
时间:2016-07-14 16:12:13

标签: r


ID     LINE_ID     Fromdate     Todate     UniqueID
1      1           1/1/2015     2/3/2015   11
1      2           3/7/2015     3/9/2015   12
2      1           2/2/2015     2/8/2015   21
3      1           1/3/2013     1/8/2013   31


ID    LINE_ID     Date     UniqueID
1     1           1/1/2015 11
1     2           1/3/2015 12
1     3           2/2/2015 13
1     4           2/8/2015 14
1     5           3/8/2015 15
2     1           2/2/2015 21
2     2           2/3/2015 22
2     3           2/7/2015 23
2     4           2/8/2015 24
3     1           1/3/2013 31
3     2           1/7/2013 32
3     3           1/8/2013 33
3     4           1/9/2013 34


ID    LINE_ID     Date     UniqueID     UniqueID.A
1     1           1/1/2015 11           11
1     2           1/3/2015 12           11
1     3           2/2/2015 13           11
1     4           2/8/2015 14           NA
1     5           3/8/2015 15           12
2     1           2/2/2015 21           21
2     2           2/3/2015 22           21
2     3           2/7/2015 23           21
2     4           2/8/2015 24           21
3     1           1/3/2013 31           31
3     2           1/7/2013 32           31
3     3           1/8/2013 33           31
3     4           1/9/2013 34           NA

有人可以看到,添加到datB的新列是UniqueID datA datB func didBeginContact(contact: SKPhysicsContact) { let firstBody: SKPhysicsBody let secondBody: SKPhysicsBody if contact.bodyA.categoryBitMask < contact.bodyB.categoryBitMask { firstBody = contact.bodyA secondBody = contact.bodyB } else { firstBody = contact.bodyB secondBody = contact.bodyA } if (firstBody.categoryBitMask == PhysicsCategory.Goblin) && (secondBody.categoryBitMask == PhysicsCategory.Bullet) { collisionWithBullet(firstBody.node as? SKSpriteNode, bullet: secondBody.node as? SKSpriteNode) } if (firstBody.categoryBitMask == PhysicsCategory.Goblin) && (secondBody.categoryBitMask == PhysicsCategory.player) { collisionWithPlayer(firstBody.node as? SKSpriteNode, player: secondBody.node as? SKSpriteNode) } } func collisionWithBullet(goblin: SKSpriteNode?, bullet:SKSpriteNode?){ guard let goblin = goblin, bullet = bullet else { return } goblin.removeFromParent() bullet.removeFromParent() score += 1 scoreLbl.text = "\(score)" if let explosion = SKEmitterNode(fileNamed: "Goblin Death Animation.sks") { explosion.particlePosition = goblin.position self.addChild(explosion) } if let fire = SKEmitterNode(fileNamed: "Goblin Death Animation 2.sks") { fire.particlePosition = goblin.position self.addChild(fire) } } func collisionWithPlayer(goblin: SKSpriteNode?, player: SKSpriteNode?){ guard let goblin = goblin, player = player else { return } let scoreDefault = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults() scoreDefault.setValue(score, forKey: "Score") // synchronised not needed anymore if (score > highscore){ let highscoreDefault = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults() highscoreDefault.setValue(score, forKey: "Highscore") } goblin.removeFromParent() player.removeFromParent() self.view?.presentScene(EndScene()) scoreLbl.removeFromSuperview() } 的日期范围。{/ p>


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


#Create a start and end columns formatted to dates
setDT(datB)[, ':='(c("start", "end"), as.IDate(Date, format="%m/%d/%Y"))]

#Format columns to dates
setDT(datA)[, ':='(c("Fromdate", "Todate"), 
                   lapply(.SD, as.IDate, format="%m/%d/%Y")),
            .SDcols=c("Fromdate", "Todate")]

#Set keys for matching intervals on
setkey(datA, Fromdate, Todate)
setkey(datB, start, end)

#Match on intervals
foverlaps(datB, datA, type="within")

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我编写了一个函数,可用于基于范围合并熊猫数据框: https://github.com/Chrisebell24/util/blob/master/custom_merge

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def merge_range(left, right, left_val, right_low, right_high):
    left : pandas dataframe
        Left DataFrame that you are joining onto
    right : pandas dataframe
        Right DataFrame that has the ranged values
    left_val : list
        list of columns from left that contains numeric values
    right_low : list
        list of columns that you are matching to left_val
    right_high : list
        list of columns that you are matching to left_val

    Pandas dataframe

    import numpy as np

    df1, df2 = pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame()
    df1['LETTERS'] = ['a', 'b','c','d','e','f', 'g']
    df1['RAND'] = np.random.randint(1,len(df1)*10, len(df1))
    df2['COLOR'] = ['red', 'orange','yellow','green','blue','purple','brown']
    df2['LOW'] = [i*10 for i in range(0, len(df2))]
    df2['HIGH'] = [i*10 for i in range(1, 1+len(df2))]

    merge_range(df1, df2, left_val=['RAND'], right_low=['LOW'], right_high=    ['HIGH'])

    0   a       55      purple  50  60
    1   b       56      purple  50  60
    2   c       21      yellow  20  30
    3   d       50      purple  50  60
    4   e       23      yellow  20  30
    5   f       10      orange  10  20
    6   g       57      purple  50  60
    true_args = True

    for lv, rl, rh in zip(left_val, right_low, right_high):
        a = left[lv].values
        bl = right[rl].values
        bh = right[rh].values

        true_args *= (a[:, None] >= bl) & (a[:, None] < bh)

    i, j = np.where(true_args)

    df = pd.DataFrame(
        np.column_stack([left.values[i], right.values[j]]),

    if len(df.columns) - len(set(df.columns)) > 0:
        print('Duplicate columns')

    return df