为什么我不能使用||和&& data.table行选择中的运算符?

时间:2017-03-21 13:56:13

标签: r data.table

R中的[]包只允许我使用&&运算符选择一次使用一个简单逻辑测试的行。即使逻辑上等效的||语句按预期工作,我也无法使用ifelseifelse运算符。这种限制有什么好的理由吗?它有简单,更冗长的解决方法,如&&(以及模拟R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31) -- "Sincere Pumpkin Patch" Copyright (C) 2016 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-unknown-cygwin (64-bit) # --- Rest of startup message snipped. --- > library(data.table) data.table 1.10.4 # --- Rest of startup message snipped. --- > dt <- data.table(a=1:6, b=11:16) # Make a sample data table. > dt # Print the data table, for easy reference. a b 1: 1 11 2: 2 12 3: 3 13 4: 4 14 5: 5 15 6: 6 16 > dt[a >= 3] # A single logical test works fine. a b 1: 3 13 2: 4 14 3: 5 15 4: 6 16 > dt[((a >= 3) && (b <= 15))] # Conjunction with && returns zero rows. Empty data.table (0 rows) of 2 cols: a,b > dt[ifelse(a >= 3, b <= 15, FALSE)] # The equivalent ifelse call works. a b 1: 3 13 2: 4 14 3: 5 15 > dt[((a <= 2) || (b >= 15))] # Disjunction with || returns every row. a b 1: 1 11 2: 2 12 3: 3 13 4: 4 14 5: 5 15 6: 6 16 > dt[ifelse(a <= 2, TRUE, b >= 15)] # The equivalent ifelse call works. a b 1: 1 11 2: 2 12 3: 5 15 4: 6 16 的方法链接),但它仍然令人恼火。



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