我正在学习Angular并遇到一个我无法解决的问题。 我使用ui-router来阻止从登录页面跳转到欢迎页面(包括跳转到相应模块的目录)。代码是:
myApp.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
url: '/login',
templateUrl: 'tpls/login.html'
.state('welcome', {
url: '/welcome',
templateUrl: 'tpls/welcome.html',
var welcomeModule = angular.module("WelcomeModule",[]);
welcomeModule.controller('WelcomeCtrl', function($scope){});
我认为welcomeMoudule应该添加到myApp moudule中:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.router','WelcomeModule']);
[$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module optApp due to:
[$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module WelcomeModule due to:
[$injector:nomod] Module 'WelcomeModule' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument.