#include "IRremote.h"
int receiver = 11; // Signal Pin of IR receiver to Arduino Digital Pin 11
/*-----( Declare objects )-----*/
IRrecv irrecv(receiver); // create instance of 'irrecv'
decode_results results; // create instance of 'decode_results'
void setup() /*----( SETUP: RUNS ONCE )----*/
Serial.println("IR Receiver Button Decode");
irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver
}/*--(end setup )---*/
void loop() /*----( LOOP: RUNS CONSTANTLY )----*/
if (irrecv.decode(&results)) // have we received an IR signal?
irrecv.resume(); // receive the next value
}/* --(end main loop )-- */
/*-----( Function )-----*/
void translateIR() // takes action based on IR code received
// describing Remote IR codes
case 0xFF629D: Serial.println(" FORWARD"); break;
case 0xFF22DD: Serial.println(" LEFT"); break;
case 0xFF02FD: Serial.println(" -OK-"); break;
case 0xFFC23D: Serial.println(" RIGHT"); break;
case 0xFFA857: Serial.println(" REVERSE"); break;
case 0xFF6897: Serial.println(" 1"); break;
case 0xFF9867: Serial.println(" 2"); break;
case 0xFFB04F: Serial.println(" 3"); break;
case 0xFF30CF: Serial.println(" 4"); break;
case 0xFF18E7: Serial.println(" 5"); break;
case 0xFF7A85: Serial.println(" 6"); break;
case 0xFF10EF: Serial.println(" 7"); break;
case 0xFF38C7: Serial.println(" 8"); break;
case 0xFF5AA5: Serial.println(" 9"); break;
case 0xFF42BD: Serial.println(" *"); break;
case 0xFF4AB5: Serial.println(" 0"); break;
case 0xFF52AD: Serial.println(" #"); break;
case 0xFFFFFFFF: Serial.println(" REPEAT");break;
Serial.println(" other button ");
}// End Case
delay(500); // Do not get immediate repeat
这是我的错误消息。 (我想我先修好了。)
Arduino: 1.8.0 (Windows 8.1), Board: "Arduino/Genuino Uno"
C:\(my folers)
arduino\arduino\libraries\RobotIRremote\src\IRremoteTools.cpp:5:16: error: 'TKD2' was not declared in this scope
int RECV_PIN = TKD2; // the pin the IR receiver is connected to
Multiple libraries were found for "IRremote.h"
Used: C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\Games\Zach arduino\arduino\libraries\RobotIRremote
Not used: C:\Users\Mike\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Arduino-IRremote-master
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Uno.
This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.
答案 0 :(得分:0)
错误非常明显: “为'IRremote.h'找到了多个库”