答案 0 :(得分:7)
我喜欢@ xuancong84创建的调色板的想法,并对其代码进行了一些修改,以使其不依赖于alpha通道。我把它放在这里供其他人使用,谢谢@ xuancong84!
import math
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
from matplotlib.cm import hsv
def generate_colormap(number_of_distinct_colors: int = 80):
if number_of_distinct_colors == 0:
number_of_distinct_colors = 80
number_of_shades = 7
number_of_distinct_colors_with_multiply_of_shades = int(math.ceil(number_of_distinct_colors / number_of_shades) * number_of_shades)
# Create an array with uniformly drawn floats taken from <0, 1) partition
linearly_distributed_nums = np.arange(number_of_distinct_colors_with_multiply_of_shades) / number_of_distinct_colors_with_multiply_of_shades
# We are going to reorganise monotonically growing numbers in such way that there will be single array with saw-like pattern
# but each saw tooth is slightly higher than the one before
# First divide linearly_distributed_nums into number_of_shades sub-arrays containing linearly distributed numbers
arr_by_shade_rows = linearly_distributed_nums.reshape(number_of_shades, number_of_distinct_colors_with_multiply_of_shades // number_of_shades)
# Transpose the above matrix (columns become rows) - as a result each row contains saw tooth with values slightly higher than row above
arr_by_shade_columns = arr_by_shade_rows.T
# Keep number of saw teeth for later
number_of_partitions = arr_by_shade_columns.shape[0]
# Flatten the above matrix - join each row into single array
nums_distributed_like_rising_saw = arr_by_shade_columns.reshape(-1)
# HSV colour map is cyclic (https://matplotlib.org/tutorials/colors/colormaps.html#cyclic), we'll use this property
initial_cm = hsv(nums_distributed_like_rising_saw)
lower_partitions_half = number_of_partitions // 2
upper_partitions_half = number_of_partitions - lower_partitions_half
# Modify lower half in such way that colours towards beginning of partition are darker
# First colours are affected more, colours closer to the middle are affected less
lower_half = lower_partitions_half * number_of_shades
for i in range(3):
initial_cm[0:lower_half, i] *= np.arange(0.2, 1, 0.8/lower_half)
# Modify second half in such way that colours towards end of partition are less intense and brighter
# Colours closer to the middle are affected less, colours closer to the end are affected more
for i in range(3):
for j in range(upper_partitions_half):
modifier = np.ones(number_of_shades) - initial_cm[lower_half + j * number_of_shades: lower_half + (j + 1) * number_of_shades, i]
modifier = j * modifier / upper_partitions_half
initial_cm[lower_half + j * number_of_shades: lower_half + (j + 1) * number_of_shades, i] += modifier
return ListedColormap(initial_cm)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
N = 16
M = 7
H = np.arange(N*M).reshape([N,M])
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax = plt.pcolor(H, cmap=generate_colormap(N*M))
答案 1 :(得分:1)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
def generate_colormap(N):
arr = np.arange(N)/N
N_up = int(math.ceil(N/7)*7)
arr = arr.reshape(7,N_up//7).T.reshape(-1)
ret = matplotlib.cm.hsv(arr)
n = ret[:,3].size
a = n//2
b = n-a
for i in range(3):
ret[0:n//2,i] *= np.arange(0.2,1,0.8/a)
ret[n//2:,3] *= np.arange(1,0.1,-0.9/b)
# print(ret)
return ret
N = 16
H = np.arange(N*N).reshape([N,N])
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax = plt.pcolor(H, cmap=ListedColormap(generate_colormap(N*N)))