


In [317]: e3
array([[ 100.,  100.],
       [ 200.,  200.]])


In [319]: x = np.random.poisson(100, size=5)
     ...: y = np.random.poisson(100, size=5)
     ...: xy = pd.DataFrame({"x" : x, "y" : y}).values

4)让我们设置pt[1]使其内部rec3。因此,此pt的o / p应为2

In [320]: xy[1] = [150,175]

5)让我们设置pt[3],使其在所有矩形之外。因此,相应的o / p应为NaN

In [321]: xy[3] = [400,400]


In [323]: out
Out[323]: array([ nan,   2.,   2.,  nan,   2.])

如图所示out[1] 2out[3]NaN,这是之前预料到的。

答案 2 :(得分:1)


where(cond1, 0, where(cond2, 1, where(cond3, 2, ..)))

您会从其他问题中看到where最常用于生成索引,即I,J=np.where(cond)版本而不是np.where(cond, 0, x)版本。


res = xy.copy()   # or np.zeros_like(xy)
for i in range(n):
    ij = np.where(cond[i]
    res[ij] = i