
时间:2017-03-17 17:19:50

标签: sql sql-server-2008 tsql common-table-expression recursive-query


RUN /etc/init.d/postgresql start &&\
    psql --command "CREATE USER matt WITH PASSWORD 'test123';" &&\
    createdb test_db &&\
    psql --command "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE test_db TO matt;"


 DisbursementID ServiceProviderID Original CircuitID   Beginning_Service_Date Ending_Service_Date Amount
 -------------- ----------------- -------- ----------- ---------------------- ------------------- -----------
 53562          673               0        1814        2015-12-01             2015-12-31          531
 53563          673               0        1814        2015-11-01             2015-11-30          531


 DisbursementID ServiceProviderID Original CircuitID   Date Range  Amount
 -------------- ----------------- -------- ----------- ---------- -------
 53562          673               0        1814        2015-12-01 531
 53562          673               0        1814        2015-12-02 531
 53562          673               0        1814        2015-12-03 531
 53562          673               0        1814        2015-12-04 531
 53562          673               0        1814        2015-12-05 531
 53563          673               0        1814        2015-11-01 531
 53563          673               0        1814        2015-11-02 531
 53563          673               0        1814        2015-11-03 531
 53563          673               0        1814        2015-11-04 531
 53563          673               0        1814        2015-11-05 531


 DisbursementID ServiceProviderID Original CircuitID   Date Range  Amount
 -------------- ----------------- -------- ----------- ---------- -------
 53562          673               0        1814        2015-12-01 531
 53563          673               0        1814        2015-11-01 531
 53563          673               0        1814        2015-11-02 531
 53563          673               0        1814        2015-11-03 531
 53563          673               0        1814        2015-11-04 531
 53563          673               0        1814        2015-11-05 531

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

如果您没有或不能使用Tally / Calendar Table,另一种方法是使用ad-hoc计数表。

Declare @YourTable table (DisbursementID int, ServiceProviderID int, Original int, CircuitID int, Beginning_Service_Date date, Ending_Service_Date date, Amount int)
Insert Into @YourTable values
 ( 53562,673,0,1814,'2015-12-01','2015-12-31',531)
,( 53563,673,0,1814,'2015-11-01','2015-11-30',531)

;with cte1 as (
                 Select MinDate=min(Beginning_Service_Date)
                 From @YourTable )
     ,cte2 as (
                 Select Top (DateDiff(DD,(select MinDate from cte1),(select MaxDate from cte1))+1) 
                        D = DateAdd(DD,-1+Row_Number() Over (Order By (Select null)),(select MinDate from cte1)) 
                  From  master..spt_values A -- ,master..spt_values B  -- If you need more than 6 years
Select A.DisbursementID 
      ,[Date Range] = B.D
 From  @YourTable A
 Join cte2 B on B.D between A.Beginning_Service_Date and A.Ending_Service_Date

答案 1 :(得分:1)

使用递归cte是生成一系列日期的最糟糕方法之一。 John Cappelletti 的答案是much better,用于按需生成日期范围而不是使用递归cte。



/* dates table */ 
declare @fromdate date = '20000101';
declare @years    int  = 30;
/* 30 years, 19 used data pages ~152kb in memory, ~264kb on disk */
;with n as (select n from (values(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) t(n))
select top (datediff(day, @fromdate,dateadd(year,@years,@fromdate)))
    [Date]=convert(date,dateadd(day,row_number() over(order by (select 1))-1,@fromdate))
into dbo.Dates
from n as deka cross join n as hecto cross join n as kilo 
               cross join n as tenK cross join n as hundredK
order by [Date];
create unique clustered index ix_dbo_Dates_date 
  on dbo.Dates([Date]);


  , t.ServiceProviderID
  , t.Original
  , t.CircuitID
  , d.[date]
  , t.Amount
from t
  inner join dates d
    --on d.date >= t.Beginning_Service_Date
   --and d.date <= t.Ending_Service_Date
  /* if you want to have the date range work when 
      Beginning_Service_Date and Ending_Service_Date are backwards
      you could use between */
    on d.date between t.Beginning_Service_Date
                  and t.Ending_Service_Date

